
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me
Once people have a barrier, they really can't get close, don't ask why, life tells me

In ancient times, there was a village called Taoyuan, where the villagers lived in harmony like family. However, in this seemingly perfect village, there is a hidden past.

The two young people in the village, Li Hao and Zhao Xuan, have been friends since childhood, growing up together, learning martial arts together, and working in the fields together. Their friendship is deep and unmatched. However, as time passed, a small thing quietly planted the seeds of estrangement between them.

It was a sunny spring day, and Li Hao and Zhao Xuan went hunting in the mountains together. While chasing a hare, the two accidentally get separated. When Li Hao finally found Zhao Xuan, he found that he was holding a rare herb in his hand - this herb was a life-saving thing that a seriously ill old man in the village urgently needed. Li Hao's heart tightened, thinking that if he brought this herb back to the village, the old man's condition would be alleviated. However, he also understood that this herb meant a lot to Zhao Xuan, because he had made a wish beside it.

Li Hao hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to explain the situation to Zhao Xuan, hoping that he could give up the herbs. However, Zhao Xuan resolutely refused, believing that this herb was a testimony of his wish and could not be easily given to others. The two had an argument because of this, and although Li Hao still got the herb in the end, the friendship between the two was cracked because of it.

Since that day, although Li Hao and Zhao Xuan live in the same village, they have less and less communication with each other. They no longer hunt and work together, and even their daily greetings are rusty. The other villagers noticed the change between the two and persuaded them to let go of the estrangement in their hearts, but the two could not let go.

Time flies, and years have passed in the blink of an eye. The old man in the village recovered as usual because of the timely treatment of that herb, but the estrangement between Li Hao and Zhao Xuan became more and more serious. They began to distance themselves from each other and even argued on some occasions. The elders in the village were anxious in their eyes, and they knew that this friendship meant a lot to the two of them, and if they could not resolve the estrangement, it would definitely affect their lives.

One day, a grand celebration was held in the village, and artists from neighboring villages were invited to perform. At the celebration, Li Hao and Zhao Xuan were arranged to perform a lion dance in the same group. They need to cooperate with each other on a high platform to complete a series of difficult movements. However, due to the estrangement between the two, they frequently made mistakes during the rehearsal process, and even almost had an accident.

In the interval between rehearsals, Li Hao looked at Zhao Xuan's indifferent back, and an inexplicable sentimentality surged in his heart. He recalled the happy times the two had spent together, and he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart. He realized that the friendship was too precious to them to give up because of a momentary dispute.

So, on the night of the celebration, Li Hao plucked up the courage to find Zhao Xuan. He apologized to Zhao Xuan and admitted that he didn't do enough in the things of the year. He candidly expressed his cherishing friendship and his desire to get back together. Zhao Xuan was silent for a moment after hearing this, and finally expressed his remorse and determination to get back together.

At that moment, the estrangement between the two finally dissipated. They hugged each other tightly, as if they wanted to pour out their thoughts and grievances for many years. The rest of the villagers applauded and cheered for them, rejoicing that their friendship had been reconciled.

After the celebration, Li Hao and Zhao Xuan returned home together. They sat on the stone steps in front of the house, looking at the bright stars in the night sky, and their hearts were full of emotion. They understand a truth: the estrangement between people is often caused by temporary misunderstandings and disputes, but as long as both parties are willing to be honest with each other and let go of the obsession in their hearts, they can resolve the estrangement and get back together.

Since then, Li Hao and Zhao Xuan have become friends who talk about everything again. They worked together, hunted together, and shared the joys and sorrows of life. Their friendship is as resilient as the herb in the village, and it is as green as ever.

This story tells us a profound truth: once people have a barrier, they really can't get close. However, as long as we are willing to let go of our obsessions, be honest with each other, and cherish our friendship, we can overcome our estrangement and reconcile. On the road of life, we will encounter many difficulties and challenges, but as long as we maintain a kind heart, bravely face all difficulties, and cherish every emotion around us, we can create a beautiful life of our own.

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