
How terrible is the paranoid love of "Guardians of Sisters"? Are you willing to live as a victim?

author:I have a big fortune

Children are the crystallization of parental love, and every child is a little angel, who comes to his parents in the name of love and becomes a part of the family.

The young girl Anna was also born for the family, for love, she came to the father, mother, brother, sister and brother, but this seemingly warm home brought anna endless pain.

How terrible is the paranoid love of "Guardians of Sisters"? Are you willing to live as a victim?

How terrible is the paranoid love of "Guardians of Sisters"? Are you willing to live as a victim?

Her sister Kate is suffering from blood cancer, her life is in danger at any time, and seeing her daughter suffer from the pain of the disease has also tormented her parents' hearts.

The parents' love for their daughter Kate is almost paranoid, in order to keep their daughter alive, the parents through genetic technology, gave birth to a young daughter who was perfectly matched with Kate's genes, Anna.

This is the beginning of little Anna's pain. She seems to be the living organ bank of her sister Kate, and as long as Kate needs it, whether it is cord blood or white blood cells, liver cells, or bone marrow, she has to continuously provide Kate.

Even their biological parents never cared about Anna's feelings, no one asked Anna about her wishes, she couldn't remember how many times she was pressed on the operating table crying from childhood to adulthood, how many pills she had taken, how many injections she had had, how many tears she had shed.

Anna only remembered that every time Kate was slightly unwell, she would be afraid, because it meant that she was going to be pressed on the operating table again to provide Kate with what she needed, even if she hid behind her father in fear, to no avail.

However, despite Anna's unconditional efforts and her parents' almost crazy protection, Kate's illness is getting worse and worse.

When Anna was eleven, Kate's condition was even worse, because of the long chemotherapy without hair, the skin was almost white, often a large number of nosebleeds, accompanied by kidney failure, and the fever did not go away for several days.

How terrible is the paranoid love of "Guardians of Sisters"? Are you willing to live as a victim?

This time, her parents want to exchange one of Anna's kidneys for Kate, Anna's fear has reached the top, she has grown up, has her own consciousness and thoughts, and she is not willing to let her parents take away her kidneys like this.

She loves her sister and her parents, but she doesn't want to be treated unfairly anymore, and if her sister was born out of love, what about her? Just as a tool to help my sister survive? They are all children, why are they always so ruthless to her?

The next day, Anna pawned her gold necklace and took the money to find a lawyer with a high winning rate. She told the lawyer that she was suing her mother and that she wanted to regain control of her body.

At first the lawyer was surprised, but he was silent when he saw the medical certificate anna had brought him, for his sister's contribution since birth. Looking at the thick stack of medical certificates that represented the pain that Anna's small body had suffered, he thought of himself, he was suffering from epilepsy, every time the illness occurred, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and he understood how powerless the feeling of not being able to control his body was.

Eventually, he accepted Anna's commission to help her sue her mother.

When her mother was caring for Kate in the hospital, she received a summons from the court, and she looked at Anna with a look of confusion and anger on her face, and even slapped Anna fiercely.

In the evening, the parents persuade Anna that they want Anna to drop the lawsuit and continue donating a kidney for Kate.

Anna was so sad that she told her parents that I was very important, and when she finished, she ran back to the room, leaving her silent parents.

The next day, her father took Anna to her place of work, where Anna got along very well with her uncles, and she laughed happily with them.

Father had never seen Anna so happy, and his mind flashed through the scenes of Anna's childhood, when she was so young, crying again and again and being carried to the operating table, and her fears and struggles were ignored by herself and her wife.

As a parent, it is not wrong to let your daughter endure unbearable pain and pressure from an early age, and to sacrifice the younger daughter for another daughter?

The father communicates with his mother about this, and he tells his wife his thoughts, but the wife who is obsessed with treating Kate does not agree with her husband's opinion, and their communication ends in failure.

How terrible is the paranoid love of "Guardians of Sisters"? Are you willing to live as a victim?

The mother rushed into the law firm in anger and found the lawyer entrusted by her daughter to theorize with him, but all her strength was shattered by the lawyer giving her Anna's medical certificate. The pain that proved that her little daughter had endured stung her eyes, and looking at those proofs, she was left speechless and evasive, and she had to admit that because of her paranoid love for Kate, Anna had suffered and hurt from childhood.

As Kate's mother, she was qualified, and she really gave all her love to this daughter. Kate's hair fell out because of chemotherapy, she did not want to go out, her mother shaved her hair, and the family accompanied Kate shopping, playing, and taking pictures.

Even Anna's birth was made by her mother to save Kate, she also had a young son, but because of her neglect, dyslexia and was not discovered in time, in the end, she sent her son to a special school.

But she seems to have forgotten that she is also a mother for her young daughter and young son, and as a mother of four children, she is paranoid and leaves her love only to Kate.

