
Yishu "We Are Not Angels", the most memorable 25 sentences, forget the past, and strive for the future

author:A algae reads


Qiu Yu and Qiu Qing, who live in the Kowloon Walled City, are half-siblings, and because they are the illegitimate daughters of the dancers, they are born to suffer from people's scorn and social exclusion.

After her mother fell ill, her sister Qiu Yu returned to her mother's old business, took on the heavy responsibility of supporting the family, and finally died of death; while her sister Qiu Qing understood the cold world and the hardships of survival from an early age, and finally gained a stable economic foundation through hard work.

In this novel, Yishu is still constantly repeating the theme of her writing - how should a woman be self-reliant and self-reliant and live happily in a complex living environment?

The story says: You must be better than me, you are smarter than me, you are learned, and you don't love anyone. This sentence is probably the most powerful, we are not angels, so we can survive in the purgatory of the world.

Women are most likely to be confused by the word "love", and Yi Shu has always told women in the world with her brushstrokes that fiery love for herself is the most important thing in this life.

Below, excerpts from the book's 25 sentences, and join you in savoring the author's spicy, penetrating sentences that penetrate the depths of the soul.

Yishu "We Are Not Angels", the most memorable 25 sentences, forget the past, and strive for the future

1, the heroine's encounter in the play is actually not worse than their mother and daughter, but life drags on for decades, day by day, no matter how sad it will be diluted, the play is condensed in dozens of minutes, touching.

The cinema is a great place to escape from reality.

As soon as the lights came on, it was over.

2, there is another kind of girls, she has seen them, beautiful, the living environment is too perfect, so that their intelligence forever lingers in a certain stage. They lived in snow-white houses, slept on snow-white lace bedspreads, lived a simple white life, married and had children, and wept for a little frustration, so that the white paper was never colored.

3, what I want to fight for, is not the boyfriend, he can't save me, only I can save myself.

Yishu "We Are Not Angels", the most memorable 25 sentences, forget the past, and strive for the future

4, she is here leisurely, the environment and her, blended together, regardless of each other, she feels safe, comfortable, self-reliant in being a real person, love silence is silent, love negative gas is negative, are at ease, affordable.

5. All explanations are just false excuses, what good does it sound?

The default, but not pay attention to this date, how to explain?

6, the future is more important than the past, who you are more important than who he is.

7, my shining talent is not affected by any factors.

8) "You have never complained about suffering. ”

"I don't remember very well, unpleasant things, I don't remember very well."

Yishu "We Are Not Angels", the most memorable 25 sentences, forget the past, and strive for the future

9) "I'm sure I owe you a lot." ”

"No, you didn't. I have my gains and losses, you have your gains and losses, you don't owe me, I don't owe you. ”

10, between black and white, there are thousands of deep and light grays.

11, human memory is so strange, loyal to feelings and not faithful to facts.

12. Which industry is not like this? If you can't stand the beating, you will be embarrassed and concede defeat and fall.

13 Every corner of the human is hiding something unseen, regardless of class, and there is evil.

14, people's conscience is not lost, we like to approach the place of birth, we like to go back to death.

15, crying is useless, it is better to laugh and say.

Yishu "We Are Not Angels", the most memorable 25 sentences, forget the past, and strive for the future

16, the soul may be like a soap bubble, the beginning of the shadow is tangible, floating in the air, gradually thinning and weakening, and finally disappeared into the foam.

17, you feel comfortable. Every man has his own faults, each has his own sufferings, and each has his own will.

18, really, when I was a child, I loved everything in a mess... Dolls, new clothes, chocolate candy, New Year's Eve, watching movies... How beautiful the world is, there are no flaws and shortcomings, and it is over after eating a loss and crying.

19 There must always be sacrifice, and no one's happiness can be complete.

20, everyone is only given a skin bag in his lifetime, and he has been entangled with it for decades, and the shell is destroyed, and even the most clever spirit must go with it, and cannot survive alone.

Yishu "We Are Not Angels", the most memorable 25 sentences, forget the past, and strive for the future

21, a woman with a posture, no matter what her identity is nominally, it is actually difficult to avoid the entanglement of the opposite sex.

22. What do you know about the past? The future is always more important than the past.

23, today's world can ignore anyone's life, how big your achievements are, how big you are, who will be nitpicking to see if your life is worthy of your achievements? Even if there are such people, why bother?

24, the biggest problem of men is the lack of security, always want to get married, must force a good lover into a yellow-faced woman, what kind of psychology?

25, take good care of yourself, where to start, where to stop, you have to be accurate, every person says three points is enough.


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