
Steps to prepare pure handmade durian puff pastry

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Steps to prepare pure handmade durian puff pastry

Difficulty: Scoop (Advanced)

Duration: more than 1 hour

Raw durian meat 1000g

Medium gluten flour 200g

Low gluten flour 250g

2 egg whites

150g of lard

Imported New Zealand animal butter 150g

Water to taste

20g white sugar

Steps to prepare pure handmade durian puff pastry

1. Pour all-purpose flour, egg whites, sugar, lard (50g) into a basin with some water and stir well.

Steps to prepare pure handmade durian puff pastry

2. Knead until the tendons form a water-oil dough, cover with plastic wrap and let stand for 30 minutes.

Steps to prepare pure handmade durian puff pastry

3. Mix the low gluten flour, remaining lard and butter into a basin, knead and knead into a puff pastry dough, cover with plastic wrap and let stand for 30 minutes.

Steps to prepare pure handmade durian puff pastry

4. Flatten the puff pastry dough in a rectangular plastic bag and freeze in the refrigerator for 20 minutes as shown.

Steps to prepare pure handmade durian puff pastry

5. Roll out the water and oil dough into a rectangle, then wrap it in the refrigerator and remove the puff pastry, sealing it tightly around the area.

Steps to prepare pure handmade durian puff pastry

6. Fold the dough three times like a quilt, then roll out the rectangle again and freeze it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, repeating it 3 times.

Steps to prepare pure handmade durian puff pastry

7. Take the dough out of the refrigerator, roll out into a 1 cm rectangle, cut into 3*3 cubes, and wrap the durian meat in half.

Steps to prepare pure handmade durian puff pastry

8. Brush with egg mixture, sprinkle with sesame seeds, add to the middle layer of the oven that has been preheated 200 degrees in advance, and serve for 20 minutes.

Steps to prepare pure handmade durian puff pastry

9. Freshly baked durian crisp, durian incense fluttering Oh

Please do not take milk, eggplant, or drink alcohol for eight hours after eating durian puff pastry.