
Anti-Japanese hero Zhao Shangzhi, who was only 34 years old at the time of his death, found his skull in a temple 62 years later

author:Love flower ninja

One day in May 2004, when the workers were repairing the walls of the Changchun Banruo Monastery, they went down with a shovel and came across something from a hard state. The workers felt strange, and together they stepped forward, cut out the hard block of soil, took a closer look, and immediately screamed in fright.

Master Shi Guoci heard the shouting outside and hurried out, only to see the workers trembling and pointing to a block of soil under the wall. When Master Shi Guoci looked closer, it was a skull.

Anti-Japanese hero Zhao Shangzhi, who was only 34 years old at the time of his death, found his skull in a temple 62 years later

Master Of The Fruit Officia

The discovery of a skull in the pure land of Buddhism has aroused great concern in society. Jiang Baocai, a military writer who took materials nearby, asked Master Shi Guoci about this matter in detail.

A few days later, an elderly lady found Master Shi Guoci, who was a dusty servant, but she was in good spirits and her eyes were sharp. The person who came was Li Min, a veteran of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance, but what she said afterwards was unbelievable: the skull belonged to Zhao Shangzhi, a famous general of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance.

That skull was so small that it was like a woman, how could it be General Zhao Shangzhi who made Ri Kou feel frightened? What's going on?

In the northeast, there is no one who does not know Zhao Shangzhi and Yang Jingyu. They are famous generals of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance, and there is a saying of "Southern Yang and Northern Zhao". General Zhao Shangzhi used flexible guerrilla tactics to fight the Japanese to the death, making the Japanese invaders in the northeast pay a huge price and contributing to the Northeast War of Resistance.

At the same time, he also became a thorn in the eye of the Japanese puppet army and a thorn in the flesh. Rikou assassinated him several times, but was cleverly evaded by General Zhao. The embarrassed Japanese army also issued a reward: one coin for one bone and one gold, and one or two pieces of meat for one or two silver.

Anti-Japanese hero Zhao Shangzhi, who was only 34 years old at the time of his death, found his skull in a temple 62 years later

Portrait of Zhao Shangzhi

In 1941, Zhao Shangzhi returned to the northeast from the Soviet Union, and he led a five-man elite squad on a special mission in the northern Manchuria region. This squad carried out anti-Japanese guerrillas in the area of Yubara and Luobei, recruiting troops and horses while entering the deep mountains and dense forests to hide their tracks.

Even with such care, traces of the squad were discovered by Japanese agents. A large number of Japanese and pseudo-police officers began a long-term mountain search activity, coupled with the cold weather and the harsh environment in the deep mountains and dense forests, the situation of Zhao Shangzhi's squad was very difficult.

But Zhao Shangzhi has always encouraged his comrades-in-arms to sing to them the "Military Song" composed by himself. In the melody of "the ice and snow are heroic, the frost night is miserable and the rain is brave", the patriotic enthusiasm of the soldiers is aroused, they endure the harsh living environment, and with tenacious perseverance, they struggle against the Japanese puppet army.

Anti-Japanese hero Zhao Shangzhi, who was only 34 years old at the time of his death, found his skull in a temple 62 years later

Northeast Anti-Coalition fighters

He has not been able to catch Zhao Shangzhi, which makes Ri Fei very annoyed. Zhao Shangzhi and his squad were like slippery loaches, visible and touchable, and when they really wanted to catch them, they slipped away from their fingertips. The head of the pseudo-Xingshan Police Department, Hisajiro Takai, looked at the secret agent's report, his face was not yin or yang, and suddenly, a vicious plan came to his mind.

In February 1942, Zhao Shangzhi saw a man dressed as a hunter in the "Zi room" of the mountain station, and immediately became alert, and the guns were raised. The man was busy telling him, "Don't shoot! I'm a hunter. ”

The comrades-in-arms heard the sound and rushed out to check it out. Pulling the man closer to inquire, Jiang Lixin, the former commander of the Third Army of the Anti-Japanese League, said with a "oops" and said, "Isn't this Liu Cannon?" ”

It turned out that the man was Jiang Lixin's brother-in-law, named Liu Deshan. It is an old hunter, because the marksmanship is very accurate, known as "Liu Cannon". Liu Deshan said that he worked at the Wutong River Gold Mining Bureau, because he lost two horses, so he went up the mountain to look for it. By the way, hit some deer and get some skins to go back. He also said that he hoped to join them and resist Japan together.

