
Family drama movie "Sister's Guardian" movie commentary copy

author:The Great Demon King snorted

"Sister's Guardian"

Family drama movie "Sister's Guardian" movie commentary copy

Today I tell you about a tear-jerking adaptation of a novel of the same name

The heroine of the film is a very lively and cute little girl

Her name was Kate

She lives in a warm and sweet home

But when Kate was young

However, he suffered from acute promyelocytic leukemia

This dealt a heavy blow to the otherwise happy family

Kate's mom then resigned as a lawyer

Kate's aunt also only works part-time

Mom's life task now is to keep Kate alive

However, as the disease became more serious

The blood Kate needs and other resources are not available

Doctors recommended that Kate's parents raise IVF

Such blood can be 100% suitable for Kate

Since then, Kate's sister, Anna, has been born

Anna from the moment she was born

The doctors began to take part of her body

Cord blood in infancy, white blood cells for blood transfusions

Bone marrow, lymph

Inject her with stem cells to increase stem cells

Then take it out again

But it's never enough

This life lasted until she was 11 years old

Until Kate's kidney failure

When Mom decided to take a kidney from Anna's body and transplant it to Kate

Anna could no longer tolerate such a practice

She felt that she was born by design

If only Kate wasn't sick

Then there would be no her

And Anna is just Kate's medicine jar

Your own

So that day she sold her gold necklace

In exchange for more than 700 US dollars

She plucked up the courage to come to the law firm

Find a lawyer named "Alexander."

Suing her mother for violating her right to the body

The lawyer looked at her in amazement

Family drama movie "Sister's Guardian" movie commentary copy

When Anna came up with a medical certificate

The lawyer was also determined to help the little girl defend her rights

Soon Mom received a letter of complaint from a lawyer at the hospital

After reading the content, my mother scolded Anna

Mom thinks Kate is Anna's sister

Anna was supposed to help Kate treat her condition

And Anna said, "Mom, I don't want that anymore."

"I don't want that either"

"Kate didn't want that either"

"But we have no choice!"

At this point, Anna said, "The problem is that I have a choice."

Such emotionally impulsive conversation

Anna was slapped hard by her mother

After this incident

The father took the sad Anna to the place of work for dinner

Anna felt a happier atmosphere there than ever before

And my father also saw some things clearly along the way

He asked himself, "Since the moment we decided to do genetic matching."

"I just thought of this result"

"It's all our fault"

"We want to go against God's will"

"And this is our retribution"

"But we're not pushing her too much"

"Did we force her to help her sister?"

"Are those little encouragements and rewards for her genuine?"

"Or in exchange for what we wanted"

But in the end

The mother was still sued by Anna

The female judge just lost her daughter six months ago

She had taken six months off to go out to relieve her wounds

However, she returned early because of the case that Anna had sued her mother in court

Apparently, she was not yet free from the pain of losing her daughter

When she and Anna chatted to collect evidence

She rejoiced at the girl's love and the expression on the ghost horse elf's face

When she saw a picture of her daughter

Family drama movie "Sister's Guardian" movie commentary copy

Lonely Cain tried to suppress her tears

She didn't talk much to the girl

But a conversation full of warmth

It all shows how much she loves her daughter

The girl in front of her had a different experience

But she was equally unfortunate

Filled her with pity.

Attorney Alexander suffers from epilepsy

This was discovered later by Anna

Well-known lawyers have a 91% win rate

There was a complaint that took God to court and won

Got a dog called "Judge"

Driving a sports car, I love to show off my knowledge in court

Celebrities with such obvious characteristics

Why help a little girl who can only pay more than $700 at most

It was puzzling at first

I like to keep an eye on it~

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