
How to make nanny-grade chili red oil

author:Don't sell art

The making of chili red oil

1. Chili oil recipe:


1. Two wattle peppers 250g,

2. Bullet pepper 250g

3. Salad oil 2500g

3. 500g of lard

Lilac leaf whitecomb


1.Ginger 35g 2.Green onion 25g 3.Shallot 10g 4.Coriander 25g 5.Onion 10g 6.Garlic 20g 7.Celery 10g 8.Raw white sesame seeds 40g


Star anise, grass fruit, sand kernel, fragrant fruit, cinnamon, lemongrass, row of grass, shannae, gansong, cucumber, old coco, cumin, thyme 2 grams each, fragrant leaf, white cocoon 4 grams each, cloves 1 gram

6 kg of oil plus 4-6 g of comfrey, soaked with spices (comfrey is mainly dyeing, can not be put)

(After the spices are mixed, soak in warm water for half an hour and then fish out for later)

Two. Craftsmanship

1. Prepare the chili noodles: Remove the stalks of the bullet peppers and the two-wattle pepper and cut them into sections with scissors to make it easier for the chili seeds to come out of the peppers before the whole chili peppers can be fried.

2. Add a small amount of salad oil to the pot, the pot can be smeared with a layer on it, put the cut into segments of the pepper segment and the pepper seeds together into the pot, slowly fry with a low heat, the fire should be small, you can open the fire for two or three minutes, wait for the pot to heat up, turn off the heat, wait for the temperature of the pot to go down, and then open the fire, so repeatedly, stir-fry continuously, so as not to have pepper stir-fry paste. When the peppers are stir-fried with a "rustling" sound, the peppers are crispy, and the peppers are cooled and gently crushed by hand.

3. Scoop the chili peppers that have been thoroughly cooled, or crush them by hand, or crush them with a blender, not too fine, the chili seeds are not easy to crush, scoop them separately or use them with the crushed peppers after crushing them with the mixer.

4. Refining vegetable oil: Pour the salad oil into a stainless steel drum, put it on high heat and burn until the oil bubbles are gone, when the temperature is about 260 ° C, the oil is cooked, turn off the heat.

5. When the oil temperature has cooled to about 210 ° C, turn on a low heat, put the auxiliary ingredients ginger (sliced, beaten), green onion (beaten), shallot (uncut), coriander (not cut), onion (sliced), garlic (sliced), celery 20g all poured into the oil and fried until golden brown, then put the soaked spices into the water and fry them thoroughly. Turn off the heat.

6. When the oil temperature has cooled to about 180 ° C, add sesame seeds and fry until fragrant, slightly golden brown.

7. When the oil temperature is cooled to about 170 ° C, slowly pour the oil into the chili noodles (filled with heat-resistant containers), stir continuously to mix the oil and the chili noodles evenly, when the oil just floods the chili noodles, pause the refueling, and wait until the oil temperature will reach 150 ° C. Then add the remaining vegetable oil to the chili peppers at once.

8. When the oil surface is oil-free and soaked up, add a lid, after 24 hours, wait for the chili oil to be completely cooled and can be used (if only red oil is used, use the leak screen filter)

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