
#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

On the palate, it is sweet and soft.

By Tranquil Plum Blossom 2


Pumpkin puree 300g

Glutinous rice flour 400g

Sugar 60g

Flour 50 g

Tapioca flour 50 g

Boiling water 150g

Cooking oil 15g

Red bean paste to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

1. Prepare the materials first! The pumpkin is cooked and pureed with a blender.

#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

2. Mix all powders with white sugar and stir.

#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

3: Heat the pumpkin puree in the microwave until boiling hot.

#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

4: Pour the boiling pumpkin puree into the mixed flour and stir into a flocculent shape.

#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

5: Then pour about 150 grams of boiling water and 15 grams of cooking oil.

#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

6: Knead into a smooth dough and let stand for 10 to 15 minutes.

#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

7, divide into equal size of the agent, roll out thin! Wrap in your favorite filling.

#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

8. Knead the dough round and then press it into a pie shape, and then make all the dough in turn!

#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

9: Brush a layer of cooking oil in a frying pan, then add pumpkin embryos, slowly fry over low heat until the surface is golden brown and then turn the other side over low heat to fry until golden brown!

#Home cooking of giant rice #Pan-fried pumpkin pie

10, fried pumpkin cake out of the pot ~ ~ eat while hot, sweeter, softer texture


The weight of the above glutinous rice flour, flour and tapioca flour is added according to the actual situation, because everyone likes the taste is different, so the materials selected are different. So I can only use my ratio as a reference!

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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