
How to eat "seasonal" hairy crabs? Black truffles and three cups of chicken bring new inspiration

author:Beijing News
How to eat "seasonal" hairy crabs? Black truffles and three cups of chicken bring new inspiration

Highlights: Infused with black truffles, drawing on the three-cup chicken cooking method

Recommended dishes: Aged flower carved black truffle fried hairy crab, three cups of raw gel hairy crab

Venue: Haitiange Chinese Restaurant, Kerry Hotel, Beijing

Haitiange Chinese Restaurant, Kerry Hotel, Beijing, recently launched a seasonal crab feast, which innovatively interprets hairy crab through the combination of crab meat, crab powder and seasonal ingredients. It is especially recommended to fry hairy crab with black truffle of aged flower carving, mixed with water, plus black truffle, and fry hairy crab over low heat. The mellow aroma of the flower carving wine, the unique taste of black truffles and the crab aroma are fully integrated during the frying process, and the fresh fragrance blooms at the moment of entrance, such as a hundred flowers blooming.

How to eat "seasonal" hairy crabs? Black truffles and three cups of chicken bring new inspiration

There is also a three-cup raw hairy crab, using the Cantonese classic method, inspired by three cups of chicken, three cups of juice that is cooking wine, soy sauce, honey each one cup, maintaining a sweet and salty balance, integrated into the crab meat, bringing a unique taste and aroma, endless aftertaste. The main food can be tried with pumpkin cup crab powder noodles, umami crab paste, crab yellow and crab meat, after the chef's secret seasoning and careful stir-frying, turned into a fragrant crab powder, with a strong and smooth noodles and sweet pumpkin cup, together to bring the taste of late autumn.

Beijing News reporter Qu Xiaoyi

Edited by Li Zheng Proofreader Wei Zhuo

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