
Eat it more after autumn, nourish the right time, rock sugar osmanthus wine brew pear, moisturize the lungs and relieve autumn dryness

author:Kitchen seat

Eat it more after autumn, nourish the right time, rock sugar osmanthus wine brew pear, moisturize the lungs and relieve autumn dryness

Autumn is the time when everyone is dry in autumn, Sydney pear is a good thing, plus rock sugar honey, it is a good ingredient to moisturize the lungs and relieve dryness, and autumn is the time to paste autumn fat, changing a taste can also make our appetite open.

Eat it more after autumn, nourish the right time, rock sugar osmanthus wine brew pear, moisturize the lungs and relieve autumn dryness

【Dish name】:Rock sugar osmanthus wine stuffed pear

【Required ingredients】: 1 Sydney pear, brewing an appropriate amount, a small handful of dried osmanthus flowers, a few rock sugar, a spoonful of honey.

【Cooking steps】:

Eat it more after autumn, nourish the right time, rock sugar osmanthus wine brew pear, moisturize the lungs and relieve autumn dryness

1, we first to deal with our raw materials, first of all, our Sydney pear, we here Sydney pear to the outside skin, the outer skin if cooked at high temperature, then we will emit a slight bitter taste, so we remove the inside of the skin, here do not give up, and then we prepare a small soup pot, put our peeled pear into the soup pot, we add about 80% of the water, let the pear have a part on the water.

Eat it more after autumn, nourish the right time, rock sugar osmanthus wine brew pear, moisturize the lungs and relieve autumn dryness

2, then we add two pieces of rock sugar in the water, and then add a spoonful of honey and the right amount of wine, but if we have time and pursue the ultimate, we can also open a hole in the pear, and then add our wine and rock sugar honey, so that the pear will reduce some of the sour taste, but also make the pear meat more flavorful. But since we want to remove the pear core, and we need knife work and patience in order to make the final appearance of the dish, here both are worse, so we did not do this step.

Eat it more after autumn, nourish the right time, rock sugar osmanthus wine brew pear, moisturize the lungs and relieve autumn dryness

3, then we first put the water to a boil on high heat, then we turn the heat down and simmer for about 20 minutes, then we first fish out our pears and set aside. Let's deal with our soup. After we take the pears out, we open a high fire to thicken our soup until it is slightly sticky, and then we can prepare the final presentation.

Eat it more after autumn, nourish the right time, rock sugar osmanthus wine brew pear, moisturize the lungs and relieve autumn dryness

4, we take a small bowl about the size of a pear, put our pears in it, pour our boiled soup, and then add a small spoonful of wine, and then sprinkle with dried osmanthus flowers, and our rock sugar osmanthus wine pear will be ready.

【Cooking Summary】:

1, we should pay attention to this, boiled pear candy is the best ceramic pot, so that the boiled pear is the purest, there is no trace of other taste, because the Sydney itself has a faint fragrance, so a little other taste will appear in Sydney this is particularly large, and the ceramic pot does not have a little other taste. And stainless steel second, and finally if there is only an iron pot in the home, it is recommended that we do not want to do this dish, the taste is really a bit heavy.

2, this dish is actually very simple, so we can add or delete ingredients at will, for example, if someone likes the taste of red dates, then we can add dates here, if you want to be more nutritious, we can also add some goji berries, if you don't like wine, then remove the wine is no problem at all.

3, because this dish is a dessert, although the amount of spices we add at home is controlled by ourselves, but we still have to pay attention to the content of sugar intake, so we must control ourselves, do not put too much sugar.

4, if we prefer our soup, we will add a little more water, and then slightly thicken it, so that our soup will be more.

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