
In May, it is better to eat cucumbers and tomatoes, stewed with potatoes, nutritious and delicious, and crying old man

author:Rice Xiaoqi

With the arrival of May, summer is also quietly coming, and in the alternating season of spring and summer, the warm climate makes the market more and more varied. However, during this season, there are many vegetables that are out of season, which not only greatly reduces nutrition, but also does not conform to the natural climate and bring benefits to the body.

In May, it is better to eat cucumbers and tomatoes, stewed with potatoes, nutritious and delicious, and crying old man

In the summer, eggplants in the southern region begin to ripen and go on the market, and my family eats them once a week as a seasonal vegetable in early summer. Eating cucumber and tomato is not as good as eating eggplant, eggplant is a cool vegetable, which can play a role in clearing heat and relieving heat. In addition, eggplant is rich in vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin P, which have anti-aging, blood pressure, blood lipid and other effects.

In May, it is better to eat cucumbers and tomatoes, stewed with potatoes, nutritious and delicious, and crying old man

Eggplant is one of my family's favorite vegetables, and there are many ways to make it, such as braised rice, flavor, cold salad, and ground three fresh, etc., each of which is very good for rice. In addition to these practices, eggplant stewed with potatoes is a classic home-cooked dish in the Northeast. There is such a saying in the Northeast: "Potatoes stewed eggplant, crying old man", this dish looks inconspicuous, but it is a very home-cooked dish.

In May, it is better to eat cucumbers and tomatoes, stewed with potatoes, nutritious and delicious, and crying old man

Here's how to make eggplant stewed with potatoes:

Ingredients: 2 eggplants, 1 potato, 1 green pepper, garlic, shallots, coriander.

Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, chili oil, oyster sauce, pepper.

In May, it is better to eat cucumbers and tomatoes, stewed with potatoes, nutritious and delicious, and crying old man

1. Wash the eggplant, then tear it into small pieces by hand, peel the potatoes, and then cut them into thin slices. Put the eggplant and potatoes in the steaming drawer, boil water in a pot, steam for about 10 minutes, and simmer the potatoes and eggplant until they are cooked.

In May, it is better to eat cucumbers and tomatoes, stewed with potatoes, nutritious and delicious, and crying old man

2. Prepare some minced green onions and garlic. Heat the oil, when the oil temperature is three or four hot, add the minced garlic and green onions, turn to low heat and stir-fry the aroma of green onions and garlic.

In May, it is better to eat cucumbers and tomatoes, stewed with potatoes, nutritious and delicious, and crying old man

3. Put the steamed eggplant and potatoes into the pot, keep the heat low, stir-fry for a while with a spatula, mash the eggplant and potatoes, and mix thoroughly.

In May, it is better to eat cucumbers and tomatoes, stewed with potatoes, nutritious and delicious, and crying old man

4. Mix a bowl of sauce: 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, a little dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of pepper and salt, and then add an appropriate amount of water and stir well. Then pour into the pan.

In May, it is better to eat cucumbers and tomatoes, stewed with potatoes, nutritious and delicious, and crying old man

5. Turn on high heat, stir-fry evenly, let the sauce and ingredients fully blend, add some minced green onions, garlic and green peppers, continue to stir-fry for about 1 minute, and you can get out of the pot.

In May, it is better to eat cucumbers and tomatoes, stewed with potatoes, nutritious and delicious, and crying old man

The dish of potato stew and eggplant looks rotten and mushy, but the bibimbap is really fragrant, it is this mushy mouth, sticky feeling.


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