
Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Teacher Wu, your blood pressure is high again!"

The doctor frowned, looking at the examination report that was not optimistic, and his tone was a little helpless. Ms. Wu, whose real name is Wu Daqing, is a retired primary school Chinese teacher who is over 60 years old. As a northerner, he has loved those pasta dishes all his life: steamed buns, noodles, pancakes...... You name the northern noodle food, he can make a version that you will admire.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

But this hobby seems helpless in the face of years and health. As he grew older, Mr. Wu's weight slowly increased, and high blood pressure and high blood lipids also followed.

On this day, Mr. Wu came to the hospital because he had recently felt physically exhausted and was out of breath after walking a few steps. After examination, the doctor found that Mr. Wu's heart rate was slightly abnormal and fast, which was a sign that the heart was under too much pressure.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

"Looking at this ECG, your heartbeat seems to be a little irregular. It has a lot to do with your eating habits. The doctor took the electrocardiogram and pointed to the waveform on the graph, while carefully explaining it to Mr. Wu. The waveform on the ECG is like an undulating mountain, with abnormal peaks from time to time, indicating potential risks.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

"Daqing, the noodles you usually eat, especially the processed pasta, have a very high salt content. Add to that the fried foods you love, and it's a burden on your blood vessels and heart. The doctor went on to say that he pulled out a diet suggestion sheet from a drawer, detailing the foods that Mr. Wu needed to avoid.

Teacher Wu took the piece of paper with some reluctance, his brow furrowed, obviously feeling very difficult to change his eating habits for many years. "But I've been eating like this all my life, and now it's really hard for me to change it."

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

The doctor smiled and patted Mr. Wu's shoulder, and his tone was gentle but firm: "Daqing, I understand your feelings. But for the sake of your health, we have to make some adjustments. ”

"You can try replacing plain white flour with whole wheat flour, which can not only lower the glycemic index (GI) of food, but also increase your fiber intake, which is better for your body. In addition, reducing the frying process of food and switching to steaming or boiling can also greatly reduce the burden on your heart. ”

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

After listening to the doctor's advice, Mr. Wu was silent. "It's going to be a little hard, but I know it's important to me." He nodded in agreement, his eyes revealing determination to try these new health methods.

"Also, I recommend that you measure your blood pressure and heart rate every day, and if there is anything abnormal, let me know immediately." The doctor handed Mr. Wu a small blood pressure monitor, which can help him better monitor his physical condition.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

Mr. Wu took the blood pressure monitor and felt the care and professionalism of the doctor. He knew in his heart that although it was a long journey to adjust his lifestyle and improve his eating habits, it would be worth it in order to be able to share the joy of family life. As Mr. Wu stepped out of the consultation room, he silently made a decision in his heart: from today onwards, he would embark on a new path of health.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

Half a year has passed in a flash, and although Mr. Wu has tried to adjust his eating habits and reduce his pasta intake according to the doctor's advice, changing his eating pattern for many years is not something that happens overnight. On this day, he stepped into the hospital again, and his heart was full of apprehension.

When he arrived at the hospital, Mr. Wu first did a series of basic physical examinations, and then waited for a consultation with a cardiologist. Soon, the doctor walked in with his test results, and the expression on his face made Mr. Wu feel that something was not right.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

"Teacher Wu, we found that some of your indicators are not normal." There was a hint of seriousness in the doctor's voice, "After further examination, we have confirmed that you have coronary heart disease. "Hearing this diagnosis, Mr. Wu's heart felt like he had been hit with a hammer, and he couldn't believe his ears." Coronary heart disease? But I've tried my best to cut back on pasta and improve my diet. ”

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

The doctor nodded, motioned for Mr. Wu to sit down, and began to explain in detail: "The formation of coronary heart disease is not an overnight thing, it is the result of long-term eating habits, lifestyle and genetic factors. ”

"Although you have started to adjust your diet, which is very helpful in controlling the disease, the process of lesions is gradual and cumulative, and we need to do more to control and reverse these changes."

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

The doctor took out Mr. Wu's cardiac ultrasound report, pointed to some data and images on the screen, and explained in detail: "Look here, this is your heart artery, and you can see the accumulation of plaque on the artery wall, which is the manifestation of arteriosclerosis." These plaques can affect blood flow, which in turn increases the burden on the heart and causes various heart diseases. ”

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

"So, even though you've reduced your pasta intake, we need to adjust further. It's not just carbohydrates that are part of pasta, it's often processed with more salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats, all of which contribute to heart disease. ”

After hearing this, Mr. Wu felt both frustrated and helpless. He frowned, thinking, "So what else can I do besides continue to cut down on pasta?" ”

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

The doctor gave him an encouraging look and said, "We can try a few angles to improve your health." Let's start with dietary adjustments, such as eating more whole grains and legumes, which are good things that are high in fiber and can help you control your cholesterol. Secondly, regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging or swimming, is also very important, which can help improve cardiovascular function. ”

