
The touching movie "Sister's Guardian" explains the copy

author:The multi-talented are happy

Today I introduce a very touching high-scoring movie "Sister's Guardian"

In other words, our little heroine "Anna" is an 11-year-old girl

She is an IVF baby who was born to save the life of her sister "Kate" of leukemia

To take care of her sick sister

Mom "Sara" did not hesitate to quit her job as a lawyer

He was at home with his sister and devoted himself to serving his daughter

By the way, the members of the family also include the eldest brother "Jesse", and the father "Brian"

Although the family has a daughter who has been sick for many years, the family is also happy

But there are still cracks lurking under the surface of peace

On this day, my sister Kate fell ill again, but our little heroine Anna ran to the office

Asked a lawyer " Alexander " to help him fight the case

Sister Kate not only has leukemia, but also suffered from kidney failure a few months ago

Since birth, he has been transplanting cord blood, white blood cells, and bone marrow

Anna didn't want to donate kidneys anymore

Even if she knew that if she did this, her sister would definitely die

She also wants to take her parents to court and claim her personal rights

Kate was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia at a very young age

The news was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and the whole family was shrouded in clouds

The young mother is determined to save her daughter no matter what the cost

The bone marrow of all the family members did not match Kate's, and the bone marrow of the bone marrow registry would repel it

So the couple followed the doctor's advice and decided to have another child

IVF matching rates diagnosed by preimplantation genes can reach 100%

The use of cord blood in the treatment of leukemia is effective

So little Anna was born with the mission of saving her sister...

End the memories, time comes to the present

When Sara (mother) learns that her second daughter is going to sue herself and is reluctant to save her sister, she is furious

Raising your hand is a slap in the face and giving your daughter a run

At the dinner table, Anna argued: if there was only one kidney

It meant I couldn't get pregnant, I couldn't drink, I couldn't exercise, and I had to be careful all my life

Although Sara is difficult to accept, the father understands the second daughter very well

He felt that he didn't want to treat his daughter the way he had before, and he wanted to respect Anna's choice

Sara angrily found her companions

Alexander, the daughter's appointed lawyer, wanted to ask for an explanation

But Alexander understood well what Anna had been through over the years: she had lived in the hospital 8 times in 11 years

6 catheter insertions, 2 bone marrow aspiration surgeries, 2 stem cell clearances

At such a young age, she had endured such a great torment

Sara was speechless

She was a good mother when Kate was shaved off her hair due to chemotherapy and slipped into the bed and didn't want to see anyone

Sara shaved her head without saying a word

The family went out like this, and they went shopping happily

The whole family took a group photo with the big head sticker, which was happy and warm

At this time, Kate was lying on the hospital bed looking at the pictures and looking back at the sweet memories

Kate, who is seriously ill, attracts all the attention of her family

So late that it was discovered that his brother Jesse had dyslexia, and the couple had no time to take care of him

He had to endure the pain of sending the young Jesse to boarding school for correction

Kate is also sensible, and she knows how much her family has sacrificed for herself

I have always been sorry and full of gratitude

Judge Xiaode was a kind woman

She brought Anna to find out what was going on, and the little girl took on the burden of taking care of her sister

But she never complained about it and was willing to take care of her sister

When the judge asked, "Were those surgeries terrible?" She couldn't help but burst into tears

The doctor said: Kate's whole body system is failing, and there is nothing she can do...

In order not to worry her family, the little girl endured the pain and smiled

Doctors advised Sara to take her daughter home to take care of her and spend her last journey at home

But as soon as my mother heard it, she was angry, insisted on doing (kidney replacement) surgery, and quarreled with the doctor

Kate once had a boyfriend who loved each other deeply, and the two met in the hospital

Taylor has strings of acute myeloid leukemia

Their relationship developed rapidly, and they soon fell in love

The guy treated Kate very well and was always by her side to comfort and encourage her when she was hospitalized

The sara on the side looked in her eyes and warmed her heart

The handsome man and woman went to the dance in the most beautiful posture, and then handed over their bodies to each other

Taylor's appearance greatly relieves Kate's illness and brings her endless happiness

However, the good times did not last long, and the boy finally failed to overcome the disease and died before Kate

Sara went through the files for her daughter's case

On this day, Kate, who was seriously ill, said: I want to go to the beach

In order to fulfill his daughter's wishes, her father took her out with the doctor's consent

