
Issue 096: How to eat durian crisp 097 Hong Kong durian crisp tutorial

author:Dancing Kerry 5X5

Durian puff pastry is the staple food of dessert shops around the world and is also a favorite specialty of people. When durian is on the market in large quantities, some people also want to make durian puff pastry at home, but they just don't know what to do. Today, Bian Xiao specially introduced the "Liu Liansu" tutorial. Click on the image to go to the next page (1/2)

Issue 096: How to eat durian crisp 097 Hong Kong durian crisp tutorial

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > durian crisp tutorial</h1>

1. Durian cake can be made at home, and the method of making it is also very simple. To make it, fresh durian and egg tarts, egg yolks and black sesame seeds need to be prepared, as well as an oven. Without an oven, you can't make a delicious durian cake. 2. After shelling the prepared fresh durian, take out its durian meat, then remove the middle stone, prepare a non-stick pan, put the prepared durian meat in the pot, slowly stir-fry over low heat, and fry the water in the pulp. Click on the image to go to the next page (1/2)

Issue 096: How to eat durian crisp 097 Hong Kong durian crisp tutorial

3. Prepare the baking sheet, spread the tin foil, remove the tin foil from the egg tart and place it directly on top. Put the right amount of durian meat in each tart, fold the tart in half, and press the seal firmly with a fork. Place the prepared egg yolks in a clean bowl and stir well with chopsticks. 4. Brush the surface of the tart with some egg mixture dipped in a clean soft brush and sprinkle with the prepared black sesame seeds. Then put the baking sheet in the oven at a temperature of about 180 and bake on high and low heat for 20 minutes. Issue 096 - Hong Kong Six Uncles; 356330 Point (c) (c) ( ̄ (o) ̄ ) (m) - 097 Jockey Club Information At this time, the durian cake inside can be cooked, taken out and cooled and eaten. 5. The durian flesh made at home cannot be placed directly in the egg tart skin, otherwise it will make the boiled durian crispy taste too soft and there is no crispness. In addition, if you do not use ready-made egg tarts, you can also make thousands of layers of puff pastry at home, but it is more troublesome to make, and you need to prepare a variety of materials, which takes a long time. Above, we introduced the durian crisp production tutorial, you can let everyone know the production method of durian crisp, and then you can make it yourself when you want to eat durian puff pastry!

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