
Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a home version of seaweed rice at home

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a home version of seaweed rice at home

Baby's favorite seaweed wrapped rice Prepare ingredients: carrots cucumbers, ham sausages, eggs, etc. All ingredients are cut into strips and set aside, leftover rice is mixed with sesame oil and salt, put on the seaweed to lay flat, add the ingredients and add meat floss. Roll up with a bamboo curtain, be sure to roll it tightly, cut it into small pieces with a knife and eat it.

By roundworm baby deci


Rice bowls

Cucumber root

Meat floss to taste


1 ham sausage

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a home version of seaweed rice at home

1. Prepare the ingredients

Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a home version of seaweed rice at home

2. Tile well

Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a home version of seaweed rice at home

3. Cut the bamboo curtain tightly after rolling

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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