
Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

author:Treasure Chicken

It is rich in high-quality japonica rice. Rich and clean water source in the Qinba Mountains, pure sunshine,

It gives rice a fresh life. Choose high-quality rice, after an overnight soak, the rice and water reach a harmonious penetration, blending. The traditional practice is to gradually pour the soaked rice water mixture into the stone mill, and after crushing, the thick rice milk will flow out like milk...

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

The rice milk is evenly spread on the cloth, placed in a steamer basket, and after three or five minutes of high temperature baptism, it solidifies into a thin translucent skin - dough skin.

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

This simple single dough, seemingly nothing special, but was given a deeper thing by the Hanzhong people, and the fragrant vinegar was made by adding more than a dozen spices such as large incense, grass fruit, and star anise.

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack
Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

The flavors are unique, the ingredients are rich and simple, and the best partner for dough is soybean sprouts (commonly known as: bottom mat)!

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack
Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack
Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack
Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

The ins and outs of the dough ---- decomposed in detail

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

Located in the south of the Qinling Mountains, on the shore of the Han River and known as xiaojiangnan, there is a delicacy in Hanzhong, called: dough skin. When and what happened to this snack has never been examined, only that the People of Hanzhong cannot do without it. Once you don't have it for a long time, you will be like a child without a mother, thinking about it, always feeling that something is missing in life, thinking panicked!

  In recent years, whether it is a business trip, a study, or a migrant worker returning to his hometown, a train, a car, he stared at the dough stall, could not wait to rush up, casually put the luggage, first eat a bowl or two of the dough before the basket, and then say something else. It seems that with the enjoyment of the tongue, all the troubles of going out and the strong homesickness have disappeared.

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

  This type of stall is generally not large, and a façade is enough. At the door, a large stove was coiled, and a large pot was supported by a large pot, and boiling water was boiling in the pot, and a towering steamer was set up on the water. One cage was lifted, and then the rice milk was poured on the cage and steamed. There is also a stove next to it, on which sits a large pot of spice soup that has been boiled overnight. There are a lot of good things in it: green onions, ginger rice, peppercorns, grass fruits, large ingredients and other spices, as well as several herbs such as tianma and angelica.

  The dough is actually made of rice, similar to rice noodles in the south. Because it is tender and strong like the best noodles, it is called. You can cut it to the point where the noodles are, or you can pour the soup with spices and mix it in a bowl.

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

  Eating dough without chili peppers cannot taste anything. The most exquisite selection is the best peppers, finely ground into flour, added sesame seeds, and then splashed with hot oil, smelling from a distance will make people appreciate. So you have to sit down, who makes the stomach so naughty? Just unconsciously eat a bowl, a bit like the eight precepts of the pig eating ginseng fruit, only know delicious, only know to eat, but forget to taste, you have to come back to a bowl, savor. But after all, some can't say why, spicy is not, acid is not, hemp is not, only feel the heart is hot, the stomach is comfortable, the tongue is fragrant, oily and not greasy, refreshing and warm, it is best to drink a bowl of vegetable tofu, just like drinking coffee to add a partner, not a moment, you are steaming hot on the top of your head and feet, and your face is like a peach blossom. No wonder the girls in Hanzhong usually look watery, warm and moist, Sven, but when they eat the dough, they are also quite angry.

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

After eating and putting down four or five dollars, the stall owner also happily pushed you a mount - your bicycle or motorcycle, greeting: slow walk! Again!

  With the reform and opening up, this kind of snack in southern Shaanxi has also been placed on the streets of Beijing and Shenzhen. It's just that the price is not cheap, not to mention, the taste is not very authentic, especially it is not used to outsiders always calling the dough skin a cool skin. Because I always think that the dough skin is cold, but the hot one is even more general. Late at night in the middle of winter, the weather is cold, but the night market is full of people, endless. All just to eat a bowl of freshly steamed hot dough skin. Especially it is an excellent supper for couples, steaming, snuggling up to you, I take a bite, eat with emotion, count nine yan tian has achieved red-hot, sweet and sweet, that beautiful, not to mention!

Legends about dough

—— Excerpt from "Hanzhong on the Road"

Legend has it that the story of Qin Shi Huang's face

  It is said that the Hanzhong dough originated from the heyday of Qin Shi Huang in 231 BC to 213 BC. The "Chronicle of Chang'an County" and the "Chronicle of Liuba County" describe the origin of the dough in Hanzhong: During the reign of Qin Shi Huang, there were 100,000 acres of rice fields in Hanzhong, and there was a year of drought without rain, the rice fields dried up, the rice laid down was all rice straw, the quality of the rice milled was too poor to pay tribute to the emperor, and the peasants were deeply afraid of the crime of deceiving the king, and they were very anxious and panicked. At that time, there was a farmer surnamed Zhu, who crushed the new rice into a very fine powder, sifted it, then mixed it with water into a paste, and then poured it on the koshiki and steamed it into strips, called dough skin, and everyone tasted it. He came to Qinzhen with the people of the dough and the tribute, and offered the dough to Qin Shi Huang, who ate the delicious and delicious dough skin, which was highly appreciated, and made the tribute in the Hanzhong region in the future only be made of rice. Later, in the Hanzhong region where he died, every peasant household had utensils such as stone mills with steamed dough skin to facilitate the preparation of this delicacy.