Zhao Shangzhi felt that his appearance was suspicious, but at that time, the anti-Japanese armed forces in his hands needed to be developed, and Liu Deshan pointed out that he swore an oath not to share the heavens with the Japanese Kou, and Jiang Lixin said that he was in agreement with him, so he allowed Liu Deshan to join the guerrilla squad.

What Jiang Lixin did not expect was that his brother-in-law had already defected to the Japanese and became an out-and-out traitor. After that, Liu Deshan, following the instructions of Hisajiro Taai, provided the anti-Japanese squad with information on the Japanese and pseudo-police stations, helped Zhao Shangzhi hide, and brought them supplies when Zhao Shangzhi was in short supply.

These actions of sending charcoal in the snow allowed Liu Deshan to deceive Zhao Shangzhi's trust. After that, Taui Hisajiro sent the second agent Zhang Xiwei, and with the help of Liu Deshan, Zhang Xiwei entered the squad and lurked next to Zhao Shangzhi.

Anti-Japanese hero Zhao Shangzhi, who was only 34 years old at the time of his death, found his skull in a temple 62 years later

Hisajiro Tai

Liu Deshan saw that his position in the squad was stable, and felt that the time had come, so he provided Zhao Shangzhi with false information: the garrison of the Wutong River branch was weak and could launch an attack. Zhao Shangzhi believed it to be true and led the squad in the direction of the Wutong River at night. Liu Deshan has been following Zhao Shangzhi's side, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

The squad arrived near the Courtyard of the Lu Family, Liu Deshan revealed his true face, quietly went around to Zhao Shangzhi's back and shot, after Zhao Shangzhi was shot, he immediately raised his gun to fight back with severe pain, and Liu Deshan was killed. Jiang Lixin, who came later, checked his injuries, and the two of them helped them into the Courtyard of the Lu family.

The Lu family courtyard was happy and harmonious, and the newly married daughter Lü Zhenqing took her husband Sun Kemao home to visit The elderly couple of Lü Xianling, who was talking, heard gunshots outside, frightened and hurriedly closed the courtyard door, hiding in the hall house and not daring to say a word.

Suddenly, he heard a knock at the door again, and Sun Kemao had the courage to check and saw two people sitting on the ground, one of whom seemed to be injured. Seeing that someone had come to open the door, Jiang Lixin hurriedly said: "We are anti-coalition, don't be afraid." ”

Hearing that it was comrades of the Anti-Japanese League, the Lü family hurriedly welcomed them in, and Lü Zhenqing helped bandage Zhao Shangzhi's wounds and wrapped the quilt he had when he was newly married on Zhao Shangzhi' body.

Zhao Shangzhi felt more and more cold, and he knew that he was probably dying. Opening his eyes, Zhao Shangzhi put the bag in jiang Lixin's palm and asked him to hand over the battle map and funds to the large troops.

Jiang Lixin was still feeling sorry for luring the wolf into the room, and said that he would stay and atone for his sins. But Zhao Shangzhi interrupted him: "This is the life of the troops, we must take it well and go quickly." The overall situation was important, Jiang Lixin bid farewell to Zhao Shangzhi and moved with another soldier.

Not long after Jiang Lixin left, the Japanese pseudo arrived. Before they broke through the door, Zhao Shangzhi weakly said to Lu Zhenqing: "Sister-in-law, can you warm my hands?" Before dying, Zhao Shangzhi also wanted to warm his frozen hands and kill a few more enemies.

Lü Zhenqing burst into tears, her hands wrapped around General Zhao's hands, hoping to give this respectable warrior a little warmth. The enemy rushed in, but Zhao Shangzhi was too badly wounded to get up, or was taken away by the Japanese puppet army.

