
Can eating fish improve osteoporosis? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to get old and have backache and leg pain, you can eat more of these 3 things

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Ah, that fish soup is so delicious!"

Li Dafeng wiped his mouth, his eyes were full of satisfaction, as a fisherman living in a coastal town, he couldn't do without seafood every day. No, I just talked to the guys on the boat, and I heard that eating fish can improve osteoporosis, which made him very happy, because he himself loves to eat fish.

Can eating fish improve osteoporosis? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to get old and have backache and leg pain, you can eat more of these 3 things

In fact, Li Dafeng is in his early fifties, and although he still seems to be energetic, he still occasionally comes to his door with back pain. After hearing this, he went straight to the hospital early the next morning and found his old friend, Dr. Chen, who is also a well-known old doctor.

Doctor Chen listened to Li Dafeng's words, smiled and shook his head, "Dafeng, eating fish does have many benefits, but about osteoporosis, it is not that eating fish can be solved once and for all. ”

Can eating fish improve osteoporosis? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to get old and have backache and leg pain, you can eat more of these 3 things

In Dr. Chen's office, the two sat together, and Dr. Chen explained in detail the relationship between eating fish and osteoporosis. He says fish is rich in high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for bone health, and omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce bone loss and therefore help prevent osteoporosis.

Can eating fish improve osteoporosis? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to get old and have backache and leg pain, you can eat more of these 3 things

But Dr. Chen didn't stop there, and went on to introduce three other foods that are particularly good for bone health: dairy products, legumes and green leafy vegetables.

The first is dairy products. Dairy products are one of the best sources of calcium, which is the basic element that makes up bones. Adults need about 1,000 mg of calcium per day, while a glass of milk can provide about 300 mg. Dr. Chan especially recommends low-fat or fat-free dairy products to reduce excessive saturated fat intake.

Can eating fish improve osteoporosis? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to get old and have backache and leg pain, you can eat more of these 3 things

This is followed by legumes. Soybeans in beans are especially recommended because they are rich in isoflavones, which are similar in structure to estrogen and can help protect bones and reduce bone loss. Plus, legumes are a good source of protein, which can provide essential nutrients to support bone health.

Can eating fish improve osteoporosis? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to get old and have backache and leg pain, you can eat more of these 3 things

Finally, leafy greens. Leafy greens, especially spinach and kale, are rich in vitamin K, which is essential for bone health. Vitamin K not only contributes to bone formation, but also reduces the risk of fractures.

Can eating fish improve osteoporosis? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to get old and have backache and leg pain, you can eat more of these 3 things

"In addition to diet, regular physical activity, such as walking, dancing or swimming, can help maintain bone strength." Dr. Chen said as he took down a few books on nutrition and exercise from the bookshelf and showed them to Li Dafeng.

And just like that, a long conversation about food and bone health began in this small consultation room. Li Dafeng listened with relish, and asked many questions about each food, and Dr. Chen patiently answered them one by one.

Can eating fish improve osteoporosis? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to get old and have backache and leg pain, you can eat more of these 3 things

Towards the end of the conversation, Li Dafeng asked a question about his backache: "Doctor Chen, can my backache be improved by eating these?" ”

Dr. Chen smiled and replied, "Of course, diet is important, but backache may also be related to your body position and long hours of work. You can try to do proper stretching and waist strengthening exercises between work. ”

Can eating fish improve osteoporosis? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to get old and have backache and leg pain, you can eat more of these 3 things

"At the same time, getting a good night's sleep and reducing long periods of single-position work are also helpful in improving lower back pain." He also found Li Dafeng's previous examination records from the medical records, proving that the problem of his waist did require comprehensive treatment.

Subsequently, Dr. Chen also formulated a health plan for Li Dafeng, including diet and exercise, hoping to help him improve his overall bone health, thereby reducing the problem of back pain and leg pain. Li Dafeng nodded with satisfaction, thanked Dr. Chen for his suggestion, and agreed to discuss the effect of the implementation plan next time.

Can eating fish improve osteoporosis? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to get old and have backache and leg pain, you can eat more of these 3 things

What do you think about eating fish? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Can eating fish improve osteoporosis? Doctor's advice: If you don't want to get old and have backache and leg pain, you can eat more of these 3 things