
Are eggs the "fuse" of high blood pressure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, try to eat as little as possible

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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That day, Liu Qiang walked into the outpatient room of the hospital, his face was not very good, and he was about to sweat.

"Doctor Li Suhe, I have been dizzy recently, my blood pressure is always uncontrollable, and I ate two eggs every morning, could this be the reason?" Liu Qiang asked.

Are eggs the "fuse" of high blood pressure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, try to eat as little as possible

Dr. Li Suhe replied: "Mr. Liu, although eggs are nutritious, they do need a moderate amount for patients with high blood pressure. However, in addition to eggs, there are several other foods that need to be restricted. ”

Liu Qiang usually has a lot of work pressure, because he needs to go out early and return late, he often eats at roadside stalls, and greasy food is necessary for every meal. "Particular attention is paid to salt." "The sodium in salt will cause you to drink more water, which will increase the pressure on your heart and increase your blood pressure. It is very necessary to keep the daily sodium intake below 5 grams. ”

Are eggs the "fuse" of high blood pressure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, try to eat as little as possible

Dr. Li Suhe mentioned another problem: "Pickled food." Preserved foods are not only high in salt, but also contain a lot of additives, which are not good for cardiovascular health. ”

"Animal offal." Dr. Li continued, "Although animal offal is highly nutritious, it is also rich in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, which can increase cardiovascular stress. Especially for patients with high blood pressure and heart disease, it should be avoided as much as possible. ”

Are eggs the "fuse" of high blood pressure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, try to eat as little as possible

Liu Qiang asked another question: "In addition to paying attention to diet, are there any good lifestyle recommendations?" "Regular physical activity is also crucial. Consistent moderate-intensity exercise can be of great benefit to people with high blood pressure. ”

Liu Qiang asked, "Then how should I change my diet?" Dr. Lee replied, "It is recommended that you eat more vegetables, whole grains and low-fat meats. Not only do these foods provide a wealth of nutrients, but they also help you manage your weight and blood pressure. Also, try using spices and herbs to replace salt and reduce sodium intake. ”

Are eggs the "fuse" of high blood pressure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, try to eat as little as possible

Liu Qiang asked another question: "Doctor Li Suhe, I still have a question, that is, I usually work under pressure, will this also affect my blood pressure?" ”

Dr. Li Suhe replied: "It is true that prolonged psychological stress can cause the body to release too many hormones, which can cause blood vessels to constrict, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure. I recommend some relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or a simple walk. ”

Are eggs the "fuse" of high blood pressure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, try to eat as little as possible

Liu Qiang understood that if he wanted to live a healthy life, it was not enough to rely on Li Suhe's treatment alone, but more importantly, it was necessary to start from daily life and change those bad lifestyles.

After Liu Qiang returned home, he decided to record his diet and blood pressure every day, hoping to visually see the effect of food on his blood pressure through this method. After a few weeks, he noticed that his blood pressure had indeed dropped, which gave him confidence in adjusting his diet.

Are eggs the "fuse" of high blood pressure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, try to eat as little as possible

Liu Qiang also noticed a phenomenon: after he began to gradually reduce his coffee intake, the fluctuations in blood pressure also decreased. Originally, he had to drink at least three or four cups of coffee a day to stay refreshed, but now he tried to switch to green tea.

At the follow-up visit, Dr. Li Suhe said: "Everyone has a different sensitivity to caffeine, and moderate consumption may not have much effect on some people, but for patients with high blood pressure, it is a very wise choice to control coffee intake as much as possible." ”

Are eggs the "fuse" of high blood pressure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, try to eat as little as possible

"Green tea, on the other hand, also contains caffeine, but in much smaller amounts, and the antioxidants in green tea, such as catechins, are beneficial for the cardiovascular system."

Liu Qiang asked: "Doctor Li Suhe, I saw some articles on the Internet saying that drinking milk before bed can also help lower blood pressure, is this true?" ”

Are eggs the "fuse" of high blood pressure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, try to eat as little as possible

Dr. Li Suhe replied: "Milk contains calcium and potassium, both of which are factors that improve blood pressure. Calcium can help vasodilation and maintain the normal function of blood vessels. However, it is healthier to choose low-fat or fat-free milk. ”

Liu Qiang decided to try the method of drinking milk at night. He now understands better that a healthy lifestyle requires many adjustments, and that every small change can lead to the big improvements he wants.

Are eggs the "fuse" of high blood pressure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, try to eat as little as possible

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Are eggs the "fuse" of high blood pressure? The doctor reminds: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, try to eat as little as possible

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