
The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

author:Mordor's kitchen

Koshiki cake is a traditional snack unique to Shaanxi region, steamed with glutinous rice, red dates, red beans and other ingredients, the taste is sweet and sticky, the jujube aroma is strong, it is very delicious. A few days ago, I took my eldest daughter Duoduo to go to The Niu Street in Beijing, bought a piece of koshiki cake, Duoduo especially loves to eat, one is not addictive, and then lined up to buy a copy to take home and eat slowly. My daughter and I prefer to eat this kind of sweet and sticky food, and this cake is the right taste.

When I got home, I asked: Mom, will you do this? If you make it for me to eat, you don't have to go so far to buy it. I think it is also, look at this cake is not very complicated, the raw material is glutinous rice, red dates, then I will try it!

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

According to the information I found on the Internet, koshiki has a long history and is very popular in the Shaanxi region. Although the raw materials are simple, but the steaming time is also relatively long, generally to steam for three or four hours, during the period in order to prevent drying, but also to add water in the middle, many people commented that steaming this koshiki cake is really expensive!

At the same time, I learned about "甑", pronounced "zèng", which is an ancient steaming utensil with a small hole in the bottom. It is said that koshiki was produced in the late primitive society, and in the Neolithic age there was pottery, the Shang and Zhou dynasties developed into bronze, and later iron was produced, and then it became iron koshiki, and the sticky cake steamed with it had a unique flavor, that is, the koshiki cake we see now.

The picture below is the koshiki cake I bought in Cow Street, with more raisins on the surface.

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

Coincidentally, my family's Zhenmi desaccharide health steam rice cooker has an accessory, called "filter sugar dumplings", is a metal vessel, with a small hole in the bottom, is used to make desweeched rice, I think of using it to make sweet and sticky koshiki cake, it should be very suitable, not only save time, but also filter out part of the rice soup, remove part of the sugar, and will not lose the taste.

The more steamed the cake, the more flavorful it is, do more at a time, you can wrap it up after eating it, freeze it, and then re-steam it before eating it, and it will be more flavorful, so steaming more is not afraid.

Since I thought of it, I made it, so I steamed a pot of fragrant and sticky koshiki, very delicious, oh, come and see how Mommy makes it!

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

【Raw materials】: 400g of long glutinous rice, half a bowl of flower kidney beans, half a bowl of raisins, an appropriate amount of pitted red core, water;

【Recipe making process】:

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients, glutinous rice with long grains or round grains, soaked for about 2 hours in advance; flower kidney beans can be replaced by red kidney beans, you need to soak for more than 4 hours in advance, soaked glutinous rice and kidney beans are better steamed. Red dates must go to the dates, I use scissors to fry, half a larger single put, used to put on the surface, better looking, cut into small pieces in another bowl, used to put in the middle layer. Raisins can be soaked or not, and can be used after cleaning;

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

Step 2: Take out the filter and lay a layer of glutinous rice at the bottom, which is half of the total amount;

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

Step 3: Spread the small red dates, sprinkle with flower kidney beans and raisins, and press firmly by hand;

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

Step 4: Spread the remaining glutinous rice on it, and spread it evenly;

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

Step 5: Then put the red dates reserved before on it, sprinkle raisins in the gaps, the ingredients can not be placed too full, there should be room, because you still have to put water to cook, glutinous rice will expand after cooking;

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

Step 6: Put the filter into the inner tank of the rice cooker and inject water, because there are small holes in the bottom of the filter, and part of the injected water will penetrate into the inner tank, don't care about it, the water continues to be added, until it is filled;

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

Step 7: Zhenmi desaccharide steam rice cooker cover the lid, turn on the power, start the reservation function of "mixed grain rice", because I made it at night and wanted to eat the next morning, so I used the reservation function and set a 6-hour reservation, so that after steaming, there can be two or three hours of heat preservation process, this process will also make the cake more flavorful and sticky;

If you do not use the reservation function, you can directly start the "multigrain rice" for production, do not open it after the production is completed, the keep-up mode lasts for more than 2 hours, or steam it for another 30 minutes with "nutrient steaming".

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

Step 8: After getting up in the morning, turn on the rice cooker, the aroma is fragrant, the smell is very good, I am drooling, and the delicious koshiki cake is made. Although the time is long, but I do not need to stay in the kitchen to add water, the rice cooker will help me to do it, is not it convenient?

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

In addition, in the water box of the rice cooker, there are many filtered rice soups, and the red color is because of the red dates, indicating that some of the rice soup has been filtered out during the cooking process.

What do you think of such a cake? After my two children tasted it, they all praised their mother for doing a good job, and Duoduo also said that the cake made by her mother was not as sweet as she bought, and the glutinous rice cake was more sticky and more delicious. Such a small pot, looking at the amount is not large, but because it is made of glutinous rice, do not dare to let the children eat more, one person put a small portion, the rest of the cooling with plastic wrap wrapped up in the refrigerator frozen, before eating re-steaming and heating can be.

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

Soon it is almost the New Year, many places also have the habit of steaming glutinous rice red date cake, in fact, it is similar to this cake, this year's Spring Festival I am ready to use this method to steam a pot again, sweet and sweet for the New Year.

▲ Glutinous rice is river rice, long grains or round grains can be made, remember, it is best to soak for 2 hours before steaming, after soaking the rice is steamed easier to cook, and more sticky and delicious;

▲ Kidney beans are best used with red kidney beans, the color is better, there is really no, you can use flower kidney beans instead, you can also use beans; if you use beans, you must soak thoroughly;

▲ Red dates must be pitted, if the dates are too dry, you can soak in advance, and then use a knife to cut or cut. The red dates in the middle of the sandwich can be crushed dates, or they can be steamed by beating the red dates into date paste with a blender;

▲ I use a rice cooker with zhen rice desaccharide, the filter of the cake is an accessory of the rice cooker, the principle of the rice cooker is to cook first and then steam, and then after a long period of heat preservation, so the taste is very good. It can also filter out some of the rice soup and take away some starch and sugar from the ingredients.

▲ If you change to an ordinary steamer to make, you can replace the filter pot with a container without holes, a layer of rice and a layer of red dates (beans, grapes), and then a layer of rice and a layer of dates to put away, add enough water to the container, boil on high heat in a steamer, steam for 2 hours on medium heat, and then steam for 2 hours on low heat. During this period, add water to the bottom of the steamer to prevent it from drying out.

The home-cooked method of koshiki cake, fragrant and sticky, steamed a pot during the New Year, sweet Spring Festival [koshi cake] [more mother has something to say]:

Koshiki cake is delicious and not difficult to do, just steamed, whether it is a rice cooker, a pressure cooker, a steamer there are ways to make koshiki cake, if you also like to eat this sweet glutinous snack, you may wish to try it yourself, it is really good. If your hometown has the custom of making glutinous rice cakes during the New Year, you can take advantage of the Spring Festival to steam a pot for your family and celebrate the New Year sweetly, you say?

Thank you for reading, I am a multi-mom, like to share their original recipes and food search experience, at home can use simple, common ingredients to make healthy, nutritious home-cooked delicacies, so that the kitchen has a more homely taste; go out to find food shops on the streets, taste a variety of different local delicacies, so that ordinary life is full of more fun.

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