
Pearl balls that are essential for the New Year's Festival are easy to learn, fresh and soft, delicious and delicious

Pearl balls are one of Wuhan's famous specialties, and this dish is a must on every household's table during the New Year's Festival, which means reunion. Usually, I don't often eat this dish in a foreign country, and most of the time I have to wait until the Spring Festival to return to my hometown to have the opportunity to eat it. Occasionally want to do something at home to relieve the hunger, children and children's fathers have no interest in pearl balls, no matter how good things no one shares together will feel bad, so they can only do their tastes, after the Spring Festival home, there are many people in the family, their father and son do not eat, there are other likes to eat, so there is motivation and interest in doing.

Pearl balls that are essential for the New Year's Festival are easy to learn, fresh and soft, delicious and delicious

The ingredients needed to make pearl balls are as follows:

1/2 kg of pork, 1 bowl of glutinous rice, 1 egg white, 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1/2 tbsp light soy sauce, 5 garlic, 1 tbsp cooking oil, 4g salt.

After washing the glutinous rice with water, soak it in cold water for more than 3 hours in advance (the soaked glutinous rice is crushed with a pinch of the fingers), and then put it in the strainer to drain the water

Pearl balls that are essential for the New Year's Festival are easy to learn, fresh and soft, delicious and delicious

The pork is first rinsed with water, then chopped into a more delicate meat filling, and the garlic is also put in and chopped during the process of chopping; 

Pearl balls that are essential for the New Year's Festival are easy to learn, fresh and soft, delicious and delicious

Put the minced meat filling into a large bowl, add cooking wine and stir well, then add egg white and stir in one direction until it is sizing, and finally add soy sauce, salt and a little oil to stir to taste evenly;

Pearl balls that are essential for the New Year's Festival are easy to learn, fresh and soft, delicious and delicious

After the meat filling is mixed, use a spoon to dig it into the shape of small balls and put it into the drained glutinous rice;

Pearl balls that are essential for the New Year's Festival are easy to learn, fresh and soft, delicious and delicious

Roll the surface of the balls on a layer of glutinous rice, and swing it back and forth in the palm of your hand to roll the circle;

Pearl balls that are essential for the New Year's Festival are easy to learn, fresh and soft, delicious and delicious

After the balls are ready, they are placed on the steamer compartment, and before the balls are placed, a wet steaming cloth is placed on the steamer;

Pearl balls that are essential for the New Year's Festival are easy to learn, fresh and soft, delicious and delicious

After waiting for all the balls to be done, the gas stove is on fire, put the appropriate amount of water into the steamer, wait for the water to boil, put the steamer compartment, steam on high heat for about 15 minutes and turn off the pot;

Pearl balls that are essential for the New Year's Festival are easy to learn, fresh and soft, delicious and delicious


1, the glutinous rice made of pearl balls must be soaked, and the pearl balls steamed out after soaking look crystal clear, and the taste is soft and sticky;

2, steaming balls need to be steamed on water, using high heat;

Pearl balls that are essential for the New Year's Festival are easy to learn, fresh and soft, delicious and delicious

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