
Winter melon mung bean duck stew

author:Soup nourishes the face

Winter melon mung bean duck pot pot time: 1.5 hours

【Ingredients】 Half a net duck (about 1000 grams), 1/4 winter melon, 100 grams of mung beans.

【Seasoning】 5 grams each of sliced ginger and green onion knots, 2 tsp cooking wine, 1 tsp each of salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence and pepper, 3 tbsp of lard oil.


1 Chop the duck into 2 cm cubes, put cold water into the pot, boil for about 10 minutes, fish out, rinse with water to remove the stain; Peel the winter melon and cut into domino pieces; Wash the mung beans

2 Put the duck pieces, mung beans, ginger slices, green onion knots and cooking wine in a sand pot, add an appropriate amount of water, add lard oil, put it on the fire and boil, turn the heat to low and simmer until the duck pieces are soft and the mung beans are flowering, then the winter melon pieces, use salt MONOSG, chicken essence and pepper to adjust the taste, continue to simmer for about 20 minutes until the taste, leave the heat, you can serve the original pot.

【Nutritional Benefits】

This soup is delicious and nutritious, and has the effect of nourishing yin and deficiency, diuresis and swelling, clearing heat and eliminating phlegm, and supplementing the spleen and appetizing.

【Cooking Tips】

Winter melon is an ideal daily food for antipyretic and diuretic, and the effect is more obvious when cooked together with the skin.

Winter melon mung bean duck stew

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