
Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

author:The world of food

The Sea Breeze, 2015-02-14

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

When I made the egg fruit shortbread, I thought of durian puff pastry, and the delicious taste drooled when I thought about it. This season we have durian here is very expensive drops, good in the previous period of discount, decisively bought durian frozen in the refrigerator, at any time can be tasted Oh! Festive snacks, Mo Mo Da!

<b>Medium gluten powder</b> 300g

<b>Sugar</b> 60g

Durian ☜ to taste

<b>Warm water</b> 135g

<b>Medium gluten powder</b> 240g

<b>Olive oil</b> 120g

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

1. Prepare the materials

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

2. Oil skin production: 240g of medium gluten powder add 120g of oil and form a dough, put into a plastic bag and stand still for 2 hours;

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

3. Water skin production: 300g of medium gluten powder, add 60g of white sugar, 135g of warm water and form a dough, put it in a plastic bag and stand still for 2 hours;

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

4. Thaw durian, about 4 pieces of such a large;

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

5. Divide the water skin and oil skin into small agents, one dose of water skin of 20 grams, and one dose of oil skin of 12 grams

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

6. Take a water skin, wrap a oil skin, seal, cover with plastic wrap and relax for 10 minutes

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

7. Take a dough and roll it into an oval shape, roll it from top to bottom, turn the rolled up 90 degrees to continue rolling out the long oval, and then roll it up

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

8. Roll out slightly into a circle and wrap in a piece of durian

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

9. Slightly flattened, place in a baking dish

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

10. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees for 5 minutes, place in the middle layer and bake for 25 minutes

Durian puff pastry method, durian crisp homemade durian crisp

11. ok! Delicious little desserts are baked, cooled and stored in bags.

Tips: 1. The longer the time of waking up in the early stage, the softer the water surface will be, and it will be easier to do. 2. It is best to put each step in a plastic bag or cover with plastic wrap to relax for about 10 minutes. 3. Due to the size of the cake and the oven temperature, the time may vary, pay attention to the surface layer slightly yellow.