
Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Wang Daming was lying on the bed, with a dull pain in his abdomen.

The pain had been going on for months, but he hadn't paid attention to it, always thinking that it was just an ordinary stomach ache that could be relieved by drinking some milk.

Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily

One morning, when the stomach pain struck again, he finally decided to go to the hospital. After listening to Wang Daming's description, Dr. Li shook his head gently, as if he was a little helpless about his self-treatment method.

"You say you like to drink milk for stomach pain, but it's not a good choice." "Although milk is highly nutritious, it is not the best choice for some people with stomach problems. ”

Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily

"Not only milk, but also some other beverages, such as carbonated drinks and coffee, are also very stimulating. ”

Dr. Lee points out in detail the potential dangers of these drinks to stomach health. The incidence of gastritis and gastric ulcers was significantly higher in people who regularly consumed these three beverages than in those who avoided these drinks.

Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily

Wang Daming asked, "Then what should I do?" Dr. Lee replied, "Change your eating habits." Reduce your intake of stimulant beverages and drink more mild beverages, such as warm water or sugar-free herbal teas. Don't overeat. ”

Dr. Lee also recommends several recipes for people with stomach upsets and stresses the importance of regular check-ups. He explained that many stomach diseases are difficult to detect in the early stages, and only through regular check-ups can problems be detected in time.

Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily

Wang Daming realized that without a healthy body, everything is empty talk. He is also grateful to Dr. Lee for his professional guidance, which enabled him to avoid possible more serious health problems.

One day a few months later, Wang Daming came to the clinic again and said to Dr. Li with a smile on his face: "Doctor, I feel much better now, but I still have a question, I usually like to exercise, I don't know what I should pay attention to before and after exercise to protect my stomach?" ”

Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily

"Exercise is a good habit, but to protect your stomach health, don't eat immediately before or after exercising, especially don't eat greasy or spicy foods," says Dr Lee. You can drink some mild drinks after exercise to help with digestion, and it's best to wait 30 minutes after exercise to eat. ”

After changing his diet and lifestyle habits, Wang Daming's stomach pain symptoms were not only controlled, but his overall health status also improved significantly.

Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily

A week later, with a new understanding of health management, Wang Daming went to Dr. Lee's clinic again to learn more about how to maintain a healthy stomach.

"Da Ming, many of the traditional concepts you cared about before are right, but some are also misunderstood. Today I would like to introduce you to a drink that is very beneficial for stomach health - pear juice. Dr. Lee said.

Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily

"Pears are rich in water and fiber, which not only help digestion but also lower stomach acid. What's more, the fructose and glucose in pears can help regulate the stomach environment and relieve stomach discomfort. Dr. Lee said.

Wang Daming: He never thought that ordinary pears would have such an effect. He carefully jotted down the information provided by Dr. Li and asked for some specific ways to make pear juice and when to drink it.

Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily

Dr. Lee advises him: "It's best to choose fresh pears and juice them yourself." You can have a drink at breakfast to not only give you enough energy to start the day, but also help your stomach adjust to its best. ”

Wang Daming suddenly thought of a question: "Doctor Li, I heard that drinking pear juice can also relieve cough and clear heat, is this true?" If so, can I drink more pear juice when I have a cold? ”

Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily

Dr. Lee replied, "Indeed, pears have a good effect of clearing away heat and removing fire, moisturizing dryness and relieving cough. However, people with cold physique should drink in moderation during the cold period. Still, for the common cold, proper pear juice is beneficial. ”

Wang Daming: He now has a better understanding of how to use everyday ingredients to maintain health. He went home with a lot of confidence and advice, ready to incorporate this new knowledge into his life in the hope of improving and uplifting his health.

Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily

What do you think about drinking less milk for a bad stomach? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Should you drink less milk if you have a bad stomach? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't take these 3 types of water into your mouth easily