
Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

author:China Youth Daily Travel Weekly
Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

With the national release of the movie "The Taste of Rice Blossoms", Hidezawa, who played the role of his mother in the film, gradually became known to everyone. From the first scene in the film where Yingze appears, this dark-skinned girl with a tough face but a gentle spring breeze has left a deep impression on everyone. With one look and one smile, we can perceive the tenderness and anticipation under a mother's eyes. The authentic local dialect and the wheat-colored skin with a healthy glow both show us the sincerity and respect of an actor for the character. Yingze's natural and sincere performance makes it difficult to associate this ethnic minority mother with the post-90s returnee girl. The strong contrast and multicultural elements collide in her body and merge, which is the most impressive impression that Yingze brings.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

"The Taste of Rice Blossoms" was shortlisted for the 74th Venice International Film Festival, won the "Most Popular Film" in the New Generation Unit of the First Pingyao International Film Festival and the Winner Award of the Sochi Film Festival in Russia, nominated for the 4th Douban Film Annual List "Chinese Independent Masterpiece of the Year", and was also a shortlisted film of the 11th First Youth Film Festival, the Hong Kong International Film Festival and the Beijing International Film Festival. Some people commented that "The Taste of Rice Blossoms" may open a new change in Chinese independent films, just as "The Taste of Rice Blossoms" has entered the public view like a dark horse, bringing many surprises", "can deal with serious society in this way, with such a unique technique, without excessive force, this lightness and just right, in the past domestic films are not, more can reflect the creator's unique vision and mind." The creation of "The Taste of Rice Blossoms" subverts the expression form and narrative method of previous domestic literary and art films, and is a fresh and unconventional film with heavy weights.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

"The Taste of Rice Blossoms" subverts many people's impressions of Chinese rural themes, and sincere and natural elements can be seen everywhere, and the countryside that everyone sees is no longer poverty and sadness, but a calm and bright happy life, which has the power to inspire people to perceive happiness and bring people full of light pleasure.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising
Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

As the lead actor and co-screenwriter of the movie "The Taste of Rice Blossoms", Yingze has his own interpretation of this film that has been affirmed at home and abroad. Ye Lan, the mother of ethnic minorities in Yunnan interpreted by Yingze, is a woman with a vision and idea of life, who went out of the countryside in order to give her daughter a better life, and returned home for her daughter's companionship and education. This mother who seems to have achieved a little success on the outside, in the face of the mother-daughter relationship but fell into the problem of communication and reconciliation, in this silent tug-of-war, Yingze will be an ordinary mother's confusion and frustration to truly show, she has a lot of ordinary mother's shadow, real and full of personal charm, bringing the audience a lot of warm memories and resonance. At the end of the movie, the mother and daughter dance in the cave, so quiet and ordinary, but beautiful and shocking.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

The mother in "The Taste of Rice Blossoms" is not the first character created by Hidezawa. As early as 2015, the movie "Underground Incense" starring Hidezawa was highly praised by many industry insiders and audiences. In the film, Yingze plays a young woman who lives in the basement and makes a living by pole dancing. Yingze's traceless and delicate and real acting skills will present the living conditions and lifestyles of small people in the city in front of the world, and small and wonderful roles can actually show the skills of an actor.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

From "North Drift" to "Mother", this post-90s sunshine girl has focused on the life and thought of traditional Chinese female characters, showed the strong, independent and charming image of Chinese women in the new era through the way of movies, pursued a more harmonious balance between traditional and modern culture, and reflected the thinking and voice of life in the change of the times. Through the expression of the film, to call on everyone to think about the truth and pay attention to social issues is the sense of responsibility and mission that young people in this era lack.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

Judging from the role played by Yingze in the film, it is difficult to imagine that this girl was once the first Chinese girl to be invited to the International Celebrity Ball in New York, and when she entered, the US Military Academy Military Band played "Five-Star Red Flag Fluttering in the Wind" for her.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

This girl with a tough and deep face, who likes golf, tennis, fitness, and travels around every day, will enter the group four months in advance to experience life, feed pigs with locals all day, go up the mountain to pick tea, make big pot rice and make Yunnan rice noodles. In order to tan the local tan skin as soon as possible, she rubs the sun every day to expose her to the hot sun, from the field to the river, she perceives everything that the character brings, and even the locals will treat her as a fellow countryman. Not impetuous, not in a hurry, sink down to do a good job, rely on calm and sincerity, under the siege of commercial films, through the creation of literary and artistic films to bring everyone the touch and understanding of the soul.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising
Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising
Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

In addition to the contrast between personal temperament and role, there is also a strong contrast between Hidezawa's personal experience and career choices. Yingze was born in a quaint courtyard under the Imperial City of Xicheng, Beijing, where five generations of the Yingze family lived, but as the new generation of the red family did not receive a traditional education, settled in Hong Kong as a child, returned to Beijing to study at the age of 6, and went to the United Kingdom alone at the age of 15 to study. As the only Asian among the current social policy and criminology graduates, he graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science, which is known as the cradle of the world's political and business elite. Subsequently, Hidezawa studied a graduate program in philosophy at Harvard University in the United States, and received credits with excellent grades in his thesis.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising
Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising
Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

Before going to college, Hidezawa's life plan was an international organization such as the United Nations and the International Tribunal. However, when she experienced the impact of Eastern and Western cultures and social changes, she found that she seemed to have a stronger desire to create in her heart, so she chose creation and film to express her thinking about reality and the excavation of human nature. The spirit of independent adventure at a young age has played an important role in Yingze's pursuit of film, and it is hard to imagine that she met the current partner director Peng Fei by submitting her resume to a European production company on the Internet, from "Underground Incense" to "The Taste of Rice Blossoms", who has been persistently looking for the warmest and most precious things of this era.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

In the creation of the film, many characters are injected with The real experience and emotional experience of Yingze. In the process of Yingze's growth, the companionship of her parents is also an experience that she lacked in her childhood, so in the presentation of "The Taste of Rice Blossoms", Yingze can accurately understand the emotions of the daughter's lack of mother companionship in the film, whether it is the strangeness of the long-term reunion, the gambling gas when making a fuss, the heart to look back and smile, the presentation of many plots exists in our lives, very real and makes people feel empathy.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

As an actor from a non-science class, Hidezawa has a different way of expression from the traditional, really and naturally shaping the character, making you think that this is what the character should look like. Delicate observation and perception ability, see things in the eyes, put feelings in the heart. Under the performance of seemingly slight phase change, there is a huge emotional explosion. From the confused and helpless North Drift girl who lives at the bottom of society under pressure to the returning mother who is helpless in the face of her daughter, they are also ordinary modern women, one struggling for survival, one worried about family affection. Yingze's interpretation allows us to see that small people also have a glowing side, and ordinary life will also bloom the most beautiful flowers.

Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising
Yingze: From "North Drift" to "Mother", the contrast between this post-90s girl is really more surprising

At that time, when the flowers were in the Mary Sue and the big costume drama, Yingze could sink his heart to think about the interconnection between the movie and human nature. She has a calm and quiet that is rarely seen in her peers, always speaking humbly and politely, smiling, and surprising when she talks about movies. The film industry needs increasingly mature creators like Hidezawa to bring sharp questions and diverse answers to film. The future can be expected, and we look forward to better works.


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