
The Return of Human Nature--- "The Coming and Going of Sanmao"

author:The guest house is quiet

Articles about animals, so far, the most impressive thing to me is Han Shaogong's "The Coming and Going of Sanmao".

The moving thing about this article lies in its strong human flavor.

There are many people who raise animals for utilitarian purposes, or to make money, or to accept their services, or to have fun, and treat animals as equal to human life.

I have had the experience of raising dogs and cats, and because of the hatred and pain, I dare not keep them now.

Because I liked this article, I naturally wondered about its author. This controversial writer, who is nearly twenty years older than me, is actually very good to my spleen, his works, with calm humor and deep thinking, and close to the countryside, close to the heart, in the cold, but also full of ardent concern for people themselves, feeling that these words are outside the gorgeous society, in the barbaric landscape of the candle.

"The Coming and Going of Sanmao" is the story of a dog.

"Sanmao" is a stray dog picked up by others, named after "Sanmao Wandering", because it is not seen in the original cat of the temporary owner's family, and it is entrusted to the author to enter his family and life, and has to live his life.

It was first rejected and resisted by the hostess, but later it received her strong love, and eventually the death of the dog became a deep pain in her heart. It seems that in the mind of the hostess, the dog is a family member, a relative.

The hostess loves cleanliness and has been afraid of dogs since she was a child, and at the beginning the dog made her "furious and loud" and must be sent away.

Later, the dog accidentally fell off a cliff, and she desperately tried to save it. "At that moment, she was neither afraid of snakes nor insects, nor of falling, and she burrowed into the thatch with sharp leaves, slipped down a violently unearthed tree root, and held the panicked puppy on her chest."

The dog was checked in by plane, did not arrive on time, and she actually made a fire at the airport that she had never had in her life, "furious, slapping the counter loudly, like a female worm rushing out of the cage, without any grace, almost jumping into the counter to desperately." ”

After the dog died, when others talked about the funny story of the dog's past, she had been cooking in the kitchen, as if she hadn't heard it, and then she begged everyone not to say it again," the second half of the sentence was choked in the half-open mouth, the face had been twisted and deformed, and tears flashed in her eyes. He also "put down his chopsticks, covered his mouth and snatched the road, and threw himself into the bedroom", making everyone "helpless for a while".

The disparity in performance before and after is surprising and exclamating. You say that in the eyes of the hostess, Sanmao is still a dog?

I always remember that when I was a child, when the family was "blessed with pigs" at the end of the year, my sister often cried and did not allow it, and my mother always deliberately avoided it.

An old cat that had been in my family for eight years was poisoned, and my sister cried a lot, nagging for years, and kept complaining about the cruelty of the poisoner.

With these experiences and memories, I understand very well the deep feelings that the author and his wife have for a dog.

In this article, the author has always described dogs with feelings and vision for people.

"Sanmao didn't seem to be too unfamiliar with cars, looked back, jumped, and got into the car with mud and water — this entered my life." This way of entering is the usual posture and movement of a down-and-out person.

And the dog also began his life in this house with the mentality of a man under the fence: "When it talks about rats, it goes to see the rat hole; when it talks about chickens, it runs into the chickens."

So I believe it has always understood my wife's numbers, and she has understood all kinds of condemnations of my people and dogs.

At this time, it shrank its head and shrunk its head, its chin pressed against its front paws, and it waited to be scolded. If the depression escalates, he will burrow under the wooden cabinet with his tail between his legs and lie in a gap for a long time. ”

When it comes to the dog's dependence on people, as for the owner "always has to carry a hoe" to coax it to put a horse, ridiculously, we can easily see the kind of warmth between people and dogs.

When the dog "ran out of oil", he lay down on one of the owner's cloth shoes and "made a heavy wheezing sound", so that the owner was confused: "Is it to finally hold the body temperature and breath on the master's shoe?" Or do you want to continue traveling with this shoe? ”

Not only the heroine, but also the author's own feelings are even more tear-inducing: "I believe that when I come to another world, this guy will also wag his tail, recognize me straight, meet me at the door of that world, and end our short breakup." Thinking of this, thinking of the greeters in front of me, not only my father, my mother, but also such a pair of familiar eyes, I felt that there was nothing terrible about that day. That day was even a happy time, the day when we finally held hands and got together. Isn't it? ”

Because of dogs, the cruel cold has turned into warmth, and the death of people is a gratifying thing. Lu Xun once said to Qu Qiubai that "it is enough to know oneself in life, and Si Shi should regard it with the same heart", but this is not the case, if the dog has knowledge under the spring, what should he think? It should not be an exaggeration to call them Daddy.

Raising a stray dog that has been picked up to such a point, in the midst of inconceivability, don't you think that it has reached the extreme of human nature?

What exactly is human nature?

I think it is a characteristic that is common to human beings and distinguishes it from all other categories of life.

Human nature is not fixed, it is born out of animal nature, born from civilization, the higher the degree of civilization, the closer human nature is to the heavenly path. In a world dominated by the law of the jungle, I often feel that this is not human.

The Heavenly Dao is selfless, and the law from the forest is the raging of animal nature, which completely abandons human nature. Although man has completely faded the appearance of a beast, handsome and civilized instead of the savagery of Ru Mao drinking blood, there is no sharp tooth to catch and bite, but instead of the killing of guns and bullets.

Even if we leave aside the battlefield filled with smoke and smoke, the political arena of intrigue and the urban shopping malls that compete for fame and profit, which day will not trample on and destroy human nature? In the eyes of many people, human life is only equal to a certain amount of money.

Under the arrogant ambitions of man, other animals have only one way to extinction, and their living space has been encroached upon.

Sometimes I watch food programs on TV and look at them with fear, and no life cannot be a meal on people's plates.

The ancients once scolded the enemy and said that hate cannot "eat meat and sleep on the skin", but hasn't we always been like this with other animals?

Seeing that Western society raises pets, china's rich people have imitated, so that some pets go straight to the "sky-high price", they regard this as a luxury fashion and proof of identity, do they really understand the respect of others for heterogeneous lives?

Can people who can respect even alien beings care unequally for human beings themselves?

"Keep food for rats and don't light lamps for moths" is a kind of Buddha-nature compassion, but the concept of treating animals as family members is still impossible for most people. At least it doesn't exist in China's self-proclaimed "noble" cities, and it is only sprouting hard near the grass roots, weak but endless.

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