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

Legend 2 Liu Bang named the dough "steamed cake"

  Liu Bang proclaimed himself king in Hanzhong and ordered Xiao He to build mountains and rivers, and the grain harvest was bumper year after year. In order to improve their lives, farmers dilute rice noodles with water, steam them into pancakes, cut them into strips and mix them cold, and eat them, which tastes beautiful. One day, Liu Bang went on a visit and entered the people's home, and the hospitable peasants were served with cold steamed cake strips. Liu Bang praised while eating, asked about the name, the farmer could not say it, Liu Bang listened to the production method haha smiled, and said: "This is a steamed cake also." Later, people switched to stacked bamboo steamers, which could steam several pieces at a time, and they were large and bookish. Cut into thin strips, the tendons are flexible, soft and continuous, just like noodles, known as "dough skin".

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

Legend has it that Cao Cao forced the soldiers away, and the Yuanguan of Chenggu came out

  Legend has it that in the twenty-fourth year (219) of the Eastern Han Dynasty Jian'an, the Battle of Hanzhong, Cao Cao's subordinates used boats to escort grain through the Chu River, the rain continued, the river swelled, a boat of rice was submerged in the water, three days later, the river fell, the whole ship of rice was soaked in water and could not be transported away, Cao Cao's subordinates escorted the soldiers who were escorting the grain ships to death. Heng Zhisi, who was cooking for the barracks at that time, looked in his eyes, the pain was in his heart, and he secretly shed tears, one did not want the soldiers to be beaten, and the other could not let the valuable rice be wasted in vain, after a night of hard thinking, the next day the soaked rice was ground into thick rice milk, plus an appropriate amount of white sugar, steamed into rice cake steamed in a bamboo cage, cut into squares for soldiers to eat, in one fell swoop, Heng Zhisi was very happy, and then added the thick rice milk to the appropriate amount of water in the bamboo cage to steam into thin skin, cut into strips, and mixed in salt, vinegar and other spices, so that the soldiers were happy after eating. If you don't have time to make it, dry it into powder, and then add water to make the dough. After a ship of soaked rice was eliminated, Heng Zhisi felt that Cao Cao's subordinates did not ask questions and beat the soldiers, not knowing that it would be his turn that day, so he bid farewell to the military camp and returned to his hometown of Chenggu County, Shangyuanguan. A few years later, his hometown was flooded, Heng Zhisi could not make a living, so he remembered that he was making dough in the military camp, so he borrowed money to set up a set of bamboo fences and other tools, and started a business of steaming dough skin in Shangyuanguan, and over time, people also used sweet potato flour, potato flour, and flour to steam or mix with each other to make dough skin successfully, and the skin began to circulate in Hanzhong.

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

Legend has it that the fourth Han Dynasty made him a prefect

  There is also a small story of the "prefect of Mianpi" in Hanzhong. During the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Mou, a Hanzhong man, served as a county official in Ruyang, Henan. One year, the imperial court sent a minister of Chincha to Ruyang to inspect, and Zhang ZhiXian did not prepare a banquet, only the noodles of his hometown were simply entertained. Lord Chincha ate and drank along the way, felt greasy in the morning, tasted the dough skin, and was overjoyed. Asked about the production method, Zhang Zhixian gave advice one by one. Soon after Chincha returned to the dynasty, Zhangzhi County was promoted to the prefect of Luoyang. People unanimously guessed that it was likely that a meal of noodle skin was pleasing to Chincha, and the son of heaven was promoted to a knighthood by playing a beautiful word. The matter was passed back to Hanzhong and was jokingly called "the prefect of Mianpi" by the common people.

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

China on the tip of the tongue - Hanzhong dough

In Hanzhong, when the first rays of the morning sun rise, whether it is men, women and children, what profession, rich and poor, whether busy or leisurely,

A day in Hanzhong starts with a bowl of noodles...

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

Dough, a simple snack, hot in winter, cold in summer, has been done to the extreme by the Hanzhong people who are known as the Great Northwest And Small Jiangnan...

Hanzhong rice peel of Shaanxi's famous snack

Hanzhong, this basin surrounded by mountains. The four seasons are warm and moist, the products are abundant, and the rice is abundant, but the flour is not abundant.

Therefore, I don't know which year, the Hanzhong people who had a sudden idea grinded rice into flour and ate it according to the way flour was eaten, so there was this hanzhong people's favorite - dough skin.

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