
Stinky Mandarin Fish Doubts: It smells stinky and it tastes fresh! The lonely chivalrous guest, but because of the "stink" to become famous, the birth of the chivalrous guest in the fish became famous

author:Small farmers in Dabie Mountain

"The egrets fly in front of Xisai Mountain, and the mandarin fish fat in the peach blossoms" is a famous sentence written by the Tang Dynasty foodie poet Zhang Zhihe in his "Fishing Song", and now it is the spring and March when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, and many foodies are also looking forward to the mandarin fish to be fattened up early. But eat and eat, as the most arrogant fish of the four famous fish, mandarin fish has always been famous, the first is that it has a very isolated personality, known as "the chivalrous in the fish".

Stinky Mandarin Fish Doubts: It smells stinky and it tastes fresh! The lonely chivalrous guest, but because of the "stink" to become famous, the birth of the chivalrous guest in the fish became famous

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the birth of the chivalrous in the fish</h1>

Domineering appearance

Mandarin fish is widely distributed in China, in addition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, water systems are distributed throughout the country, of which the major freshwater lakes in Jiangsu are rich production areas, so we have seen it usually. First of all, its mouth is very large, the mouth is slightly inclined, the lower lip is longer than the upper lip, which is the mouth shape of the "earth wrapped up" as the saying goes, which is ugly from the human point of view, but this is in line with the style of chivalry.

Secondly, the mandarin fish is born with its own weapon, that is, a number of hard bone spurs on the back, sharp and abnormal, but also with a certain degree of toxicity, as a chivalrous this is a must-have thing. So be careful when catching mandarin fish, preferably in its mouth.

Stinky Mandarin Fish Doubts: It smells stinky and it tastes fresh! The lonely chivalrous guest, but because of the "stink" to become famous, the birth of the chivalrous guest in the fish became famous

Finally, its appearance is very maddening, the upward curvature of the dorsal arc above the head is very obvious, making the fish head very pointed, and its appearance shows some irregular dark brown spots and patches. So overall, the domineering mandarin fish has a sacred majesty among many freshwater fish.

Unique taste

Since it is a chivalrous guest, it is certainly not vegetarian, live meat food is the most basic standard, even the newly born mandarin fish is also fed on other fry, such as: live jumping small fish shrimp, and loach is the favorite of adult mandarin fish, a bite like eating fries.

In addition, the way mandarin fish eat is also different, taking the tactic of ambush, after finding the target fish, it opens its mouth to swim past to eat the prey, and opens the large mouth to instantly form a vacuum to suck the prey into the mouth. After returning to the den to taste slowly, it is said that after eating, the fish bones and shrimp shells will be spit out, leaving only the fish meat.

Stinky Mandarin Fish Doubts: It smells stinky and it tastes fresh! The lonely chivalrous guest, but because of the "stink" to become famous, the birth of the chivalrous guest in the fish became famous

For the object of hunting, generally as long as it does not exceed half of the length of their own body, they can eat it, and when there is a shortage of food, they will kill each other, and may be able to eat and drink, and the means are very fierce.

A solitary style of doing things

Mandarin fish, like chivalrous people, do not like to be lively, and generally do not gather together, but hide alone in rock crevices or the roots of aquatic plants, especially like to lie on their sides under the water and stones. In addition to daily foraging, living in the nest, at the confluence of the main trunk stream with slower water potential, the rocky bottom of the water, and even the cave formed by the root system of the trees in the water, the requirements for water quality and water surface width are very high, and there is also a strong sense of territory.

Stinky Mandarin Fish Doubts: It smells stinky and it tastes fresh! The lonely chivalrous guest, but because of the "stink" to become famous, the birth of the chivalrous guest in the fish became famous

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "stinky" fame</h1>

The origin of the stinky salmon

Normal people eat fish is definitely eating live fish, because the taste is delicious, and the Songhua River Mandarin fish has a higher status, belonging to the "Three Flowers and Five Luo" in the first of the three flowers, or one of the four famous fish, but even so, it is not worth the famous stinky mandarin fish.

It is said that "Huizhou stinky mandarin fish" is a unique flavor of Huizhou famous dish, there is a very interesting origin, that is, more than 200 years ago, fishmongers along the river will be trafficked to the Mountains of Huizhou to sell, in order to prevent deterioration on the fish sprinkled with a layer of salt and often turned, after seven or eight days to reach the gills is still bright red, but will emit a special smell that seems to be smelly and not smelly. It just smells stinky but tastes delicious.

