
Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

author:Grandma's recipe
Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

Hangzhou people, diet more pursuit of fresh, and Hangzhou characteristic duck pot is mainly fresh, with aroma, so this dish in the fresh and fragrant to achieve a very good balance between the relationship, and has a cool and warm effect.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

Based on the above two points, Hangzhou people especially love old duck pot. The old duck pot is not like the braised duck or brine duck in other places, the pursuit is a refreshing spicy, its emphasis is on the tenderness of the meat, the leisure and enjoyment of chewing slow products, here is the key nomination of Lin'an old duck pot.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

Lin'an has many bamboo shoots, so most of the old duck is boiled with dried bamboo shoots, the duck soup is fresh and refreshing, and the dried bamboo shoots are chewy and chewy. But in Lin'an Farmhouse, they pay more attention to the combination of nutrition, and the old ducks that have been raised for more than 3 years are stewed with wild fresh yellow cen, which is rich in nutrition and original! The method is not difficult, let's take a look.


Wild yellow sand, duck, beer, sugar, liquor.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste


1. Handle the ducks.

Old duck pot, as the name suggests, is the use of old duck. The old duck pot used here is an old duck that has been free-range for more than 3 years in a local farm in Lin'an, eating grains and growing up, and the meat is tight and delicious. Folk like to use old duck to cook soup, because old duck is not a cold food, and the nutritional content and medicinal food value are higher than that of young duck.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

The most important thing is that the duck has a characteristic chewiness, and the soup does not make the meat become woody. The tender duck is suitable for stewing, which can greatly save cooking time, and it is easy to produce oil and tender meat.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

Remove duck feathers, the method of scalding is the fastest. Do not boil the water of the duck, when the fish star is boiled on the water surface, otherwise the duck pores will shrink after encountering boiling water at 100 ° C, and the duck feathers will not be easy to pull off.

2. Chop the duck into duck pieces.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

How to quickly break down a duck, experienced veteran hands to teach you:

First cut off the duck butt, then chop off the duck neck, cut a knife in the inner thigh of the duck, separate the thigh and the body, the duck abdomen is all cut open, the root of the duck wing is cut with a knife, the duck wing and the body are separated and the abdominal cavity is cut in half, and then the two halves are cut vertically, cut into pieces horizontally, the duck feet and the duck legs are separated, and the duck wings are also divided into two segments. Of course, you can also choose to cook the duck and then cut it, the same method is also the same.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

3: Bring the water in the pot to a boil, add the duck pieces, add the appropriate amount of cooking wine, ginger slices and blanch the water, then rinse off the floating powder with cool water and set aside.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

Blanched water, guangdong called "burning", northeast called "tight", Henan area called "shan", Sichuan is called "dan four sounds)", plays an important role in the color, aroma and taste of dishes. Here the duck meat is blanched, which can remove the blood stains and fishy odors of the duck meat, and blanch it to the extent of discontinuation, otherwise the duck meat will not be colorful and the odor will be impurity.

4: Heat the pan with cool oil, first add ginger slices and stir-fry, then pour in the duck pieces and stir-fry.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

5: Add the appropriate amount of steamed fish soy sauce to taste and stir-fry until the meat is golden brown.

If the old duck does not have a good grasp of firepower during the firing process, it is very easy to cause the grease to dry out, the meat quality to become firewood, and it will also make the old duck easy to burn.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

6. Pour a small amount of white wine to remove the fish, and then add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, steamed fish sauce, salt and sugar to freshen up.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

Although steamed fish soy sauce looks the same as soy sauce, steamed fish soy sauce is mainly salty, and it is easier to extract the umami taste of ingredients than soy sauce.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

7: Add a bottle of beer, after an appropriate amount of cold water, peel the wild yellow cen and cut it into small pieces, put it into the pot, add water together with the duck, cover the pot and simmer for 1 hour.

Lin'an farmhouse old duck pot, the meat is delicate and not chai, the soup is not greasy, in addition to the high quality of duck meat, probably on the liquor and beer.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

Liquor quickly removes the fishy taste, and beer and duck meat is a perfect match, with beer stewed duck meat, at the beginning there will be a very strong beer taste, after a long time of cooking the wine flavor will dissipate, how to eat will not be intoxicating. Even the flesh and bone separation where the sauce penetrates is still endless, and it is difficult to let go of the bones.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

Huang Cen is the soul ingredient for this duck pot.

Li Shizhen once highly praised Huang Cen and praised it as "the magic of medicine", which has the effects of clearing heat and dryness, diarrhea and detoxification, stopping bleeding, and installing the fetus, and is generally used as a medicinal material after its thick rhizome is dried. Cooking takes fresh yellow cen, knocks on its skin first, and then tears off the cut section after the skin is cracked, so that the yellow cen that sucks up the duck soup has a special sweet taste.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

8. When the duck soup becomes golden and rich, the duck meat is soft and unchained, and then it can be enjoyed.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

After a long time of stewing the old duck, the duck meat is tender, the soup is golden and rich, the moment it comes out of the pot, the smell of duck comes to the nose, and when it comes to enjoying, a light clip can separate the bone and flesh, and in winter, the family sits around a table and drinks a bowl of old duck soup, which is a pleasant enjoyment.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

Old duck pot, as a home-cooked dish eaten by ancient and modern times, has slowly evolved in the aroma of history. The ingredients that can be paired are no longer fixed, but no matter how they have evolved, this ancient cooking method has perfected the characteristics of duck enough.

Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste
Home-cooked duck stew new method, 3 years old duck with wild yellow cen, crispy but not rotten original taste

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