
Food sharing, super delicious fried shrimp, once done successfully

author:Gentle and happy times

Recently, I wanted to eat shrimp, and now I have learned this dish of fried shrimp. It's super easy, but it tastes great. [Strong]

Fried shrimp is sweet, but I personally say I love it! [Surprise]

Let's take a look at this zero-failure fried shrimp dish

(1) Preparation of ingredients:

500g of shrimp, a small piece of ginger, 4 cloves of garlic, a handful of shallots, and 3 spicy millets

Food sharing, super delicious fried shrimp, once done successfully

Wash the shrimp first, go to the shrimp whiskers, shrimp gun (I went directly to the head, because usually the shrimp head does not eat, I feel that this is more convenient, but the aesthetics may be almost bad)

Food sharing, super delicious fried shrimp, once done successfully

Then cut the ginger into strips, mince the garlic and cut the shallots into sections

(2) Sauce preparation:

Food sharing, super delicious fried shrimp, once done successfully

4 scoops of extremely fresh taste, 2 scoops of water, - spoon sugar, 2 scoops of cooking wine, stir well and set aside.

(3) Fried shrimp:

Pour in the pan the amount of oil that can not pass the shrimp, after the oil boils, pour in the treated shrimp, fry until both sides are red, and fish.

Heat the remaining oil again, bring to a boil, and then fry the fried shrimp again in hot oil. Fry until crispy surface and scoop.

Re-frying can separate the shrimp meat and the shrimp shell, and the taste is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Food sharing, super delicious fried shrimp, once done successfully

(4) Leave a little oil in the pot, then pour in the ginger, minced garlic and millet spicy, stir-fry and pour in the prepared sauce, stir well, until the sauce is boiling, pour in the fried shrimp and green onion.

Slowly collect the juice, stirring in the middle to make the shrimp more flavorful. When the soup is almost finished, you can start cooking. (This dish does not need to be salted separately, otherwise it will be salty)

Food sharing, super delicious fried shrimp, once done successfully

[Come and see me] taste great and easy to make, come and try it!

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