
Huizhou Stinky Mandarin Fish - Huangshan Hui Cuisine Secret Braised Home-Style Stinky Mandarin Fish Processing Practice Non-Hunan Flavor


Stinky mandarin fish, the first of the Hui cuisine, originated in the Huizhou area of Anhui Province (Huizhou is the area of present-day Huangshan City). Stinky mandarin fish smells bad, because of the sulfur amino acids in the fish protein, the preparation method is unique, and the food is fragrant; and the meat of the stinky mandarin fish is tender, mellow and refreshing, maintaining the original juice of mandarin fish. The farming requirements for mandarin fish are extremely high, and the poet Zhang Zhihe said that the egret flying in front of Xisai Mountain, and the mandarin fish fat of peach blossom flowing water.

Huizhou Stinky Mandarin Fish - Huangshan Hui Cuisine Secret Braised Home-Style Stinky Mandarin Fish Processing Practice Non-Hunan Flavor

Huizhou stinky mandarin fish

Processing of stinky mandarin fish

1. Fresh mandarin fish remove the gills, remove the internal organs, leave the fish scales, wash and drain, cut the fish body five times on each side;

2. Green curd milk, onion, ginger, perilla, at the same time into the juicer to squeeze into a mixed juice, the squeezed mixed juice, cooking wine poured into the water, stirred and mixed evenly, made into a fishy soup;

3. Soak the mandarin fish after the treatment of Method 1 in the fishy soup of Method 2 and soak it at room temperature for about 40 minutes;

4. After soaking the mandarin fish, take out, wash with water, drain, and then soak in liquor with an alcohol content of 60 °; 5. The surface of the mandarin fish is smeared with salt, white sugar and spices, and the mandarin fish is put into the fermentation vat and stoned on the lid for fermentation;

Huizhou Stinky Mandarin Fish - Huangshan Hui Cuisine Secret Braised Home-Style Stinky Mandarin Fish Processing Practice Non-Hunan Flavor

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