
Can't eat pasta if you have heart disease? Doctor warning: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you should eat less 3 foods

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Don't look at me so thin, I can eat three bowls of noodles in one meal!" Zhang Wei said.

There was a hint of frustration in his laughter, as the doctor had just told him that after he had a heart attack, he needed to adjust his eating habits, especially to reduce his pasta intake.

Can't eat pasta if you have heart disease? Doctor warning: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you should eat less 3 foods

Zhang Wei's story begins one afternoon, when he is enjoying his leisure time at home. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

His family took him to the nearest hospital, where doctors diagnosed him with early heart disease and warned him that certain dietary habits needed to be changed immediately after he had heart disease.

Can't eat pasta if you have heart disease? Doctor warning: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you should eat less 3 foods

The doctor explained that it is not only the fat and salt intake that people with heart disease need to pay special attention to, but also some seemingly harmless foods, such as pasta.

Pasta can easily cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, and long-term excessive consumption may also increase the burden on the heart. And Zhang Wei is the kind of person who loves noodles very much, whether it is ramen, pasta or home-style fried noodles, they are his favorites.

Can't eat pasta if you have heart disease? Doctor warning: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you should eat less 3 foods

In addition to pasta, doctors also mentioned two other foods that are not good for people with heart disease: red meat and high-sugar drinks. The high cholesterol in red meat increases the risk of heart disease, while high-sugar drinks can cause blood sugar fluctuations, which is extremely detrimental for people who already have heart problems.

In the process of adjusting his diet, Zhang Wei found that many of the alternatives were actually delicious. For example, he can replace regular refined pasta with whole-wheat pasta, which not only provides more fiber, but also helps him better control his blood sugar.

Can't eat pasta if you have heart disease? Doctor warning: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you should eat less 3 foods

At the same time, he began to increase his intake of fish and legumes, which are good options for heart health. Doctors also put special emphasis on one healthy food – nuts.

Zhang Wei asked: "Doctor, you said that nuts are good for the heart, but why is the fat in nuts good for the heart, while some other high-fat foods are bad?" ”

Can't eat pasta if you have heart disease? Doctor warning: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you should eat less 3 foods

The doctor replied: "This is because the fats in nuts are mainly unsaturated fats. Nuts also contain antioxidants, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. ”

Zhang Wei slowly understood that a healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight, but needs to be constantly adjusted and improved in daily life. Since then, he has become more focused on food choices, trying to satisfy his love of food in healthier ways.

Can't eat pasta if you have heart disease? Doctor warning: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you should eat less 3 foods

Doctors have not forgotten to emphasize the importance of exercise. "A balanced diet is the foundation, but with a certain amount of exercise, it works even better," he says. You don't need to exercise very vigorously, but walking briskly for 30 minutes is also great for your heart health. ”

While changing his diet, Zhang Wei also stepped up his exercise and began to do moderate aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking and swimming, as recommended by his doctor. These activities not only helped him improve his heart function, but also made his mood more positive.

Can't eat pasta if you have heart disease? Doctor warning: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you should eat less 3 foods

Over time, Zhang Wei has not only changed a lot in weight and body shape, but his heart function has also become better. He began to enjoy this new way of life, no longer feeling like a forced change, but taking responsibility for the improvement of his quality of life and his health.

After an examination, Zhang Wei asked curiously: "Doctor, my lifestyle has changed now, is it possible to completely reverse the condition of heart disease?" ”

Can't eat pasta if you have heart disease? Doctor warning: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you should eat less 3 foods

"Heart disease is a chronic disease that cannot be completely cured in medicine, but through continuous lifestyle changes and proper medical management, the condition can be effectively controlled and the risk of recurrence and other complications can be reduced," the doctor replied. The change you have now is one of the most effective ways to fight heart disease. ”

These words made Zhang Wei feel both relieved and motivated, knowing that even if his condition could not be completely reversed, his efforts could still bring about significant improvements in quality of life.

Can't eat pasta if you have heart disease? Doctor warning: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you should eat less 3 foods

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Can't eat pasta if you have heart disease? Doctor warning: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you should eat less 3 foods

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