
Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

author:Xi'an rambled
Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing
Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

There are thousands of authentic cool skins in Xi'an, and the rice skins of Qinzhen must definitely be counted as one, after all, there has always been a saying that "the face of the Pot Helmet Qishan in Qianzhou, and the skins of Qinzhen go around Chang'an".

However, the one I want to talk about today is in Xi'an, an old restaurant that has been open for 28 years, and people who have eaten it have said that "after eating this, there is no need to go to Qinzhen again."

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

• Beyond the treasure of Qin town Mipi Shop •

As a Xi'an person, I love the land under my feet very deeply, no matter how far I have gone, no matter how many years have passed, I only need a taste of my hometown to be solid.

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

Many outsiders' impression of Xi'an mostly starts from a "Three Qin Set", rice skin, ice peak, meat sandwich steamed bun, simple collocation is the daily life of Xi'an people, but to taste good or have to find the right place.

Ziqiang West Road, which has been open for 28 years, is a place where you must punch in the rice skin!

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

A small storefront, there is no special decoration inside, the menu is simple a few lines pasted on the wall, but just after 11 o'clock began to be full, 12 o'clock to have to wait for the seat, Oh, is a treasure old shop!

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

Eating rice peel itself is a very common thing, but when you encounter an old shop, the business is still so prosperous, you must carefully investigate what is different.

• What's different about 28 years of Mipi Shop? •

The first is the rice skin itself, the raw material of the rice skin is generally indica rice, soaking rice must be full of three hours, so as to achieve the best state, and then grinding, eating the taste is generally determined by this step.

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

The steaming process is also exquisite, and the tendons, thinness, fineness and softness are indispensable. Thin strips with a thickness of less than one millimeter and a width of five or six millimeters are optimal. The final steamed rice skin must be cut with a large knife, and the people of Xi'an love this handmade spirit.

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

This is followed by spices, spicy seeds and vinegar which are the essence of rice peel.

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

The vinegar in the rice skin needs to be boiled first, put in more than ten kinds of spices such as star anise, peppercorns, cinnamon and so on, and then use it after cooling.

As an absolute soul of spicy, first of all, there can be no spicy noodles in the spicy oil. Picking up a handful of rice peel and dipping it into the spicy when loading the bowl is another soul moment besides knife cutting.

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

Finally, there are side dishes, usually there will be soybean sprouts and celery at the bottom of the rice skin bowl, this one chose soybean sprouts, mixed in the middle of the rice skin, each bite has a crisp and raw taste.

Qinzhen West Street Old Four Meter Skin

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

The biggest feature of this rice peel is incense! Rice and spicy flavor are intertwined, and it is very satisfying to take a bite! Although the rice skin is thin, the glutinous one still has a hint of toughness, and it is bright and shiny, and it is very smooth to eat one by one.

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

Spicy is also very authentic, oily and not dry, eat spicy back fragrant, with ice peak, is a cool!

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

Of course, eating cold skin is indispensable to meat sandwich steamed buns, as a popular Xi'an snack in Zui, this meat sandwich bun is also worth a try!

Meat sandwich buns

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

This bacon meat is also good, traditional techniques are made, the meat with the skin, cut are fat and thin look, a bite down the oil is delicious.

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing
Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

The steamed buns used in this house are also freshly beaten, and the hands are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, which is definitely a good partner for rice peel!

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

Such a meat sandwich bun, bacon meat salty and mellow, fat and thin, not woody and not greasy. Served with freshly roasted white steamed buns, it is crispy and delicious, and the mouth is full of fragrance.

Coming home from work, holding a meat sandwich bun that has just come out of the oven and is still hot, and biting down on the meat is full of aroma, so satisfied!

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

Most of the nearby residents who came here to eat, when they came, it was only 10 o'clock, and someone had already come to take Mipi back, and when they asked, they knew that they were afraid of queuing up at noon, and they came early.

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

This shop opened in 1993 on Ziqiang West Road, the owner himself is a Qinzhen person, after moving to Xi'an, he also brought this craft, so many years the taste has never changed.

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

People often ask me how I always like to punch in the old shop, in fact, the answer is very simple, because this taste is from snacks to big taste, for people on the West Road of Self-Improvement, the taste of this rice skin has long been imprinted in the growth trajectory.

Isn't the meaning of food part of the memory?

Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing
Beyond Qinzhen Mipi! This Mipi is amazing

Shop Name | Qinzhen West Street old four meter skin shop

Address | 347 Ziqiang West Road

| per person 11 yuan

Opening hours | 07:00-20:30

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