
Spicy boiled fish, the fish is tender and smooth, and the red peppers are bright and refreshing

author:Rao Da food chapter

When I was a child, I often heard adults say that eating fish can make people smarter, and they can enter key schools after reading; eating fish eyes can make eyesight better and see farther; eating fish mouths can become beautiful, and so on. Since childhood, under the teachings of adults, there is a special love for fish, so what are the benefits of eating fish? Fresh fish contains very rich amino acids, a large number of protein, which are very much needed by the human body; fish meat can improve the body's immunity; fish in the dha is an indispensable nutrient to promote the development of the human brain; fish meat can also prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It can be said that the nutritional effect of fish is very comprehensive, and it is very common on our table.

Spicy boiled fish, the fish is tender and smooth, and the red peppers are bright and refreshing

In the recipe, there are many types of fish: boiled, braised, steamed, yellow stewed, spicy, etc., people's love for fish is sometimes not lower than pork, and spicy boiled fish can be said to be the classic representative of Sichuan cuisine, fish meat is tender and smooth, pepper red and refreshing to drive away the cold.

To make spicy boiled fish this dish, generally will choose less fish bones grass carp, this fish meat is tender, there are few fine spines, used to fillet hot pot is a good choice.

Spicy boiled fish, the fish is tender and smooth, and the red peppers are bright and refreshing

Spicy boiled fish

Ingredients: 2 or 3 pounds of grass carp, ginger, garlic, dried red pepper, peppercorns, green onions, cucumbers, salt, flour, cooking wine, eggs, hot pot base a pack, oil, soy sauce, soy sauce.

1, fresh grass carp washed, remove the stomach of the internal organs do not, fish head and fish main thorn cut off to keep a reserve, the remaining pure fish meat oblique knife cut thin slices.

Spicy boiled fish, the fish is tender and smooth, and the red peppers are bright and refreshing

2: Put the cut fish fillets in a bowl, put in two spoons of cooking wine, egg white, about three spoons of flour, salt, a little oil, a spoonful of light soy sauce, grasp well with your hands, marinate for 10 minutes.

3, prepare the ingredients, cut the dried red pepper into two sections, slice the ginger, cut the cucumber into strips, wash the peppercorns, do not use a pack of hot pot base, prepare a third on it.

Spicy boiled fish, the fish is tender and smooth, and the red peppers are bright and refreshing

4, put oil in the pot to heat, put ginger, dried pepper, peppercorns, garlic into the high heat, put the fish head and the main thorn of the fish prepared together to fry, fry for about four minutes put the appropriate amount of boiled water, put two spoons of raw soy sauce, two spoons of old soy sauce, the hot pot material boiled on high heat, boiled after boiling and then turned to low heat to cook for ten minutes, so that you can better boil out the umami taste of the fish head.

Spicy boiled fish, the fish is tender and smooth, and the red peppers are bright and refreshing

5, first under the cucumber strips, used to base, cook for a few minutes, turn on the high heat until the soup boils and then put in the marinated fish fillets, the fish fillets are thin, in the boiling soup as long as it is blanched, almost a few seconds can be, so that the fish fillets can retain the tender taste.

6, prepare a large bowl for the cooked fish fillet hot pot, burn a little hot oil in the pot, pour the hot oil on the surface of the fish fillet, sprinkle with green onions, so that the authentic spicy boiled fish is done.

Spicy boiled fish, the fish is tender and smooth, and the red peppers are bright and refreshing


1, do not lose the fish head Oh, used to boil the soup is the best choice.

2, the fish fillet should be cut thinly, so that more intake.

3, the time to lay the fillets is not too long, a few seconds in the case of a fire is enough.

I am Rao Da, focusing on sharing different food life, if you like to remember to like more. Follow!

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