
How to make delicious potato roast pork ribs? The ribs are fresh and soft and sticky

author:Cai Xiaokui is a foodie

If one doesn't want to eat takeout at home and is too troubled to make a dish, my choice is this one that goes from snacks to big potato roast ribs. Vegetarian for so long, it is better to come to a meat and vegetarian dish, this time the potatoes and ribs are just right, the ribs are very flavorful, not chai, easy to debones. I didn't like to eat ribs, and I actually pulled and ate the whole plate of ribs. Potatoes are also not soft or hard, and there is a small potato pot, which is deep in my heart. Follow the Chinese restaurant cooking series of potato roast pork ribs and unlock the new method of pork ribs. Kitchen teenager Wang Junkai is online again, he made potato roast ribs are really delicious to explode, eat tired of sweet and sour ribs, braised ribs children, you can try this potato roast ribs Oh!

How to make delicious potato roast pork ribs? The ribs are fresh and soft and sticky

Ingredients: ribs, potatoes.

Ingredients: carrot, ginger, garlic, star anise, peppercorns, soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, bean paste.


1. Cut the ribs into 1 piece in advance, peel the carrots and cut them into small pieces, the potatoes into small pieces, slice the ginger, and pat the garlic flat with a kitchen knife.

How to make delicious potato roast pork ribs? The ribs are fresh and soft and sticky

2. Wash the cut ribs in water and pour them into boiling water, add ginger slices and cooking wine and cook for 2 minutes, cooking wine and ginger can remove the fishy smell of ribs, and you can also remove the blood foam.

How to make delicious potato roast pork ribs? The ribs are fresh and soft and sticky
How to make delicious potato roast pork ribs? The ribs are fresh and soft and sticky

3. Pour some cooking oil into the wok, add ginger and garlic to stir-fry, stir-fry garlic until golden brown, add a tablespoon of watercress sauce and stir-fry until fragrant.

How to make delicious potato roast pork ribs? The ribs are fresh and soft and sticky

4. Then add the dried pork ribs and stir-fry, stir-fry over medium heat until the surface color of the ribs changes, then add potatoes and carrots and stir-fry. Add 2 tablespoons light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce, cover with water and bring to a boil.

How to make delicious potato roast pork ribs? The ribs are fresh and soft and sticky
How to make delicious potato roast pork ribs? The ribs are fresh and soft and sticky
How to make delicious potato roast pork ribs? The ribs are fresh and soft and sticky

5. Pour all the ingredients and soup in the wok into the pot, add 2 star anise and a few peppercorns. The water in the pot is slightly deeper than the ingredients. Cover the pot and simmer over low heat for 40-60 minutes. The ribs, potatoes and carrots are all roasted soft and flavorful.

How to make delicious potato roast pork ribs? The ribs are fresh and soft and sticky

6. Bring the heat on high heat when you are about to come out of the pan, add a tablespoon of dark soy sauce to color, and finally put it on a plate and sprinkle the green onions.

How to make delicious potato roast pork ribs? The ribs are fresh and soft and sticky

Note: Because I have already added a lot of soy sauce in the front, there is no need to add salt in the process, otherwise it will be salty.

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