
The last three and a half months! Greek Real Estate + Green Card Combination, Explore the Opportunities and Challenges of Greek Immigration!

author:Ruihong Overseas

Greece, a country full of history and romance, has gradually become a popular choice for immigrants in recent years. Today, Ruihong Overseas will explain to you the relevant content of Greek immigration, and analyze the pros and cons to help you better understand Greek immigration.

The last three and a half months! Greek Real Estate + Green Card Combination, Explore the Opportunities and Challenges of Greek Immigration!


Greek immigration

- Immigration Policies & Pathways -

In order to attract more foreign investment and talents, the Greek government has launched a series of immigration policies. Among them, home purchase immigration is one of the most popular routes. By purchasing a Greek property worth a certain amount, the applicant can obtain Greek residency and thus enjoy the high quality of life and social benefits in Greece.

- Immigration Application Process -

The application process for Greece immigration is relatively straightforward. Applicants are required to prepare relevant documents such as passports, photographs, proof of property or proof of investment, etc., and submit them to the Greek Immigration Department as required. After review, eligible applicants will be granted a residence permit to officially become legal residents of Greece.

- Immigrant Life & Wellbeing -

As a member of the European Union, Greece has a well-established social welfare system. After obtaining the right of residence, immigrants can enjoy a number of benefits including medical care, education, pension, etc. In addition, Greece has a beautiful natural environment and rich cultural heritage, which provides immigrants with a high-quality living experience.


Analysis of the pros and cons of Greek immigration

- Pros -

Quality of life: Greece has beautiful beaches, magnificent monuments, and a pleasant climate that offers a quality living environment for immigrants.

Rich Cultural Heritage: Greece is one of the cradles of Western civilization and has a rich cultural heritage and rich historical heritage that offers a rich cultural experience for immigrants.

Comprehensive social welfare: As a member of the European Union, Greece has a well-developed social welfare system that provides a full range of living guarantees for immigrants.

Return on investment potential: Buying a Greek property will not only give you residency, but also the possibility of a certain return on investment.

- Cons -

Risk of policy changes: Immigration policies may be adjusted with changes in national politics, economy and other factors, and immigrants need to pay attention to policy changes in order to adjust their immigration plans in a timely manner.

The last three and a half months! Greek Real Estate + Green Card Combination, Explore the Opportunities and Challenges of Greek Immigration!
The last three and a half months! Greek Real Estate + Green Card Combination, Explore the Opportunities and Challenges of Greek Immigration!

The price increase of Greek golden visas is imminent, so hurry up and get on the bus

The Greek golden visa is about to increase from the current 250,000 euros to 800,000 euros.

Lock in the last 250,000 euros of permanent residence card quota:

By August 31, 2024 at the latest:

  • Pay 10% of the payment to the developer's account

By December 31, 2024 at the latest:

  • Sign the purchase contract to complete the transfer

The key content of the coupon

  • The Attica region, Thessaloniki, Mykonos, Santorini and islands with a population of more than 3,100 will all rise to 800,000 euros, and only one property of more than 120 square meters will be able to be purchased
  • The price of the rest of the area has increased to 400,000 euros, and only one property of more than 120 square meters can be purchased
  • The €250,000 is limited to investments in the renovation of homes and the restoration of protected buildings
  • Golden residence properties may not be used for short-term rental operations, and residential property rights may not be used for offices

Greece Golden Visa

A "low-cost top-of-the-line" Europe pass

  • Low barrier to entry for real estate investment
  • EU country "green card", European Schengen area pass
  • Educational double solution
  • Euro asset allocation, property available for rent
The last three and a half months! Greek Real Estate + Green Card Combination, Explore the Opportunities and Challenges of Greek Immigration!

Before September 1, 2024, according to the current policy, the threshold for real estate investment in Greece Golden Visa is 250,000 euros in non-price increase areas and 500,000 euros in price increase areas. From September 1, 2024, it will rise to 400,000 euros/800,000 euros.

Greece's "green card" has no immigration supervision, and you can renew your status every 5 years by maintaining the property you have purchased, and you can live, live and do business for a long time in the beautiful scenery of Greece, public education is free, the medical system is at the forefront of the world, and many international schools are rich in high-quality educational resources, helping children to hit the top schools in Europe and the United States, and you can also return to China as overseas Chinese students to participate in the joint entrance examination, with a minimum score of 460 to apply for domestic 985 and 211 famous universities.

The last three and a half months! Greek Real Estate + Green Card Combination, Explore the Opportunities and Challenges of Greek Immigration!

250,000 euros in the non-price increase area

In other areas outside the price increase zone: such as the port area of Piraeus, the northeast and west of Athens, etc., the Greek Golden Visa retains the minimum investment amount of 250,000 euros unchanged.

The price increase area is 500,000 euros

In the central, northern and southern regions of Athens, Thessaloniki, Mykonos and Santorini, the minimum investment for a Greek Golden Visa has increased from €250,000 to €500,000 (single property).

The last three and a half months! Greek Real Estate + Green Card Combination, Explore the Opportunities and Challenges of Greek Immigration!

Greek immigration has many advantages and potentials, but there are also certain challenges and risks. Before deciding to immigrate, applicants should fully understand the relevant policies and environment, and make adequate preparations and plans. At the same time, maintaining a positive mindset and adaptability are also key to successful immigration.

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