Eight hours later, General Zhao Shangzhi was killed by the Japanese puppet army at the age of 34. The frenzied Japanese army threw the body of General Zhao into the Songhua River, and his head was packed into a wooden box, intending to go to the Changchun headquarters to ask for merit.

Anti-Japanese hero Zhao Shangzhi, who was only 34 years old at the time of his death, found his skull in a temple 62 years later

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has been searching for the remains of Yang Jingyu and Zhao Shangzhi, hoping that they will be buried in peace. In 1948, three glass bottles filled with formalin were found in the basement of Changchun Hospital, containing the heads of anti-Japanese soldiers Yang Jingyu and Chen Hanzhang, and the hearts of Chang Longji. Everyone present at that time wept for the madness of the Japanese Kou and the bravery and fearlessness of the resistance fighters.

There is still no news of the remains of General Zhao Shangzhi, but the old comrades of the State and the Anti-Japanese League have not given up. In 1987, Kawasaki, a Japanese female scholar engaged in the study of war history, came to China to collect materials, during which she interviewed Li Min, a veteran soldier of the Anti-Japanese League.

Kawasaki, an objective and Chinese-friendly scholar, told her about Zhao Shangzhi's sacrifice and hoped that Ms. Kawasaki would assist in the search for General Zhao's head in Japan.

Upon her return to Japan, Kawasaki learns that Hisajiro Takai has long since died, but his assistant Masao Higashijo still lives in Japan. Dongcheng Masao still remembers the process of killing Zhao Shangzhi:

When Zhao Shangzhi's head was transported to Changchun, because there was no good storage measures, the head had begun to decay, and there was blood oozing out. After asking his superiors, Dongcheng Masao decided to burn his head.

When the monk of Banjo Temple heard about this, he personally went to see Umezu Mijiro, the commander of the Kwantung Army, and requested that the remains of Zhao Shangzhi be buried at Banjo Temple.

Umezu Mijiro believed in Buddhism and had great respect for the highly respected Master Qixu, so he made a Shunshui favor and gave Zhao Shangzhi's head to Master Qixuan.

Anti-Japanese hero Zhao Shangzhi, who was only 34 years old at the time of his death, found his skull in a temple 62 years later

Master of the Void

When the news reached the country, someone immediately went to Pan ruo temple to look for it. However, Master Qi Xuan had long since passed away, and he had never told his disciples about burying general Zhao's remains. At this point, the whereabouts of the martyr's remains remain a mystery.

In 2004, jiang Baocai, a military writer, came to the northeast to collect materials, heard that a nameless female skull had been found in Banruo Temple, and immediately thought of General Zhao Shangzhi. According to General Zhao's relatives and friends, General Zhao is 1.61 meters tall, and his bones are likely to be relatively slender, and he was mistaken for a woman.

Excitedly, he dialed the phone of Li Min, a veteran of the Anti-Japanese League, and informed him of the news. Accompanied by Zhao Shangzhi's two nephews and Jiang Baocai, Li Min came to Banruo Temple to inquire about the specific situation.

The skull was sent to the public security department for further identification, and through a series of complex inferential calculations and the memories of General Zhao's relatives and friends, the public security department finally determined that the nameless skull found in Ban ruo temple was the remains of General Zhao Shangzhi.

Anti-Japanese hero Zhao Shangzhi, who was only 34 years old at the time of his death, found his skull in a temple 62 years later

Zhao Shangzhi skull restoration diagram

In 2008, General Zhao Shangzhi returned to his hometown and was buried in the Zhao Shangzhi Martyrs' Cemetery in Chaoyang, Liaoning Province. After half a century of separation, General Zhao finally settled in the hometown where he was born and raised.

General Zhao Shangzhi is the pride of the Chinese nation, and he dedicated his life to the revolutionary cause, like a spark of stars, lighting up the lonely sky of China. The body is dead and the spirit is the spirit, and the soul is resolute as a ghost. Now the stars of China are brilliant and radiant, and presumably, they can also comfort the soul of the general.

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