
The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake

author:Mu Cheng's free life

Text/Mu Cheng

The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake

Stills from "That Year the Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Was Round"

The cake in "That Year the Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Was Round" is a dessert and is the favorite of the heroine zhou Ying in the play. (The original pronunciation is "zeng", but "jing" is pronounced on TV)

The way to make koshiki cakes is actually very simple, and the raw materials are easy to buy and can be done at home. The main raw materials are: glutinous rice, red beans, dates, and the amount of several raw materials can be adjusted according to their own taste.

Step 1: Soak the glutinous rice and red beans in cold water overnight (at least 12 hours). In order to have a softer texture, especially the red beans should be soaked for enough time, otherwise it will be harder.

The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake

(Because there is a little other color of rice at home, which is used to cook grain porridge, I soaked it together, so the picture above is not all glutinous rice.) )

The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake

Step 2: In a container with a little depth, first lay a layer of glutinous rice, then a layer of dates, then a layer of glutinous rice, then a layer of red beans, another layer of glutinous rice, and finally put the remaining dates and red beans on the top.

The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake
The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake
The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake
The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake
The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake
The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake

Step 3: Inject a small amount of water, do not need to spread the top layer, then seal the plastic wrap, put it into the rice cooker, put a little more water in the rice cooker, and then enter the cooking porridge mode (the pressure rice cooker is better). It is said that folk cakes are steamed overnight, and if you make them yourself, you should cook them three times.

The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake

(There is no plastic wrap at home, so it is directly placed in the rice cooker.) )

The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake
The preparation of Shaanxi gourmet koshiki cake

This food is said to be sweet, but it can be seen that there is no sweetener such as sucrose, rock sugar, condensed milk, etc., and it is completely dependent on the sweetness of the ingredients themselves, of which the sweetness of glutinous rice and red beans is relatively light, so the main sweetness comes from dates.

If you want to eat a little sweeter, you can add a certain amount of raisins to it, sprinkle a layer of powdered sugar or drizzle with a little condensed milk after leaving the pan.

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