Anna's prosecution finally began, the judge is a mother who has just experienced the pain of losing her daughter, and in her communication with Anna, it seems that she sees her daughter's figure in this cute little girl.

She could see that Anna was hesitant to continue because of her sister, and she told Anna that there was no shame in death.

How terrible is the paranoid love of "Guardians of Sisters"? Are you willing to live as a victim?

Later, the mother's appeal was dismissed in court, and Kate's condition in the hospital was not optimistic, and the mother was a little crazy under the double pressure, and she argued with the medical staff.

Kate looked out the window at her angry mother, feeling so sad that she took out a photo album she had made herself, which included a bald boy named Taylor.

They met in the hospital, secretly feeling sorry for each other because of the same disease, and during the difficult chemotherapy, they comforted each other. Tyler had invited her to the prom, where they had had a happier night than ever before, but since then, Kate hadn't seen Taylor, and she later learned that Taylor had died.

How terrible is the paranoid love of "Guardians of Sisters"? Are you willing to live as a victim?

Kate told her father that she wanted to go to the beach to see, and his father had bought a day from the doctor to let them go out and relax. But his mother strongly objected to Kate leaving the hospital, her parents argued fiercely, and his father even threatened his wife with divorce, and for so many years he had been listening to her, but this time, he only wanted to fulfill his wishes for his daughter.

In the end, the father still took the children to the beach, the children were very happy, the father and Kate sat on the beach, Kate kissed the tip of the father's nose happily, this scene was just seen by the mother who rushed to see.

The mother was touched by the happy appearance of the children, and she went to them and spent a wonderful day at the seaside with them.

How terrible is the paranoid love of "Guardians of Sisters"? Are you willing to live as a victim?

At the second trial, the mother still stubbornly insisted on her own ideas, and after a fierce argument with the lawyer, the brother sitting in the back could not listen. He stood up and told the truth to everyone, Kate had long been loveless because of blood cancer, she felt that she was dragging down the family, her mother, who had been in the workplace, gave up her job, her brother was sick and had not been noticed for a long time, and her sister Anna, who should have been pampered, was in deep pain for herself.

Kate had experienced Taylor's death, and endless treatment, surgery, and she had long been bored with living in the world, and she had asked her sister not to donate her kidneys to her, she wanted to be free.

Listening to her brother's words, the judge decided to adjourn the court and went to see Kate in person, the judge learned of Kate's true appeal, and the mother faced Kate's true thoughts, although she was unwilling but helpless.

How terrible is the paranoid love of "Guardians of Sisters"? Are you willing to live as a victim?

After knowing the truth, Kate's hospital room had an unprecedented pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, and she had talked and laughed with relatives and friends, which was a joy she had never had before.

When everyone else had left the room, Kate took out the photo album she had made herself and gave it to her mother. The mother looked through the photo album, which was Kate's memories from childhood to adulthood, and the mother cried when she looked at it, and she and Kate hugged together.

They lay together in Kate's hospital bed, and their mother lay in Kate's arms for a warm and peaceful night.

After that night, Kate left her parents forever, leaving her brothers and sisters, and at the funeral, her mother's sad expression brought tears to her eyes.

A few days later, the lawyer found Anna, gave her a document, told her that she had won the case, that she had managed to regain control of her body, and that Anna gratefully hugged the lawyer.

After a few years, life didn't stop because of Kate's departure, and anna's family's life returned to normal. My mother returned to work, my father retired early, and my brother received a scholarship to an art school.

Although the family is busy, every year on Kate's birthday, everyone will gather together to remember Kate.

Anna knew that her sister was somewhere beautiful, waiting for herself.

How terrible is the paranoid love of "Guardians of Sisters"? Are you willing to live as a victim?

This is the movie "Sister Guardian", based on the novel of the same name, the whole movie conveys to us love, the mother's paranoid love for the eldest daughter, the sister's love for the sister's protection, and the sister's love for the family care.

Even all the unfair treatment of Anna by the mother expresses her love for her eldest daughter Kate. Love is eternal, and the love of a mother is great, but if this love is off track, it may cause pain and harm.

If a loved one has an incurable disease, will you choose to let her face it naturally without pain, or will you do your best to keep her alive for one more day? The same question, I believe that everyone will have a different answer, but love is the same.

Life, no matter how long or short, is eternal in the hearts of our loved ones, we can't predict which tomorrow and accidents will come first, but we can choose to enjoy every moment of life to enjoy loving, enjoy being loved, accepting love, and giving love.

Don't cry over the past, the past is over. Don't worry about the future, the future is not yet here. Please live hard for the present moment, because we want to live in the present moment.

How terrible is the paranoid love of "Guardians of Sisters"? Are you willing to live as a victim?

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