
Expired milk, stinky burgers, heat to heat stroke... Migrant children call a shelter in Texas resembling a prison

author:CCTV News
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"牛奶过期、汉堡发臭、热到中暑……移民儿童称美得州一庇护所似监狱","en":"Expired milk, stinky burgers, heat to heat stroke... Migrant children call a shelter in Texas resembling a prison"},"description":{"content":"今年年初以来,在邻近墨西哥的美国境内庇护机构里,包括不少未成年人在内的移民处境恶劣,受到广泛关注。22日,美国哥伦比亚广...","en":"Since the beginning of this year, immigrants, including many minors, have received widespread attention in the poor situation of asylum facilities in the United States near Mexico. On the 22nd, the United States Columbia Guangzhou..."}},"items":[]}

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