
Lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken, lotus leaf fragrant glutinous rice soft, plus chicken flavor is more sufficient, five yuan a customer said cheap [lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken]

author:Yajun animation

Glutinous rice chicken is one of the local specialties of Guangdong and is also a very popular item in morning tea. Glutinous rice chicken is also made of glutinous rice, chicken and shiitake mushrooms for the filling, the finished product is full of lotus leaf fragrance, chewing a little sticky and with the meat aroma of chicken, eat a glutinous rice chicken in the morning can completely fill the stomach, a morning are full of energy. There is a small stall on the street side of our side that specializes in selling glutinous rice chicken, this glutinous rice chicken is full of flavor, the ingredients are all real materials, and the business is very good. After my hard work, the boss agreed to share the method with me, and if my friends want to learn, do it!

Lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken, lotus leaf fragrant glutinous rice soft, plus chicken flavor is more sufficient, five yuan a customer said cheap [lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken]

Ingredients: 3 lotus leaves, 500 grams of glutinous rice, 3 chicken thighs, shrimp, dried shiitake mushrooms, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 small spoon of salt, 1 small spoon of white pepper, 1 small spoon of sugar.

Step 1: First of all, we will prepare all the required ingredients, wash the dried mushrooms under water, and then put them in a bowl of the right size, add the right amount of water to it, and then cover it with plastic wrap for foaming, about 5 hours or so.

Lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken, lotus leaf fragrant glutinous rice soft, plus chicken flavor is more sufficient, five yuan a customer said cheap [lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken]

Step 2: Next, treat the glutinous rice, rinse it under water, and then put it into a suitable size basin and add water to soak for more than six hours. If we want to make glutinous rice chicken the next day, we can process the mushrooms and glutinous rice on the first day, and it is also possible to soak them directly overnight.

Lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken, lotus leaf fragrant glutinous rice soft, plus chicken flavor is more sufficient, five yuan a customer said cheap [lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken]

Step 3: After soaking the glutinous rice the next day, we pour out the soaked water, then put the glutinous rice into the rice cooker, add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, soy sauce and a little soy sauce to it, and finally pour a little water soaked in shiitake mushrooms, stir it well, and then according to the usual procedure of steaming rice, put the glutinous rice in the rice cooker and steam.

Lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken, lotus leaf fragrant glutinous rice soft, plus chicken flavor is more sufficient, five yuan a customer said cheap [lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken]

Step 4: Next, take out the prepared dried lotus leaves, put them in water and wash them thoroughly, then boil the water, then put the lotus leaves into the water and cook for about two minutes. After two minutes, the lotus leaves are taken out, and after two minutes of cooking, the lotus leaves are very tough and will not rot when wrapped.

Step 5: In the fifth step, we process the chicken, first put the prepared chicken thighs under water to wash them, then put them on the board, use a knife to remove the bones inside the chicken legs, cut them into appropriate size pieces. Then put the cut chicken in a bowl, add the right amount of cooking wine, soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and green onion and ginger, add it well, put on disposable gloves to grasp it well, and then marinate for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, add the appropriate amount of starch to it, grasp it well and set aside.

Lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken, lotus leaf fragrant glutinous rice soft, plus chicken flavor is more sufficient, five yuan a customer said cheap [lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken]

Step 6: Next take out the pot, heat the pot, and then pour oil into it, take advantage of the hot pan cold oil to add the appropriate amount of onion, ginger and garlic to fry, and then put in the marinated chicken, quickly stir-fry with a spoon. After the surface of the chicken changes color slightly, add the appropriate amount of cooking wine, soy sauce, white pepper and sugar and stir-fry evenly, after stir-frying, put the previously soaked shiitake mushrooms into it, and then add a little water soaked in shiitake mushrooms, stir-fry a little and then add shrimp. Finally, add the right amount of salt and soy sauce to taste the seasoning, stir-fry evenly, and then turn off the heat.

Lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken, lotus leaf fragrant glutinous rice soft, plus chicken flavor is more sufficient, five yuan a customer said cheap [lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken]

Step 7: Take out the lotus leaves that have been cooked before, lay them flat on the board, and then spread a layer of steamed glutinous rice on the surface, and then put the fried chicken on top. If you have friends who like to eat salted duck eggs, you can also put another layer of salted duck egg yolk on top of the chicken, and finally put a layer of glutinous rice on top.

Lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken, lotus leaf fragrant glutinous rice soft, plus chicken flavor is more sufficient, five yuan a customer said cheap [lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken]

Step 8: Once the ingredients are added, we wrap the lotus leaves to make sure they don't show up. Once the glutinous rice chicken is wrapped, put it in a steamer basket and steam it on the steamer for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the glutinous rice chicken is also good, directly uncover the lotus leaves can smell a clear fragrance of lotus leaves, eat very soft and sticky, the taste is particularly good.

Lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken, lotus leaf fragrant glutinous rice soft, plus chicken flavor is more sufficient, five yuan a customer said cheap [lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken]

Tips: If you set up a stall outside, we can do all the glutinous rice chicken in advance, and we can sell it while steaming in the stall place, so that the taste that customers eat is the freshest, the taste is the best, the business will certainly not be bad, and there will be a clear smell of lotus leaves around when steaming, which will also attract customers to a certain extent.

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