
Stewed pork rib soup, the more seasoning, the worse it tastes! Just add 3 kinds of ingredients, the meat is soft and not firewood, and the soup is fresh and not fishy

author:Those things about what we eat and drink

Stewed pork rib soup, the more seasoning, the worse it tastes! Just add 3 kinds of ingredients, the meat is soft and not firewood, and the soup is fresh and not fishy

When it comes to pork ribs, I believe many people like to eat them, such as braised pork ribs and sweet and sour pork ribs, which are very popular. However, the weather is slowly getting hotter, it is better not to eat too greasy, when you want to eat pork ribs, you can stew pork rib soup, which is relatively light and delicious, and drinking pork rib soup can not only replenish water, but also supplement nutrition, which is very good.

Stewed pork rib soup, the more seasoning, the worse it tastes! Just add 3 kinds of ingredients, the meat is soft and not firewood, and the soup is fresh and not fishy

When it comes to stewed pork rib soup, some people always like to put some spices in it, thinking that doing so will make the pork rib soup more fragrant, have you ever done this?

In fact, stewed pork rib soup, the more seasoning, the more unpleasant it is! Ever since I found out the secret, I haven't messed around anymore. What is the best way to do it? In fact, you only need to add 3 kinds of ingredients, you can stew well, not only the meat is soft and not firewood, but also the soup is fresh and not fishy!

Stewed pork rib soup, the more seasoning, the worse it tastes! Just add 3 kinds of ingredients, the meat is soft and not firewood, and the soup is fresh and not fishy

Let me share with you the detailed method of stewing pork rib soup and the matters that need to be paid attention to, come and take a look, and follow it to make sure you are right.

【Corn and yam pork rib soup】

Prepare pork ribs, sweet corn, iron stick yams, boiling water, salt, cooking oil.

1. Put the pork ribs into the basin, add an appropriate amount of water, stir a few times, and soak for half an hour. Wash and peel the ginger, wash and cut the green onions.

Stewed pork rib soup, the more seasoning, the worse it tastes! Just add 3 kinds of ingredients, the meat is soft and not firewood, and the soup is fresh and not fishy

2. After soaking the ribs, change the water several times to clean them and remove the blood and bone residue.

3. Put the pork ribs into the pot, add ginger slices, then pour in an appropriate amount of cold water and cooking wine, cook on high heat for a few minutes, until foam appears on the water surface, and skim off with a spoon.

4. After processing, remove the ribs, wash them with warm water, and then drain them.

Stewed pork rib soup, the more seasoning, the worse it tastes! Just add 3 kinds of ingredients, the meat is soft and not firewood, and the soup is fresh and not fishy

5. Add a little oil to another pot, add ginger slices and pork ribs after heating, stir-fry for two or three minutes, then pour in enough boiling water, and bring to a boil over high heat.

6. Turn the pork ribs and water into the casserole, then add the green onions, cover the lid, reduce the heat and simmer for about 40 minutes.

7. Wash and cut the corn, peel and wash the yam and cut into sections. After the pork ribs have simmered for 40 minutes, remove the green onions, add the corn and yam, and continue to simmer for 20 minutes.

Stewed pork rib soup, the more seasoning, the worse it tastes! Just add 3 kinds of ingredients, the meat is soft and not firewood, and the soup is fresh and not fishy

(Remember to remove the green onions, otherwise the green onions will rot in the pot and will not be very beautiful, just add some chopped green onions when they come out of the pot.) If you need to add vegetables, don't add them too early to avoid stewing. In addition to yam corn, you can also add lotus root, carrots, potatoes, fungus, kelp, winter melon, white radish, etc. )

8. After the stew is done, add salt and white pepper to taste, and the pork rib soup is ready. After it is served, sprinkle some chopped green onions, and it is ready to eat, it is fragrant and rich, and it is very delicious.

Stewed pork rib soup, the more seasoning, the worse it tastes! Just add 3 kinds of ingredients, the meat is soft and not firewood, and the soup is fresh and not fishy

Don't put too many ingredients in stewed pork rib soup, such as star anise, Sichuan pepper, cinnamon, etc. If you put it in, it will cover the flavor of the ribs themselves, and the soup will become a thick spice flavor, which will definitely not taste good.

You can put 3 kinds of ingredients, namely ginger, green onions (green onions or chives are fine), and white pepper. With these, it is both fragrant and fishy.

Stewed pork rib soup, the more seasoning, the worse it tastes! Just add 3 kinds of ingredients, the meat is soft and not firewood, and the soup is fresh and not fishy

In addition, in addition to using these three materials, the following precautions should also be kept in mind:

(1) Blanch the pork ribs without washing, and it is best to soak them in cold water for half an hour to remove the blood.

(2) When blanching pork ribs, use cold water and remove the blood foam.

(3) Before stewing pork ribs, it is best to stir-fry for two or three minutes, so that the soup will taste richer and more delicious.

(4) When stewing pork ribs, it is best to add boiling water, so that the pork ribs are soft and tender.

Stewed pork rib soup, the more seasoning, the worse it tastes! Just add 3 kinds of ingredients, the meat is soft and not firewood, and the soup is fresh and not fishy

Stewed pork rib soup is actually very simple, not so complicated, the more ingredients, the worse it is, don't make a mistake again! Give it a try. Welcome to leave a message to discuss, if you think the article is useful to you, please give me a favorite, like, comment, forward, follow, so that more people can see it, let everyone learn together, thank you for your support to me, we will see you next time!


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