
Sesame leaf tofu soup is a lot of people do it wrong, no wonder it's not delicious, the head chef teaches you the right way

author:First cuisine

Sesame leaves in the countryside is not unfamiliar, popularly speaking is made of sesame leaves, today I will share with you a sesame leaf cooking "sesame leaf tofu soup", this dish is very common in restaurants, fresh and fragrant, warm and stomach warm, there are likes to learn quickly.

Sesame leaf tofu soup is a lot of people do it wrong, no wonder it's not delicious, the head chef teaches you the right way

Ingredients: Sesame leaves, tofu

Excipients: wheat flour

Seasoning: salt, pepper, chicken powder

【Sesame leaf tofu soup】——Fresh and fragrant

1. Let's start preparing the ingredients

Prepare an appropriate amount of sesame leaves, soak them in water for four hours, soak them softly, and then repeatedly grasp and wash them and chop them.

Sesame leaves have a bitter taste, and after soaking soft, they should be repeatedly kneaded and cleaned before eating.

Sesame leaf tofu soup is a lot of people do it wrong, no wonder it's not delicious, the head chef teaches you the right way

Prepare a piece of old tofu, cut into diced tofu and put it in a basin and mash it into minced pieces.

Sesame leaf tofu soup is a lot of people do it wrong, no wonder it's not delicious, the head chef teaches you the right way

2. Start adjusting the batter below

Heat the pan, add a spoonful of wheat flour, turn on low heat and stir-fry slowly, stir-fry the flour until fragrant until it is slightly yellow.

The flour is first stir-fried, and the soup is more fragrant.

Sesame leaf tofu soup is a lot of people do it wrong, no wonder it's not delicious, the head chef teaches you the right way

Pour a little vegetable oil and stir evenly, vegetable oil is mainly used to increase the fragrance, like the aroma is stronger, you can put a little more, and then pour the appropriate amount of water into the right amount of water in parts, stir into a slightly thicker batter.

The batter should be delicately adjusted, do not have gnocchi, so as not to affect the taste.

Sesame leaf tofu soup is a lot of people do it wrong, no wonder it's not delicious, the head chef teaches you the right way

3. Start cooking below

Boil water in a pot, add sesame leaves and tofu, add 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of pepper, 2 grams of chicken powder, stir to open the seasoning, simmer for another 2 minutes after high heat, and simmer the aroma of sesame leaves.

Sesame leaf tofu soup is a lot of people do it wrong, no wonder it's not delicious, the head chef teaches you the right way

Turn to low heat, spoon the batter into the pot, so that it is convenient to grasp the consistency of the soup, cook until the soup is boiling again, and finally sprinkle with green onions, drizzle with the right amount of sesame sesame oil, delicious.

Sesame leaf tofu soup is a lot of people do it wrong, no wonder it's not delicious, the head chef teaches you the right way

Well, a delicious sesame leaf tofu soup is ready.

Sesame leaf tofu soup is a lot of people do it wrong, no wonder it's not delicious, the head chef teaches you the right way

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