
Food sharing: Home-cooked fried shrimp in oil, pearl shrimp balls, fruity crispy shrimp Simple method Homemade fried shrimp in fried shrimp in oil Pearl shrimp balls fruity crispy shrimp

author:Healthy food

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > home-cooked fried shrimp</h1>

Food sharing: Home-cooked fried shrimp in oil, pearl shrimp balls, fruity crispy shrimp Simple method Homemade fried shrimp in fried shrimp in oil Pearl shrimp balls fruity crispy shrimp

Ingredients: 200g shrimp, 1 slice of ginger, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 chives, 1 fresh red pepper, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsp cooking wine, 2 tsp sugar, 1 tsp aged vinegar, 1/4 tsp chicken essence, a pinch of ground white pepper


1. Wash the shrimp and drain the water for later;

2. Chop the ginger, green onion and garlic separately, and cut the red pepper into circles;

3: Heat 1.5 tbsp oil in a wok until 80% heat;

4. In the gap between burning oil, mix all the seasonings in the bowl;

5: Pour fresh shrimp into a wok and stir-fry quickly over medium heat;

6: After the shrimp turns red, continue to fry for about 1 minute until the shrimp shell becomes somewhat crisp, add ginger, green onion, garlic and red pepper rings;

7: Continue to heat for about 1 minute, add the bowl juice prepared in advance;

8: Continue to heat over medium heat until the soup is dry and serve.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > pearl shrimp balls</h1>

Food sharing: Home-cooked fried shrimp in oil, pearl shrimp balls, fruity crispy shrimp Simple method Homemade fried shrimp in fried shrimp in oil Pearl shrimp balls fruity crispy shrimp

Ingredients: minced meat, shrimp, glutinous rice, salt, green onion, ginger, soy sauce, cooking wine, white pepper, sesame oil;


1. Soak the glutinous rice for 4 hours in advance, wash and chop the green onion and ginger, and soak it in a little water;

2. Put the meat filling into the bowl, add the egg whites and stir well, then add the water soaked in the onion and ginger, the water should be added twice, the first time added and stirred evenly, and then added the second time. Let the meat fully absorb the water, and then add sesame oil, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt and white pepper to stir evenly (when stirring, be sure to turn in one direction) to make the meat stuffing strong;

3. Cut from the second section of the tail of the shrimp, peel off the shrimp shell, take the shrimp meat, chop it into a puree, put the minced shrimp meat into the meat filling and stir it together; take the appropriate amount of minced meat to make a small ball, stick to the glutinous rice, and insert the shrimp tail;

4. Put the cage drawer in the steamer, wet the cage cloth and then wring out the water, put the pearl balls in place, heat the steamer on high heat and then turn to medium heat and steam for 20 minutes

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > fruity crispy shrimp</h1>

Food sharing: Home-cooked fried shrimp in oil, pearl shrimp balls, fruity crispy shrimp Simple method Homemade fried shrimp in fried shrimp in oil Pearl shrimp balls fruity crispy shrimp

1. Remove the shrimp from the shrimp line, put it in a hot water pot, blanch until it is broken, drain the water.

2. Take the orange pulp, cut the lime into slices and set aside.

3. Glue the surface of the prawns with a layer of starch.

4. Heat a wok, pour oil over the bottom of the pan, add mint leaves, fry over medium heat until crispy surface, remove.

5. Leave the bottom oil in the pan, add the starchy prawns, fry on medium heat for 1 minute, turn over the dough and fry for another 1 minute, then remove and set aside.

6. Pour orange meat and small lime slices into the pot, add sugar and water and cook until viscous.

7. Then pour the fried shrimp back and stir-fry quickly until the surface is evenly wrapped in the sauce, add the mint leaves and stir-fry well to get out of the pan.

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