
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it
One thing drops one thing, I didn't expect it, it turned out that beriberi was most afraid of peppercorns, and I increased my knowledge, so I collected it

In a remote village in ancient times, people lived a simple and peaceful life. However, there is an unspeakable secret in this village – beriberi. Beriberi is very common in this village, and patients are often unable to work and live normally due to itching and pain in their feet, which has become a pain in their hearts.

There was a young man named Li Ming in the village, who was smart, studious, and kind-hearted. Seeing that the villagers were suffering from beriberi, Li Ming made up his mind to find a cure for beriberi. He sought medical advice, but could not find an effective cure.

One day, when Li Ming was collecting medicine in the mountains, he happened to hear a conversation with an old man. The old man said, "You know what? Sichuan peppercorns are a magical thing, not only for flavoring, but also for treating beriberi. Li Ming's heart moved after hearing this, he knew that pepper was not uncommon in the village, but he had never heard that it could cure beriberi. So, he decided to try it out for himself.

Li Ming returned home, took some peppercorns, and boiled them to soak his feet according to the method the old man said. At first, he didn't feel much change, but after persevering for a while, he found that his beriberi had actually improved. He was overjoyed and immediately told the villagers the good news.

However, some people in the village did not believe Li Ming's words. They thought Li Ming was talking nonsense, and some even ridiculed him for being whimsical. Li Ming was not discouraged by this, and he firmly believed that his findings were correct. In order to prove that peppercorns could cure beriberi, he decided to treat those patients himself.

Li Ming began to run around to treat villagers suffering from beriberi. He patiently explained to them the miraculous effects of Sichuan pepper and soaked their feet himself. As time passed, more and more patients began to believe Li Ming's words and came to seek medical treatment.

Under Li Ming's treatment, many people have been cured of beriberi. They were grateful and praised Li Ming as the miracle doctor in the village. As a result, Li Ming's fame spread throughout the village, and even attracted patients from other places to seek medical treatment.

However, just when Li Ming's career was booming, a bully named Zhang Caizhu was eyeing him. Zhang Caizhu took a fancy to Li Ming's business of treating beriberi and wanted to take his prescription. He sent his men to threaten Li Ming, demanding that he hand over the prescription. Li Ming was well aware of the evil deeds of the rich man Zhang and resolutely refused to give in.

A fierce conflict erupted in the village. Zhang's men besieged Li Ming's home in an attempt to forcibly snatch the prescription. However, with the support of the villagers, Li Ming bravely stood up and launched a fierce struggle with them. After a fierce battle, Li Ming finally defeated Zhang Caizhu's men and protected his prescription.

This conflict has made Li Ming more deeply aware of the power of unity. He understands that only by working together can the forces of evil be defeated. As a result, he began to work harder to treat beriberi, and at the same time actively spread health knowledge and raise the health awareness of the villagers.

Over time, beriberi in the village was gradually brought under control. The lives of the villagers have also become better. They are grateful for the hope and health that Li Ming has brought to them, and regard him as a hero in the village. Li Ming also deeply realized the truth of "one thing descends one thing", and he understood that as long as he discovers and uses the magical power of nature with his heart, he can overcome all kinds of difficulties in life.

The story has been passed down in the village and has become an eternal legend. It tells people that when facing difficulties and challenges, we must face and overcome them bravely; At the same time, we should also cherish and make use of the resources that nature has given us, so that they can become our strength to overcome difficulties.

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