
After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

author:Honors in History

Everyone will have all sorts of wishes. However, due to the limitations of various conditions, some wishes are difficult to achieve. Even by the time of his death, certain wishes had not been fulfilled. And some of his family or friends, in order not to let him leave regrets, will try their best to help him realize his last wishes.

In 1985, after the seventy-three-year-old "founding lieutenant general" Liang Xingchu died of illness in Beijing, his wife Ren Guilan made a request to the state to help him realize his last wish. After the central government saw Ren Guilan's request, it quickly "agreed" to the instructions.

After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

Long ago, Liang Xingchu began to join the army and began a military career of more than thirty years. In 1912, Liang Xingchu was born in a handicraft family in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province. At that time, peasants and craftsmen were the poorest group in society, and life was very difficult.

In order to supplement the family, Liang Xingchu was recruited to be an apprentice in a blacksmith shop when he was very young. The apprentice's work is very hard, and Liang Xingchu needs to help his employer to make iron every day, but the salary is pitifully small. They are deeply oppressed and exploited by their employers. Therefore, Liang Xingchu has always wanted to change this situation and live a life that is not oppressed and exploited.

After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

Later, after the Red Army came to Jiangxi, Liang Xingchu left the blacksmith shop and joined the Red Army, becoming a glorious Red Army soldier. It also officially began his military career for the rest of his life. In the Red Army, Liang Xingchu slowly grew from an ordinary small soldier to a company commander, battalion commander, and regimental commander who could command the soldiers.

Beginning in 1930, the Kuomintang reactionaries began to carry out large-scale "encirclement and suppression" operations against the Red Army and revolutionary base areas. From 1930 to 1934, the Central Soviet Region experienced a total of five large-scale "anti-encirclement and suppression" battles.

After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

From the outbreak of the first "anti-encirclement and suppression" battle to the fifth "anti-encirclement and suppression" battle, Liang Xingchu unremittingly led the fighters to fight against the enemy. Each time, he took the lead and rushed to the front.

After the start of the Long March, Liang Xingchu was appointed as the company commander of the cavalry reconnaissance company, shouldering the heavy responsibility of exploring the terrain and reconnaissance of the enemy. After the victory of the 25,000-mile Long March, Liang Xingchu participated in the Eastern Expedition, the Western Expedition, and the Battle of Zhiluo. In every battle, Liang Xingchu had a very heroic performance.

After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Liang Xingchu was successively appointed as the brigade commander of the Fifth Brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army and the brigade commander of the Independent Brigade of the New Fourth Army. He led the army in a deadly struggle with the invaders and contributed great strength to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

During the Liberation War, Liang Xingchu led the army from shandong to the northeast. He successively served as the commander of the First Division of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army and the commander of the Thirty-eighth Army of the Fourth Field Army. He participated in many battles such as the Liaoshen Campaign, the Battle of Yichang, and the Battle of Liberating Guangxi. In the War of Liberation, he made great achievements.

After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Liang Xingchu was appointed as the commander of the Thirty-eighth Army of the Volunteer Army, leading the army into the Korean War. In the second campaign of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Liang Xingchu successfully tore a breakthrough in the campaign through strict organization and meticulous arrangement. He led the army deep behind the enemy and successfully annihilated more than 7,000 enemy troops, giving the enemy a devastating blow.

In 1955, the central government awarded Liang Xingchu the rank of "founding lieutenant general" to general his great contribution to China's revolutionary cause. After that, Liang Xingchu successively served as the commander of the Hainan Military Region and the Guangzhou Military Region, and made outstanding contributions to coastal defense and army building in the south of the motherland.

After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

In the process of building a career, Liang Xingchu also gained a very happy marriage. Liang Xingchu and Ren Guilan met during the Liberation War. At that time, Liang Xingchu led his army in a sniper war with the enemy in the northeast of Montenegro. Ren Guilan, on the other hand, is a military medical worker in the army.

Slowly getting along, Liang Xingchu fell in love with the gentle and beautiful Ren Guilan and took the initiative to confess to her. A commander who commanded the army confessed to himself, how could Ren Guilan be unwilling? In fact, after getting to know Liang Xingchu, Ren Guilan also had a good feeling for him. Therefore, hearing Liang Xingchu's sincere confession, Ren Guilan did not say a word and agreed.

After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

In September 1949, the Liberation War was basically over, and Liang Xingchu and Ren Guilan submitted marriage applications to the organization. Witnessed by comrades-in-arms and colleagues, the two held a simple wedding ceremony in Changde, Hunan Province, and officially married.

The married life of the two is very happy. Ren Guilan gave birth to two sons and two daughters for Liang Xingchu. In the early years, when Liang Xingchu participated in the battle, he also left a lot of illness on his body, and his wife Ren Guilan has been very careful to take care of him and give him physical conditioning.

After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

During the special period, Liang Xingchu was implicated by the Lin Biao clique. In 1973, Liang Xingchu, who was originally in the Sichuan Military Region, was transferred to the countryside of Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, to undergo labor reform. Ren Guilan, who did not want to be separated from her husband, took the initiative to apply to the organization to accompany her husband to the rural labor camp.

At this time, Liang Xingchu, who is already sixty years old, has experienced the ups and downs of life. For his wife, who has not abandoned and accompanied him, Liang Xingchu is very moved. He also hopes to spend more time with his wife to make up for the regret of always being busy with work in the past. In the countryside, Liang Xingchu also had an idea: to write down his own life experience.

After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

Ren Guilan is also very supportive of her husband's idea. Therefore, after completing the labor work, Ren Guilan assisted her husband in sorting out the manuscript materials. Liang Xingchu wrote down his experiences and observations during the period of the agrarian revolution, the war of resistance against Japan, the period of the War of Liberation, and the period of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

After the end of the special period, Liang Xingchu and Ren Guilan returned to Beijing. However, the information compiled by Liang Xingchu was unfortunately lost. Although Liang Xingchu did not say anything about these lost materials, Ren Guilan knew that this was a regret in her husband's heart.

After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

In 1985, General Liang Xingchu died of a heart attack in Beijing. After surviving the great sadness brought about by her husband's death, Ren Guilan wanted to do something for her husband to make up for the regret in his heart. Therefore, Ren Guilan made a request to the state: he hoped to write down the deeds of General Liang Xingchu and publish it.

The central government quickly agreed to Ren Guilan's application. Therefore, after years of hard work, Ren Guilan wrote the book "Commanding the Long Live army: The Military Career of General Liang Xingchu", which vividly recorded the legendary and frequent life of General Liang Xingchu.

After Liang Xingchu's illness and death, the wife wanted to fulfill her husband's wish, and put forward the only request I, military career III, make a great battle merit III, Liang Xingchu's wish IV, summary

The hero of the revolution deserves to be remembered by all future generations. The heroic deeds of revolutionary heroes are also worth remembering by all future generations. General Liang Xingchu was a great revolutionary fighter who devoted his life to the cause of revolution and construction of the country.

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