
Spicy boiled fish, spicy and fragrant, Sichuan specialties

author:Fat Ping Sister Food Diary

Ingredients: grass carp, ham sausage, rice cold powder, boiled fish seasoning, peppercorns, chili noodles, sweet potato flour, ginger slices, green onions, salt, cooking wine, oil.

Procedure steps:

Step 1: Cut the fish into slices, cut the fish bones into pieces, wash them, and wrap them evenly with sweet potato flour with cooking wine and salt.

Step 2: Remove 5 tablespoons of oil from the pan and sauté the ginger slices and green onion until fragrant.

Step 3: Add boiled fish seasoning and sauté until fragrant.

Step 4: Add water and bring the fish head and fish bones to a boil.

Step 5: Cut the rice cold powder into strips and the ham sausage into pieces.

Step 6: Put the rice cold noodles and ham sausage into the fish bones and cook for 2 minutes to cook the fish bones.

Step 7: Fish out the fish bones and rice noodles and spread them at the bottom of the bowl.

Step 8: Put the fillets in the soup one by one and boil them to get out.

Step 9: Pour the fillets and broth over the fish bones.

Step 10: Add peppercorns and paprika on top of the fillets.

Step 11: Bring another 5 tablespoons of oil to a boil and drizzle over the peppercorns and paprika to stimulate the aroma.

Step 12: Out of the pot, spicy and fragrant.

Spicy boiled fish, spicy and fragrant, Sichuan specialties

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