
Durian puff pastry (with puff pastry) to be prepared

author:under the kitchen
Durian puff pastry (with puff pastry) to be prepared

Tossing puff pastry in the summer is a death sentence!



Butter (and noodles)


Caster sugar






Butter (wrapped)


Egg liquid



Look at the mood

In addition to the 145g wrapped butter, and noodles, I was lazy to use the bread machine...

Durian puff pastry (with puff pastry) to be prepared

Slice the butter and spread it into a plastic bag to form a large piece

Durian puff pastry (with puff pastry) to be prepared

Roll out the butter flat with a rolling pin and refrigerate for 20 minutes

Durian puff pastry (with puff pastry) to be prepared

After the dough is reconciled, it needs to be placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, then roll out the rectangle

Durian puff pastry (with puff pastry) to be prepared

The butter is spread on the surface as shown in the picture

Durian puff pastry (with puff pastry) to be prepared

Collapsed as shown in the figure

Durian puff pastry (with puff pastry) to be prepared

Fold again. Be sure to squeeze out the air, otherwise there will be bubbles in the subsequent rolling dough that will easily leak out of the butter.

Durian puff pastry (with puff pastry) to be prepared

After the previous step is completed, refrigerate for 20 minutes. Then take out the rollout and repeat the 678 step, repeating it three or four times.

Durian puff pastry (with puff pastry) to be prepared

No pictures were taken in the back... Then roll out the dough to 0.3 cm thick and cut into rectangles, put the durian on it, wrap it up, make it square, brush the egg mixture, put it in the oven, preheat it to 180 degrees, bake for about 25 minutes to turn golden brown.

Durian puff pastry (with puff pastry) to be prepared

In the summer, put it in the refrigerator to relax, butter is easy to melt, to ensure that the dough is still hard when wrapped durian.

In addition, there will be some slight oil out when baking, which is normal.

Referring to this recipe, everyone made 1 piece