
Do these four points well, and you can also make fried shrimp on the outside and tender on the inside, delicious and delicious

author:Chef Xiao

Shrimp is also known as shrimp, prawns, white shrimp. Its flesh is thick and fatty, delicious and rich in protein. Sweet and alkaline warm, can supplement kidney aphrodisiac, nourish yin and stomach

Do these four points well, and you can also make fried shrimp on the outside and tender on the inside, delicious and delicious

Fried shrimp in oil

Ingredients: shrimp

Accessories: green onion ginger, minced garlic

Seasoning: salt and pepper, monosodium glutamate

Flavor type: salty and fresh

Rhythm point: crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, delicious taste

1: Cut off the shrimp feet, cut a knife from the abdomen, and chop a little green onion, ginger and garlic

2. Heat the oil in a hot pan, the oil temperature is about 70%, add the shrimp and fry until golden brown and crispy, and drain the oil

3 pots with a little oil, add the auxiliary ingredients shallots, ginger and garlic minced to stir up the incense, pour in the fried shrimp, sprinkle with pepper blue, MONOS glutamate, sprinkle while stirring evenly.

4 out of the pot plate, neatly arranged, if you are really hungry, eat two bites first


a shrimp belly is cut entirely, starting from the belly, do not destroy the shell

b Shrimp is not likely to go to the shrimp line

c 70% of the oil temperature is about 180 degrees, see the water to fry, so the fried shrimp can not have water, you can pass the low oil temperature again

D frying time can not be too long, otherwise the inside is not tender, the oil temperature is low can be picked up with a colander, and then re-fried

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