Stinky Mandarin Fish Doubts: It smells stinky and it tastes fresh! The lonely chivalrous guest, but because of the "stink" to become famous, the birth of the chivalrous guest in the fish became famous

The Anhui stinky mandarin fish really became a famous dish about 100 years ago, and it is also related to a historical allusion. It is said that 100 years ago in the southwest foothills of the Huangshan Mountains, there was a cool official surnamed Miao who loved to eat fresh mandarin fish, and Wang Xiao'er, a servant, was specially responsible for transporting his favorite mandarin fish whenever it was cold. So Wang Xiao'er used salt to spread the salt and tried to make the chef braise, which had a different flavor. So let people taste for free, the results are all praised, at this time Wang Xiao'er sent the "flavored mandarin fish" to the Miao prefect to taste, because he did not eat mandarin fish for a long time, he did not care to ask more questions to eat it, because it was too delicious, even claimed to say "flavor mandarin fish, worthy of the name!" Since then, stinky mandarin fish has become a famous dish in Huizhou.

Stinky Mandarin Fish Doubts: It smells stinky and it tastes fresh! The lonely chivalrous guest, but because of the "stink" to become famous, the birth of the chivalrous guest in the fish became famous

The practice of stinky mandarin fish

Although the origin and allusion of stinky mandarin fish seems to be very simple, that is, to make mandarin fish naturally smelly or artificially pickled, in fact, the production of any kind of cuisine also has a certain scientific basis, and only after the various conditions meet the standards can there be a perfect taste.

First of all, the vessel for marinating mandarin fish is preferably a wooden barrel, so that it can be marinated to produce a more pure flavor, and in the process of salting, a heavy object can be pressed to achieve the effect of tight meat, in order to make the salt penetrate evenly, it must be turned regularly.

Secondly, choosing the right temperature and amount of salt is also the key, and whether the mandarin fish can meet the "smelly" standard is determined by these two factors. In general, the temperature should be controlled at 10-30 ° C, and the amount of salt should be added to 500 grams of salt per 25 kg of mandarin fish. Of course, the higher the temperature in this range, the faster the salt is salted.

Stinky Mandarin Fish Doubts: It smells stinky and it tastes fresh! The lonely chivalrous guest, but because of the "stink" to become famous, the birth of the chivalrous guest in the fish became famous

For example, when the temperature is more than ten degrees, it can be pickled in 7 days; when the temperature is 20 ~ 25 ° C, it can be pickled in 4 days; when the temperature is 25 ~ 30 ° C, it can be pickled in 2 days. When marinating, the whole-grain pickling and bulk-like marinating method can be adopted, the former is suitable for mandarin fish with an individual under one pound, and the latter is suitable for larger mandarin fish.

Finally, the stinky mandarin fish can not be pickled, but also can be burned to really work. Most of the methods are braised or dry boiled, prepare a pound of marinated stinky mandarin fish, 50 grams of minced meat, wash the fish and cut into pieces, blanch with boiling water to drain the water, start the pot to burn the chopped shallots, ginger, garlic and minced meat to fry the aroma, and then add stinky mandarin fish, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, the right amount of water, adjust the taste and then boil on high heat, change the heat to a low heat for 10 minutes to collect the juice and plate.

Stinky Mandarin Fish Doubts: It smells stinky and it tastes fresh! The lonely chivalrous guest, but because of the "stink" to become famous, the birth of the chivalrous guest in the fish became famous

What are the benefits and contraindications of eating stinky mandarin fish?

Compared to steamed mandarin fish and equally famous squirrel cinnamon fish, stinky mandarin fish is loved to the extreme by people who love it, and people who don't love it are scorned. But no matter what, although the smell of mandarin fish stinks, its nutritional value will not change.

Stinky mandarin fish is rich in protein, is a nutrient to ensure human metabolism, can promote the body's metabolism, is a human essential. Stinky mandarin fish contains fats that provide energy to the body. It can supplement a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, such as: vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium and so on.

Stinky Mandarin Fish Doubts: It smells stinky and it tastes fresh! The lonely chivalrous guest, but because of the "stink" to become famous, the birth of the chivalrous guest in the fish became famous

In addition, mandarin fish is easier to digest, very friendly to the elderly, children, people with spleen and stomach indigestion, and can also make up for deficiencies. Rich in antioxidants, it is the favorite of weight loss ladies, and has a certain therapeutic effect, which is conducive to the rehabilitation of tuberculosis people.

Stinky Mandarin Fish Doubts: It smells stinky and it tastes fresh! The lonely chivalrous guest, but because of the "stink" to become famous, the birth of the chivalrous guest in the fish became famous

Of course, everything is moderate, although the stinky mandarin fish is delicious, but it also depends on the situation, not all people are suitable for eating, there are asthma, hemoptysis patients, cold and wet people or eat less.

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