
Huangshan City strives to promote the high-quality development of the Hui cuisine industry

author:Beiqing Net

On December 30, 2021, Huangshan City held the Hui cuisine industry development conference and Hui cuisine carnival activities to promote the large-scale, branding, digitalization and standardization of the Hui cuisine industry, and build a gastronomic capital featuring Hui cuisine. The event lasted for one and a half months and was hosted by the Huangshan Municipal People's Government and the China Cuisine Association. At the opening ceremony, the Huangshan Municipal Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the China Cuisine Association, released 24 local standards for Huizhou cuisine in Anhui Province, Huizhou stinky mandarin fish big data, Huiwei Huangshan brand and a number of gourmet tourism routes, and awarded the "Top Ten Hui Cuisine Famous Stores", "Top Ten Ingredient Production Bases", "Top Ten Hui Cuisine Famous Chefs" and four outstanding brands of Hui cuisine in 2021.

Hui cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines in China, and its cooking skills are listed as a national intangible cultural heritage. As the "hometown of Chinese Hui cuisine", Huangshan City will promote the high-quality development of Huizhou cuisine industry as an effective carrier for inheriting and innovating Huizhou culture, accelerating industrial transformation and upgrading, and as an important measure to play the role of consumption foundation and meet people's aspirations for a better life, organize the implementation of Huipai cuisine action and Hui kitchen entrepreneurship project, excavate the comprehensive value of Hui cuisine, and promote resource integration, industrial agglomeration, and format innovation. In 2019, the sales of Huangshan's catering industry reached 8.5 billion yuan, driving the employment of about 40,000 people; in 2020, the city's limited catering units were affected by the epidemic and still contributed 7.5% of the retail sales of limited consumer goods.

In September last year, the Huangshan Municipal Government issued a number of measures to promote the high-quality development of the Hui cuisine industry, from the aspects of cultivating leading enterprises, enhancing the Hui cuisine brand, improving the industrial chain, encouraging innovative development, strengthening financial support, and gathering Hui cuisine talents, etc., to unify the construction of platforms, build brands, improve the Hui cuisine standard system, build the Hui cuisine "central kitchen", carry out landmark food selection, hold hui cuisine innovation competitions, strengthen the training of skilled talents, and implement hill climbing rewards for online and offline enterprises. At the same time, we will develop a number of famous snack entrepreneurship projects, create a number of characteristic gourmet chain stores, support a number of Hui kitchen entrepreneurial blocks, create a number of rural gastronomic tourist attractions and routes, build a number of Hui cuisine raw material bases, Hui kitchen talent training bases and national catering brand store bases, and strive to achieve catering industry revenue and Hui cuisine ingredient sales revenue in the city by the end of this year.

According to the cooperation agreement signed by Huangshan City and the China Cuisine Association, the two sides will cooperate to implement Huangshan's "Hui cuisine in the world" strategy, create a "Hui cuisine gastronomy landmark city", create a "China Cuisine Huangshan Forum", carry out skills competitions, business training, brand certification and industry exchanges and other activities, and jointly declare the holding of the China Chef Festival.

Source: Anhui Daily

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