
The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

author:Hi good morning

It wasn't long after the frost fell, and the weather was getting colder.

As the old saying goes, "Winter supplement is not as good as frost". When I picked up Xiao Bao from school yesterday, I found that he was starting to run a clear snot, which began to run a nose before winter, but it was not OK! You have to think of ideas, make up more for your family, and improve your immunity.

I'm worried about making something delicious and replenishing! As soon as I opened the refrigerator at home, I saw a duck inside, which turned out to be brought by my father-in-law back to my hometown in the countryside (home-raised, pure natural, not for sale, not for sale), just right! Let's make duck soup!

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

The fat content of duck meat is slightly higher than that of chicken, which is especially suitable for eating in the autumn and winter season now. Moreover, duck meat contains about 15% protein and a variety of B vitamins, which can help our body supplement high-quality protein and a variety of trace elements, and there are many benefits.

Soak in this year's newly dried bamboo shoots, and then cut a few slices of aromatherapy ham meat, all put into the rice cooker, this Famous Hangzhou dish "Dried Bamboo Shoots Old Duck Pot", in fact, is not difficult at all. Let's do it with me

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

Dried bamboo shoots old duck stew

Reference month age: 36M+

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

1. Ingredients: duck: 1 piece, ham: 30 grams, dried bamboo shoots: 100 grams, ginger slices: 5 slices

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

2. Slice the ham.

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

3. Soak the dried bamboo shoots in water for 1 hour, and soak the ham slices in hot water for 10 minutes.

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

4. Cut off the roots of the dried bamboo shoots, tear them apart by hand, and continue to soak for 2 hours.

»The use of salted dried bamboo shoots, so it takes a long time to soak, and the salt particles inside the dried bamboo shoots should not forget to clean up, otherwise the soup will be very salty.«

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

5. Cut the duck into small pieces.

»Mothers with sharp kitchen knives can also use knives directly to chop, pay attention to the safety of knives.~.«

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

6. Pour the cut duck, ginger slices and water into the pot and blanch the water on high heat for 10 minutes.

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

7. After blanching the duck, remove the duck meat and rinse it with a cool white opening.

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

8. Pour the processed duck, bamboo shoots, sliced ham and ginger slices into the rice cooker and cover the pot.

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

9. Rice cooker to choose the soup function, the time is set to 2 hours, press the start button, the rice cooker began to work ~ ~ ~

»Moms should make sure the tank is at the 800ml water level when using the same rice cooker.

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

10. When the time comes, a pot of fragrant dried bamboo shoots and duck pot will be completed!

The fresh and tender old duck pot is too delicious to eat, and the soup is clear and delicious

11. The soup is fused with duck oil, the duck meat is stewed and crispy, the dried bamboo shoots are full of grease, which is more delicious than the duck meat, and finally sprinkled with a handful of green onions, so that it can't stop drinking

Knock on the blackboard

● Bacon and salted bamboo shoots are salty, so there is no need to add extra salt, mothers can taste it before coming out of the pot, if you feel that it is not salty enough, you can add some salt to taste according to personal preferences.

●The making tools can be used in an electric rice cooker or a casserole.

● Mothers can also replace ham meat with bacon

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