
Can't eat peppercorns for arthritis? Experts advise: If you don't want your joints to be inflamed, don't use these 3 spices

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Ah Qiang, how is your arm and leg hurting? Or is it not so screwed? As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the consultation room immediately became lively.

At a community hospital not far from the city center, Mr. Zhao is consulting with his old friend, Dr. Cao, who is also the hospital's chief of internal medicine, about his symptoms.

Can't eat peppercorns for arthritis? Experts advise: If you don't want your joints to be inflamed, don't use these 3 spices

Zhao Ah Keung, a 50-year-old taxi driver, has been suffering from arthritis in recent months. As his job requires long hours of driving, the discomfort affects his daily life.

"I've heard that people with arthritis can't eat peppercorns, is that true?" Cuong said as he cautiously tried to find a possible bane in his diet. Doctor Cao smiled slightly and waved his hand, "Ah Qiang, who did you listen to?" Arthritis does require attention to diet, but this has little to do with peppercorns. However, when it comes to spices, there are a few that you might really want to eat less. ”

Can't eat peppercorns for arthritis? Experts advise: If you don't want your joints to be inflamed, don't use these 3 spices

Dr. Cao went on to explain three spices that may not be friendly to arthritis patients: First, too much salt may lead to water retention in the body and aggravate joint swelling.

The second is too much sugar, which can not only increase weight and put more stress on the joints, but also may stimulate the occurrence of inflammation; The third is that certain preservatives and additives, which are commonly found in processed foods, may also exacerbate the symptoms of arthritis.

Can't eat peppercorns for arthritis? Experts advise: If you don't want your joints to be inflamed, don't use these 3 spices

"For example, Mr. Zhang, a patient I just saw two days ago." Dr. Cao continued while flipping through the medical records, "He often eats takeout because of improper diet, and eats too many high-salt and high-sugar things, and his arthritis is getting worse and worse." ”

Dr. Cao also highlighted an often overlooked point: the ratio of Omega-6 fatty acids to Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. Modern diets often have too much omega-6, fatty acids in the body that are converted into pro-inflammatory substances, and omega-3s that help fight inflammation. Adjusting the ratio of the two is very helpful in relieving the symptoms of arthritis.

Can't eat peppercorns for arthritis? Experts advise: If you don't want your joints to be inflamed, don't use these 3 spices

"So, Cuong, you usually eat more foods rich in Omega-3s, such as deep-sea fish, and less fries." Dr. Cao suggested. After listening to this, Zhao Aqiang felt that he had benefited a lot. He suddenly remembered the bags of French fries and instant noodles at home, and he couldn't help but regret it a little.

The doctor's suggestion was like a gust of fresh wind, blowing away the fog in Zhao Aqiang's heart. Time passed quietly, Dr. Cao's ward came and went, and many patients were greatly helped because of his patience and professionalism.

Can't eat peppercorns for arthritis? Experts advise: If you don't want your joints to be inflamed, don't use these 3 spices

Zhao Aqiang is no exception, he adjusted his eating habits according to Dr. Cao's advice, and began to consciously reduce the intake of high-salt and high-sugar foods, and increased omega-3-rich foods such as salmon and flaxseed oil.

After a few months, his arthritis symptoms were significantly relieved and he was able to move much more easily. However, treating arthritis is more than just changing your diet. Dr. Cao further pointed out that moderate exercise is also a very important part.

Can't eat peppercorns for arthritis? Experts advise: If you don't want your joints to be inflamed, don't use these 3 spices

He suggested that Zhao should start doing low-intensity aerobic exercises, such as walking or water activities, which can help increase joint flexibility and reduce pain.

"You see, exercise helps lubricate the joints and reduce stiffness." Dr. Cao explained while showing Zhao Aqiang some simple stretching exercises. Although Zhao Aqiang was a little clumsy at first, he soon experienced the comfort after exercise.

Can't eat peppercorns for arthritis? Experts advise: If you don't want your joints to be inflamed, don't use these 3 spices

In the next few follow-up visits, Dr. Cao's progress made Dr. Cao feel gratified. His example was also used by Dr. Cao to encourage other arthritis patients, and gradually, there was a more optimistic and positive atmosphere in Dr. Cao's office.

Dr. Cao also introduced Zhao to some complementary therapies that arthritis patients can try, such as acupuncture and massage, which can help relieve symptoms. After hearing this, Zhao Aqiang deeply realized that he was grateful to Dr. Cao for not only caring about his condition, but also teaching him how to live a healthier life.

Can't eat peppercorns for arthritis? Experts advise: If you don't want your joints to be inflamed, don't use these 3 spices

Through this period of adjustment and treatment, he not only felt much better, but also became more positive. Although arthritis is a common disease, with the right approach, the symptoms can be completely controlled and improved.

The combination of scientific dietary adjustment, appropriate exercise, formal medical treatment and adjuvant therapy is a comprehensive and effective treatment path for arthritis patients.

Can't eat peppercorns for arthritis? Experts advise: If you don't want your joints to be inflamed, don't use these 3 spices

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Can't eat peppercorns for arthritis? Experts advise: If you don't want your joints to be inflamed, don't use these 3 spices

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