
A handful of peppercorns, seven kinds of medicines, drive away the dampness, dissipate cold and stasis

author: Longnan Wen County released

Speaking of Sichuan pepper, I believe everyone's first reaction is the essential spices in the kitchen, especially when eating spicy hot pot, it is an indispensable seasoning.

But you know what? If you only use it as a seasoning, it will be too big to use it.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Sichuan pepper can dissipate cold in warmth, dehumidify and relieve pain, kill insects and detoxify, and is an excellent material for health care.

A handful of peppercorns, seven kinds of medicines, drive away the dampness, dissipate cold and stasis

The magic of Sichuan peppercorns

Sichuan pepper foot soaking: anti-aging, anti-gray hair

Sichuan pepper is warm in nature, pungent in taste, and belongs to the cold class of drugs, which can remove the cold of the five internal organs. Zanthoxylum pepper has the effects of relieving pain, detoxifying and regulating qi, dispelling cold and warming the stomach, invigorating blood circulation, preventing colds, enhancing immunity, etc., and has therapeutic effects on the treatment of spleen and stomach diseases, rheumatism, headaches, influenza, insomnia, stroke and other diseases.

Method: Wrap 50 grams of peppercorns in a cotton cloth and tie it tightly with a rope. After adding water to a boil, soak your feet in water for about 20 minutes, then wash and dry your feet with warm water.

Sichuan pepper buns can be reused, soak your feet once every night before going to bed, and it is advisable to have red skin on your feet and slightly sweaty on your face, and then replace them with new ones for about a week.

Sticking to it every day is conducive to improving blood circulation in the feet, which can have the effect of dispelling diseases and prolonging life.

Sichuan pepper soaked wine (water): stop toothache and stomach cold

Sichuan pepper wine is made by soaking Sichuan pepper in liquor, which can dissipate wind and cold, dispel rheumatism, and dissolve stasis. Sichuan pepper also has the benefit of relieving toothache when held in the mouth.

Many people have the experience that after the stomach is cold, they will feel the qi surging inside, and some people will have diarrhea or abdominal pain afterwards.

Method: Take 7 peppercorns, add a bowl of water and boil for a few minutes, add some brown sugar, and drink it to relieve abdominal pain; If symptoms do not improve after drinking, please seek medical attention promptly.

A handful of peppercorns, seven kinds of medicines, drive away the dampness, dissipate cold and stasis

Sichuan pepper tea: dispel cold and dampness

If you add a few peppercorns to ginger jujube tea and cook it together, it is prickly pepper ginger jujube tea, which has a stronger effect on dispelling cold and dampness, and can also relieve abdominal pain.

Sichuan pepper ginger jujube tea is suitable for people who are scorched and damp to drink, such as female uterine cold (vaginal discharge is more and thin, long-term dysmenorrhea), male kidney cold, as well as people with gastrointestinal deficiency and chronic diarrhea, can drink it often.

Women who have abdominal pain after menstruation with cold water can also drink peppercorn, ginger and jujube tea to relieve it.

Sichuan pepper nutmeg: cures cold and diarrhea

Zanthoxylum pepper is a good thing to treat cold and dampness, wind cold, and yang deficiency type diarrhea, and it is recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Zanthoxylum, a pure yang thing, disperses cold and dehumidification, replenishes the right kidney life, and stops diarrhea." ”

Method: Take 6 grams of Sichuan pepper, 3 grams of nutmeg, and decoction in water to extract the juice. 1 dose per day for 1~5 days.

Nutmeg is a common spice and medicinal material, also known as flesh fruit and jade fruit, which has the effect of warming the intestines and eliminating qi and appetite, and is often used to treat deficiency and diarrhea, cold diarrhea, cold pain in the abdomen, vomiting and so on. This prescription can warm up, dry dampness, stop diarrhea, and can also cure children's cold and dampness in summer, wind cold and diarrhea. If the symptoms do not improve after taking this formula, please seek medical attention promptly.

Sichuan pepper water: cures mouse hands

The scientific name for "mouse hand" is carpal tunnel syndrome. If you have a "mouse hand", not only will the wrist joint swell and the finger movement will not be active, but in severe cases, the pain will also extend to the arms, shoulders and neck.

At this time, you may want to try soaking your hands in pepper water.

Method: Take the appropriate Sichuan pepper, decoction with water, let it cool to a temperature that your hands can accept, soak and scrub.

Sichuan pepper can dissipate cold in warmth, and the volatile oil contained in it also has the effect of anesthesia and pain relief, so it can relieve the pain of the "mouse hand" to a certain extent.

Hot compress of Sichuan pepper: treatment of frequent urination in the elderly

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that yang qi deficiency is one of the primary factors that induce frequent urination and urgency in the elderly.

The elderly can prepare some large grains of salt, pepper and ingredients, put them in the microwave oven to heat them, then take them out and wrap them in gauze, and apply them to the navel and Guan Yuan acupoint (3 inches below the umbilicus) at an acceptable temperature.

A handful of peppercorns, seven kinds of medicines, drive away the dampness, dissipate cold and stasis

Note: The elderly feel sluggish, the salt pack should not be overheated, and the hot compress time should not be too long, and the application site can be slightly heated to avoid low temperature burns. If you accidentally have a low temperature burn, please seek medical attention in time, and it is not advisable to deal with it yourself.

Sichuan pepper is selected like this

Sichuan pepper can be divided into two kinds according to the color of the skin: one is the red pepper with dark red skin, which is the pepper we usually use; One is green peppercorns, which are still green-green or green-yellow even after the peel has been dried.

Whether it is red pepper or green peppercorn, the quality is good, and the appearance is dry and oily. Red peppercorns should be selected with red color, no stems, fine skin, uniform particles, and few open seeds; Green peppercorns should be selected with green color, thick skin, strong aroma and no impurities.

A handful of peppercorns, seven kinds of medicines, drive away the dampness, dissipate cold and stasis


It mainly depends on the color of the pepper, the size of the peppercorns, the number of openings and whether there are impurities. The red peppercorns are white on the inside, and the dyed red peppercorns are not white on the inside.

Dried peppercorns make a rustling sound when pinched. In addition, when putting back the pepper after pinching, and then observing the palm, you can check whether the pepper contains more marl impurities.


Good quality peppercorns have a natural aroma, not a mildew or other miscellaneous taste. Grab some with your hands, hold them in the palm of your hand for a while, and then smell the back of your hand instead of your palm, if you can feel the aroma of pepper on the back of your hand, it means that the quality of pepper is good.


Take a grain of pepper casually, bite it open gently with your teeth, then touch it with the tip of your tongue, and then bite a few times and spit it out, and then carefully figure out whether this pepper has a bitter taste, astringency and other abnormal tastes.

It is best to seal and store the peppercorns that you buy home, so as not to affect the use effect after the color and taste are lost.

Copyright Notice

This article is synthesized from the Internet, recommended and published by Yunnan Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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