Sara was furious when she learned of this, thinking that her husband was harming her daughter

The two tore in public

It was the first time in 14 years that Brian hadn't listened to his wife

With three children, he resolutely drove away to the seashore

Although he has limited mobility, he looks at his brother and sister who are frolicking on the beach

He smiled heartily and kissed the tip of his father's nose

At this time, Sara also arrived, and seeing the scene in front of her, she finally understood the way her lover was doing

The tides lapping at the shore like a beautiful piece of music soothe the family's wounded hearts

The court opened, and the doctors and others advised Anna that she should donate a kidney to her sister

Only Barrister Alishan sided with the little heroine, thinking that Xiao An had done enough before

Pumping bone marrow, donating lymphocytes, granulous white blood cells, Anna started from a very young age

For the continuation of her sister's life, she endured the torture that ordinary people could not endure and paid a huge sacrifice

The judge invited Anna to court, and her mother, who was a lawyer, pressed forward

He slammed the second daughter for not caring about the lives of her relatives

Jesse, who was listening, couldn't help but tell the truth:

In fact, the whole thing was Kate's idea, and she asked her sister to do it

She knew that her life was imminent and she wanted to get out of the sea of suffering as soon as possible

He had told his mother about it

Sara, however, has been reluctant to accept the truth with her love and obsession with her daughter

Anna takes care of her sister as hard as she can, but Kate has already had enough of the never-ending medication and surgery

For her own sake, and for her sister's sake, she wanted to be relieved and went to find Taylor

But she knew that her mother would not agree

So I asked my sister to find a lawyer and took my mother to court

The judge was dutiful and came to the hospital to find out what was going on with Kate

The two of them were very close, chatting lightly and happily

Finally understood the girl's real thoughts

After that, her sister and brother gathered around, and Kate expressed her gratitude to the two

At this time, Kate has been devastated by the disease and is not human, but she still has to make a happy face and chat with everyone

When the visiting time was over, she left her mother behind and pulled out a photo album

Inside are all the featured photos of yourself from birth to the present

She cuts out and pastes the photographs along the lines of the characters on each page, with text

There are all the wonderful, warm memories of the whole family

Warm tears came out of her eyes, and the strong Kate caressed her mother's hair

Comforting: It's all right, Mom, I promise it will be fine

When Kate still stopped breathing, she was gone... Like a white cloud in the blue sky, the smoke disappears

A few days later, Alexander came to visit and he told Anna: We have won

Xiao An hugged this uncle who was as kind as a father

Everything is on track again, and Sara is back in her own law firm

Business is good, and Dad retires early to work as a juvenile consultant for urban problems

The best of all was Jesse, who got into a first-class art school and got a scholarship

Although the family has gradually matured and moved

But every year on Kate's birthday, everyone goes on vacation together

And every time I go to the same place: it's a sparkling, picturesque river

Although her sister is gone, Anna firmly believes that one day, the two will definitely meet again

The film is based on the best-selling novel of the same name, The Guardian of The Sister

This is a movie about love, and the discussion of life in it is worth thinking about

Human life is very fragile, and when the disease strikes, even the strongest man cannot resist it

Not to mention the cardamom girl of the old age

From the beginning of her life, little Kate has experienced all kinds of torture and destruction

Little Anna, who was born because of her, is not

At first I didn't know it was all Kate's idea

But I didn't hate Anna when she went to the lawyer

On the contrary, I think this little girl is very thoughtful

She does have that right, and I'm in charge of my body, even if blood is thicker than water

You can't kidnap me with affection and forcibly cut off my kidneys

Even if the two have a deep relationship, it doesn't mean that I have to donate my organs to you

Even if it wasn't her sister's intention, there was nothing wrong with little Anna doing so

Sara does love her daughter, but she loves herself in too much of a way

Regardless of the child's feelings, she thought it was good for the child to survive

Since you love her, you must have empathy and think from the perspective of your daughter

Give her a choice of happiness and respect for her

Kate has been battling the disease for over 10 years, and has spent her days in pain

It is better to let go and let her rest in peace

In fact, I am in favor of euthanasia, when a person has an absolutely incurable disease

Instead of having to endure unbearable pain every day, it was better to let her leave in peace

This is not inhumane, but great love

Although this is a somewhat sensational tear gas, it has brought us a lot of inspiration and thinking

About how to love, and in what way to love

This is a subject that we can never avoid in our lives
