
Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

If you want to eat durian puff pastry and see what it tastes like to make it yourself, you can make it simple by searching for the recipe egg tart skin. So I bought egg tart skins and durians and made them.

By Shadow with the Planet


Durian two petals

Egg tart skin 12 pcs

1 egg yolk

A little black sesame seeds

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

1, peel the durian meat, 12 egg tart skin, 6 pounds of durian, only two petals.

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

2, durian meat is slightly stirred and crushed

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

3: Thaw the tart skin for five or six minutes, slightly soft enough to be combined

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

4, put in the durian meat, not too full, or not to close, and then fold in half, do not press the middle

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

5: Place in a baking dish, 200 degrees above and below, for 10 minutes.

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

6: Prepare an egg and separate the egg mixture.

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

7: Mix with a brush to mix the egg mixture

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

8: After 10 minutes, take it out, put tin foil on a baking sheet and peel off the tart skin. At this time, it is still a little soft, and you must be careful when peeling it.

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

9: Brush the egg mixture while placing black sesame seeds. It is said that the egg mixture dries quickly, so I brush two sesame seeds.

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

10, this time go in and bake 210 degrees for 15 minutes, while baking while looking, the color changes quickly to reduce the fire, 200-210 degrees, look at the oven temper.

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

11, the egg tart skin swelled inside, heard the sound of cheering, the fragrance has come out.

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

12, 15 minutes out of the pot. It's even more crisp to put it in.

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

13, individual durian looks not very good. Some meat put more durian on the type.

Egg tart skin durian puff pastry

14, take a bite of durian incense... Well...

<h2>Nutritional benefits of durian</h2>

Spicy, sweet, hot. Into the liver, kidneys, lungs three meridians. Nourish yin and strong, wind and heat, choleretic yellowing, insecticide and itching, tonic body. It can be used for sperm deficiency and early whitening, aging, wind fever, jaundice, scabies, skin itching and other symptoms.

1. Strengthen your body

Regular consumption can strengthen the body, strengthen the spleen and qi, tonify the kidneys and aphrodisiacs, warm the body, and is a nourishing and beneficial fruit.

2. Activate blood and relieve cold, relieve menstrual pain

Durian heat, after eating can activate the blood to disperse cold, relieve menstrual pain, especially suitable for women suffering from dysmenorrhea to eat, while durian to improve the cold of the abdomen, promote the rise of body temperature, can be excellent to regulate the cold physique of friends.

3. Appetizing and digestion

The smell of durian is completely different from people's feelings, some people feel very smelly and disgusting, and some people feel that the smell is fragrant and endless. This smell creates a major effect of durian, which is to appetize and promote appetite. At the same time, durian is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis.

<h2>Dietary contraindications to durian</h2>

Because durian is high in sugar, diabetics should not eat or eat less. In particular, do not eat with alcohol.

Durian contains high potassium, so kidney disease and heart disease should be eaten with caution.

Durian is warm, so the throat is dry, the throat is sore, the cough is dry, the fever constitution, and the yin deficiency constitution should be used with caution.

Although durian is delicious, it should not be eaten too much at one time (the average person does not exceed 100 grams per day), otherwise it is easy to cause the body to be hot and dry, and its rich nutrition will also cause "fire" due to the inability of the stomach and intestines to fully absorb it. The way to eliminate dry heat is to drink some light salt water at the same time as eating durian or eating fruits with more water to balance, pears, watermelons are good choices. However, the best partner of durian is the mangosteen known as the "Fruit Queen", and only it can easily subdue the fire of the "King of Fruits" and protect the body from damage.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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