"One more thing, we need to check your heart and blood pressure frequently to see if there is anything that needs to be adjusted to the medication." The doctor developed a detailed treatment plan for Mr. Wu and arranged a follow-up schedule.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

Mr. Wu nodded silently, he knew that this was a protracted battle that required constant effort and adjustment. Over the next few months, he followed his doctor's advice to focus more on eating healthier, gradually incorporating more whole grains and legumes into his daily diet, and began regular walks and swimming.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

Mr. Wu's lifestyle has indeed changed significantly. He began replacing traditional white flour products with oats and brown rice, walking at least 5,000 steps a day and learning how to cook low-salt, low-fat foods. As these changes progressed, he felt a lot more relaxed and breathed much more smoothly than before.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

However, changing your diet and starting exercise is only part of the treatment. Management of coronary heart disease also requires psychological and emotional adjustments. Ms. Wu joined the hospital's cardiology patient support group and began to share her experiences and feelings with other patients. There, he heard many stories similar to his situation, which made him feel that he was not alone.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

Over time, the data in the follow-up inspection showed significant improvement. His heart has stabilized and his blood pressure has slowly returned to normal. The doctor praised his progress, but also reminded him that the management of coronary heart disease is a long-term process and there can be no slack.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

During this medical journey, Mr. Wu not only learned how to manage his illness, but also realized the importance of a healthy lifestyle. He began to take the initiative to promote his findings to friends and family, especially those who also had heart problems.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

"You know what? Changing our diet and increasing exercise can really go a long way in improving our health. Teacher Wu excitedly shared his experience at a party, "I feel much better now, I don't breathe when I walk, and even the doctor said that my heart function is much better than half a year ago." ”

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

His words are full of gratitude and hope, and they encourage others to start paying attention to their lifestyles, especially dietary adjustments. He knew that all this change, although it was initially for his own health, eventually affected the lives of those around him.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

As doctors say, although coronary heart disease is a long-term challenge, it can be effectively managed with continuous efforts. Mr. Wu feels that he has not only been healed physically, but also his attitude and values towards life have been reshaped. He cherishes every day more, cares more about the people around him, and is more enthusiastic about spreading the concept of healthy life.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

For Mr. Wu, this experience is not only a battle against the disease, but also a profound change in the concept of life. He knew that in the days to come, he would continue to live this way of life, not only for himself, but also for the people he loved.

Mr. Wu's life has gradually stepped onto the right track, and he has become more meticulous about his diet and living habits. While continuing to have regular check-ups and manage his coronary heart disease, Mr. Wu began to think more about the impact of diet on heart health.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

During a regular return visit, Mr. Wu came to the hospital with some questions and was ready to consult the doctor. He already understood the effect of pasta on him, but he also wanted to know if there were any staple foods besides pasta that would be bad for his heart.

When the doctor saw Mr. Wu, he greeted him with a smile. "Mr. Wu, you seem to be in good shape! Have a new question or need help? ”

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

"Yes, doctor. I have reduced my pasta intake as guided, but I would like to know what other foods besides pasta are there that we people with heart disease should avoid? Teacher Wu asked, his tone inquisitive and serious.

The doctor nodded, guided Mr. Wu to sit down, and then began to explain seriously: "In addition to pasta, there are indeed other staple foods that are not very friendly to heart health, especially for patients with coronary heart disease like you. First of all, you have to eat less refined white rice. White rice is low in fiber, which can easily lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar, and long-term consumption will increase the burden on the heart. ”

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

"Now let's talk about staple foods that are too much sugary, like those sweet breads, and all kinds of tempting desserts. Not only do these things have a lot of sugar, but sometimes they also carry trans fats, which is really unfriendly to the cardiovascular system. ”

"Finally, I would also like to mention fried foods, including fried potato chips, fried chicken, etc. While these are not exactly staple foods, many people will consume them as staple foods. The type and amount of fats in these foods are very heart-friendly. ”

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

Mr. Wu listened carefully and nodded his head from time to time, and he began to realize that simply reducing the intake of pasta was not enough, and a more comprehensive diet adjustment was the key.

Seeing Mr. Wu's serious attitude, the doctor added some suggestions for daily protection of heart and blood vessel health: "In your daily diet, I suggest that you can consume more foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as deep-sea fish. ”

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

"These foods can help lower blood lipids and improve heart health. Don't forget to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, which are rich in antioxidants and fiber, which are especially good for keeping your blood vessels healthy. ”

"In addition, it is very important to maintain an appropriate weight and regular physical activity. Being too heavy or underweight can increase the risk of heart disease, so it's important to exercise in moderation to help strengthen the heart and blood vessels. ”

The above stories are pseudonyms, I wish you all good health.

Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

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Can you eat pasta with a bad heart? Doctor Warning: To be heart-healthy, eat less 3 foods!

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